10 pounds in a week w/strict diet

Has anyone here ever used Almased? It's a German weight loss drink. I started drinking it to lose some baby weight and get in shape for this summer. I have been drinking it three times a day along with eating vegetables and fruits. So far I've lost 10 pounds in a week! I know it seems really extreme but I have been making sure to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits in addition to drinking lots of water. I'm honestly really shocked because this is the first time I've lost weight in a while. I'm going to start working out soon and I'm hoping to maintain the weight loss. I feel so happy and the drink is really filling. I haven't even been hungry on this diet. If anyone else is on this diet I would like to hear from you!



  • everet36
    lol. anything that will promise you to lose 10lbs in a week is complete BS.

    It's not possible unless you're giving birth.

    seriously, aim to lose a half to a pound a week by eating right and exercising. that way you'll actually lose body mass, and not water. and you will also keep the weight off and not continue to yo yo diet. people need to stop looking for quick fixes. there are none. hard work and dedication, as well as lifestyle changes are the only ways to lose weight.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I'd give you 10 pounds in one week, but only for that one week. If you continue to lose at that rate, I can't imagine it being healthy and would worry about what would happen once you went back to 'eating normal.' Be careful with those quick-loss diets, they may yield awesome short-term results, but is it going to last? I'd be inclined to think not.

    PS...I just saw from your profile that you're doing P90X. Get off the junk diet drink and get on the nutrition plan. Much healthier and safer route for weight loss and keeping you from doing some damage during those extreme workouts.
  • stylishgirl2
    Yeah well I agree with that but I already lost the weight. But then again I also went from eating probably 2,000 calories and I weighed 185. So I have a lot of weight to lose, trying to get to 130. I realize it won't all come off that quick but its encouraging to see that at the beginning.
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    I used it once and in the long run...it didn't work. As soon as you go back to eating regular food...the weight will come back on. I don't know about you...but I hated the taste of those drinks.

    Good luck...but I think the best way to lose weight is eat less regular food and exercise more.

  • AbbyRedwine
    what!! this makes me wanna try that drink!!
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    No way! I would get off of it immediately. Doesn't sound healthy at all.
    The second you try to go back to regular food, you're going to put it all back on.
    I think doing anything like that is not realistic for sticking with it for the rest of your life.

    Make small changes to your diet and you're much more likely to lose weight a good rate (1-2 pounds a week) and maintain the healthy weight loss!
  • vmf04
    vmf04 Posts: 7 Member
    Yikes......not smart dear. I can guarantee you are 1.) putting yourself in a serious nutrient deficit 2.) losing precious muscle tissue 3.) jeopardizing your immune system 4.) playing with fire, since it's German and not FDA regulated, you have NO idea what is really in the drink you are putting in your body 5.) slowing your metabolism down to the point where you will end up GAINING weight later.

    so....stop trying the fast method and start doing it the right way.

    1.) eat healthy, eat to live
    2.) exercise, strength train and cardio
    3.) eat ENOUGH calories so you can have energy
    4.) take a multivitamin
    5.) keep it at under 2lbs a week lost
    6.) don't stop and don't give up

    I'm sure you're a smart person, but this drink/diet plan is not. It's no different than a get rich quick scheme. use your head and take care of the body you're give....with the tried and true method. Eat healthy, exercise.

    and when all else fails....GET A TRAINER....it's worth it, they are pros and can make sure you get results. Your human body is very complicated....so why not get someone that knows what the heck they are doing? it's better than paying over the years for bigger clothes, or smaller clothes cause you crash dieted and then gained it back, or pills and diet meds....just do it right.
  • stylishgirl2
    Okay, thanks for all the negativity people. I can assure you I'm not looking for a quick fix. I'm working out and eating healthy. I've been on this for a month now and haven't gained back a pound. I've lost 17 lbs since I started and I'm going to keep going. I'm lucky to have lots of positive support at home. Obviously none here though.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Don't be shocked when you gain back 15 lbs. when you stop drinking it. Like any other gimmicky starvation diet, the results are not sustainable. Set reasonable, attainable goals like losing 1/2-1 pound per week, count your calories and exercise. It's what MFP is here for, to help you change your lifestyle to achieve you fitness objectives. Stop dieting and and learn to control your diet. You'll be amazed at what you can achieve, and sustain! :bigsmile:
  • dubmav
    dubmav Posts: 17
    If there's no hard work involved, don't bother. There's no such thing as a "quick fix" over here.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Wow. stylishgirl2 deactivated her account within 10 minutes of posting this topic. Patience is not one of her strong points. And i didn't the posts were that negative. Oh well.....
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Okay, thanks for all the negativity people. I can assure you I'm not looking for a quick fix. I'm working out and eating healthy. I've been on this for a month now and haven't gained back a pound. I've lost 17 lbs since I started and I'm going to keep going. I'm lucky to have lots of positive support at home. Obviously none here though.

    Sometimes reality is a slap in the face. This community is extremely supportive of the goal of acheiving a healthy lifestyle, and dropping 10 pounds in a week is not considered healthy. What's done is done, true. I just have no doubt that there are others here that have had the same kind of experience losing weight quickly only to see it all come back because it was a 'quick fix.' We're just trying to encourage you to go about this the right way is all. Even at your size, 10 pounds is a lot to lose in a week. This community is about eating right for the long term.

    And P90X is no joke of a workout. If you're not eating right to sustain your body for that kind of intensity, your chance of injuring yourself will be greatly increased. We don't want to see that happen to you. Take it from those of us who have been there. We're here to help you, really.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Wow. stylishgirl2 deactivated her account within 10 minutes of posting this topic. Patience is not one of her strong points. And i didn't the posts were that negative. Oh well.....

    Shoot, that's really unfortunate. I guess this community just wasn't her speed.
  • NoelleW
    NoelleW Posts: 30 Member
    Dang I was in the process of posting and saw that she skipped out already. What a bummer...cuz I was about to say that many dietary "aides" which result in dramatic weightloss can also result in dramatic mood swings :(

    Come back...there is a difference between enabling and supportive. The latter is the long term better of the two.
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    People here are all just worried about you. Check out a wesite such as' dieticians of canada' or if you are in another country, your own comparable website. Lots of good advice on these sites as well. But I have to say that most of the people on MFP seem very sensible and knowledeable about healthy weight loss. I have never seen more than 2 pounds a week recommended.
    In good health, your MFP.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Okay, thanks for all the negativity people. I can assure you I'm not looking for a quick fix. I'm working out and eating healthy. I've been on this for a month now and haven't gained back a pound. I've lost 17 lbs since I started and I'm going to keep going. I'm lucky to have lots of positive support at home. Obviously none here though.

    People just don't appreciate "quick fix" type gimmicks, and if I'm not mistake, I think it's against the TOS here too. People are here to support others in HEALTHY weight loss... not diet drinks/pills. That's all.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Haha, let her go. We don't need impatient, rude people advertising their diet gimmicks here anyway! :tongue: She wasn't very friendly by the looks of her few posts, lol.