michis05 Member


  • Hey! I am currently using the brooks PureConnect and so far so good! Its only been 3 days, but at cf we ran and did some jump rope stuff and they were very comfy in my opinion. I run a lot and usually do the heavy shoes, but these are so awesome o light!! Hopefully you find something that works for ya!
  • If you are on FB, check out this page https://www.facebook.com/SkinnyCrockPot?ref=ts, I believe they also have a website
    in Crock Pot Comment by michis05 July 2012
  • I am not brave enough to post pics. But if i see some results ill post them! I have done asylum, and i would so recommend it! cant go wrong there! i am currently doing insanity (2month) and BBL. I do love sculpt and tummy tuck (part of BBL) Anyways i will keep trying! And yes its DVD set, part of beacbbody work outs, check…
  • i am on my second week, kinda getting bored of it....i am use to high intensity exercises...like insanity...but i am sticking to BBL...I AM GOING TO FINISH IT!!! I am really hoping i see results, dont have to be dramatic ones, but a little change is good, ya know?
  • must specify it wasnt an actual track..it was a paved road downtown on the river walk that we have....and idk why i kept putting watch i am so sorry i meant my phone. I use runkeer..wow i am delirious!!
  • I will try to do something about it, and apparently running outside makes a huge difference :/ and thanks!!
  • i seriously thought i was booking it!! haha i guess i wasnt it...But on the bright side i won 1st place for my age group..lol im happy but at the same time this whole time thing bothers me, maybe my watch didnt track it right :/ Thanks!!
  • Some one said something about the "outside" and i didnt know what they meant..i ran on the right side of the track, to let people pass me if they need to. I mean its a regular track....it just bothers me!! And my watch makes it worse by saying i ran 6.5 miles lol
  • WOW!! Thanks for letting me know what you do! I will try to change some stuff an hopefully see some changes!
  • I cant show you my diary because i stopped logging in my food since September. I started logging in my food since last night, so i dont know if you will be able to conclude anything with one day.
  • Im a long distance runner, train for marathons here and there mostly. So i run 4 times outta the week 4 miles-13 miles. I will be starting insanity.asylum hybrid. I go for 2 mile walks 5 times a week and hit the gym 3x a week. I dont do strength training at the gym, unless you count insanity/asylum as strength traning. My…
  • Cant do 1200 so thats out of the question, since from the looks of it im not loosing anything..so i guess ill try to make it 1600 (from what MFP came up with) I do love food, but i will try to keep it in moderation of course
  • I have not been logging in my food, but i recently started and i noticed that i barely hit my 1600, I tend to hit 1000-1300, which with all the exercise i do, i think i need more calories than this.
  • Beautiful Monster-Ne-yo Eye of the tiger-Survivor All I Do Is Win-DJ Khaled
  • I am in! i do my half marathon in 2 weeks, then i jump to my full marathon training!
  • im not a personal trainer, but can i have in to your group? :)
  • i use this stuff called physique and its for after work outs. but i use it before and during. I guess as long as you use it you should be good :)
  • you go girl!
  • havent updated or used it since saturday..hopefully its nice to me!
  • Maybe i want something simple now..i was looking through these and..uumm yeah..lol maybe ill look for something that tracks my pace and miles, not to worried about the calories
  • I am too going by what others say works for them, i love runner's world :) I have been running for about 4 years now. Done races here and there, i was in the military so we did ALOT of running. This would be my first half though. I didnt realize how much commitment and discipline you had to put into the training! Even…
  • Anything...from what you eat , how your train..just anything. I am a newbie, so the more i know about things the better! I live in georgia and this humidity is NO JOKE!! Water is my BFF :) I am getting used to it though :)
  • Should have been more clear..actual device. I live in Georgia and there are certain areas that my phone wont get siganl...gggrrr
  • Usually that means burning more calories than you take in This one is a hard one!! I am training for a marathon so I dont tend to do to much, i dont want to hurt myself so i keep it moderate..but there are days where i will burn about 800 cals. but trying to burn more than what i eat..uufff!! good luck michelle!!
  • Thanks!! i Have heard about the back too, which i havent been concentrating in, but ill start doing this!! thanks!
  • Try running, it has helped tone mine up, even walking. give it a try and see if you see any differences :)
  • its ok....we can fix it
  • your silly!
  • thats a good idea too..thanks!!
  • ok i think i understand it better..thanks!! im basically eating some of the calories burned..either way i will make sure i dont let it go below 1200..thanks