5'5" 129lbs. trying to drop body fat. :-/
too high
Sorry that was so chaotic. Just did a weigh in and I'm livid.
About a year ago I had someone measure it with calipers and they estimated 32%. On my impedence scale at home it stays between 24-28%. I just weighed myself....I've been gaining weight, my stomach is no smaller and I'm pissed. I've drastically changed my diet and added in weight training about 2x week. I do cardio about 4x…
Weight isn't really what matters. What matters is your body fat %. I'm 5'5" and around 130lbs, but I'm skinny fat and I hate it.
Way to go! Make sure that this is a lifestyle change, and not a diet! Keep it up! - Future cardiologist
I lost 35 lbs 5 years ago and have kept it off. I decided to make lifestyle changes and slowly lose the weight, rather than going on these "fad" diets or ridiculous exercise programs that are unrealistic to keep up with. I always try to improve my diet by exploring different kinds of food, and strive to exercise at least…
Thanks for all the tips! I'll try eating more eggs, fruit, and veggies!
Also I looked at the picture you copied from another post (in your profile). Please don't try to strive to look like that. That girl had an eating disorder and being that skinny isn't attractive. Focus on being healthy. Please.
Actually, you have it backwards. I don't know what idiot was telling you that. If you lose weight too quickly it will be most likely a lot of muscle and not a lot of fat. Plus you will be more likely to harm your BMR, and gain the weight back because it is really hard to lose that much weight a week (unless you're severely…
that doesn't look like the same person AT ALL. You sure that's you?
I've been measured on the same scale at my personal trainers office. I have the crappy one at home and that is always inaccurate, theirs is accurate. I started running because I didn't have enough time to swim. I started losing body fat when I went from swimming to running. I actually have GAINED muscle and lost fat. I…
I have my dad making comments saying I look "too thin". I'm a size six. I've lost 8lbs in 2 months by exercising 3 days a week and eating 1500-1800calories a day. I'm not starving myself, I'm just keeping myself accountable for what I put in my mouth. I can't stand it when he makes those comments. I have a lot of body fat…
you still need to see a therapist for your eating disorder. and a dietician and pt to help guide you thru the time you gain weight while your body is trying to reset itself
I'm at 1550 and still losing a half pound (without exercise) to a pound (with exercise) a week. I'm thinking about upping it to 1800.
lol. anything that will promise you to lose 10lbs in a week is complete BS. It's not possible unless you're giving birth. seriously, aim to lose a half to a pound a week by eating right and exercising. that way you'll actually lose body mass, and not water. and you will also keep the weight off and not continue to yo yo…
I don't even stick with the 1200 cal goal. I eat 1500-1800 and with 3 days a week of exercise i lose about a pound a week. The reason is because i haven't destroyed my metabolism and i haven't gone into starvation mode. I highly suggest eating at least 1800 cal/day while working out 3 hrs a week to help get your metabolism…
Beef jerky.
I range anywhere from 20-40. I have some days when I'm low but not usually. I tend to get most of my fiber from cereal actually....and I buy those sugary fiber bars. Fruits and veggies are great but I don't eat enough of them for that to be my only source. I love beans...but I don't love how they make me feel a few hours…
I don't because I'm losing the weight slowly. I expect to quit losing weight when my body decides that the weight it is at is desirable.
sushi. beef jerky. i'm serious
Unless you are SEVERELY obese, 6lbs/week is TOO MUCH weight to lose. Most likely you will gain the weight back once you start eating normally again. Those weight loss shows you see on TV are unrealistic...which is why those people tend to gain the weight back more often than not. I'd shoot for 1lb/week, or 2lb/week if…
Depends how hard you were shoveling. if you were stopping to take long breaks then no.
Yup, it's true. I took one once on the way to an 8am class....had to pull over and puke on the side of the road...
I've been to a lot of dieticians.....I hope your NET caloric intake is AT LEAST 1200cal/day. If you're burning 1000 cals/work out then you should be eating AT LEAST 2200 cals/day. Also, I'd shoot for 1lb/week weight loss. If you lose weight any quicker most likely you won't keep it off. I used to be bigger, like 160lbs…
I am doing weight lifting, but usually 1xweek for about a half hour. How many days/how much time minimum should i spend per week weight lifting?
Thanks everyone. I joined this site because although I'm a grazer (I don't eat a lot at once, I just snack) which is good to keep up your metabolism, I don't think I realized how many calories i was consuming. So this will help at lot with my diet. I agree about switching up the work outs. I just started to do that -- I…