Weight loss goals

I just reset my goals to lose 1.5 lbs per week (I've seen a lot of posts on here about if you set it too low, you'll actually gain weight, etc). And the little pop-up at the bottom of the screen said that I should expect to lose 7.5 lbs by August 7th. Is there any way I could lose more by then? Upping my exercise, lowering fat, something? I'm impatient, I know, but I really want to lose at least 15 more pounds by the time school starts August 22nd....


  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    Unfortunately, our bodies don't always run parallel to our own expectations and desires. While it would be possible to lose that much weight by August 22, it's not a good idea. It would require means that simply aren't justified by ANY end, including unhealthy crash dieting (which is unhealthy for your body AND your mind/self image). Don't rush off the weight any faster than you'd expect it to rush back on - because that's more than likely what will happen.

    At least for me, I've found I have better luck with slower goals that won't discourage me and using my willpower to stick to my guns than use all that willpower to crash diet, lose weight, and then feel crappy and gain it again.
  • GeminiMel02
    GeminiMel02 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm so impatient myself when it comes to wanting to lose weight. But, the best thing I've ever heard from someone is that the weight didn't get here overnight so, we can't expect it to fall off overnight. Also, you look awesome! And, the less weight you have to lose, the harder it is to get those really big numbers without eating into your muscle (and we wouldn't want that!! :) ) Just be patient, make sure you're eating the right types of things and the right amounts, continue to exercise and add in a few extra walks whenever you can and it'll drop off before you know it. :)
  • everet36
    everet36 Posts: 39
    I just reset my goals to lose 1.5 lbs per week (I've seen a lot of posts on here about if you set it too low, you'll actually gain weight, etc). And the little pop-up at the bottom of the screen said that I should expect to lose 7.5 lbs by August 7th. Is there any way I could lose more by then? Upping my exercise, lowering fat, something? I'm impatient, I know, but I really want to lose at least 15 more pounds by the time school starts August 22nd....

    Actually, you have it backwards. I don't know what idiot was telling you that. If you lose weight too quickly it will be most likely a lot of muscle and not a lot of fat. Plus you will be more likely to harm your BMR, and gain the weight back because it is really hard to lose that much weight a week (unless you're severely obese). Take it from someone who lost 30lbs in a year (and has kept it off five years later), I can tell you losing a half pound a week not only is the best way, but it's practical.
  • everet36
    everet36 Posts: 39
    Also I looked at the picture you copied from another post (in your profile). Please don't try to strive to look like that. That girl had an eating disorder and being that skinny isn't attractive. Focus on being healthy. Please.
  • Thank you all! I guess I just need to learn to be patient...lol :grumble:
  • Also I looked at the picture you copied from another post (in your profile). Please don't try to strive to look like that. That girl had an eating disorder and being that skinny isn't attractive. Focus on being healthy. Please.
    How do you know she had an eating disorder? She's 5'7 and 135 lbs.