not eating enough?

tokenana Posts: 16
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
so apparently i dont eat enough my cal goal on here is 1200 im usto eating 500 calories a day i find it hard and even when i think i have had a million calories i add it up and in the end i think i could die i ate so much i come on here post it up and in red words its telling me to eat more is not eating enough really going to hinder my weight loss i have had a past of anorexia but a summer ago i gained it all back all 40lbs im at 158.8 and i fluctuate between 150 and 158 its super irritating i have been dieting for a month now and i was at 160 when i decided to get my *kitten* in gear the last time i lost 80 pounds and it seemed like maybe only 5 mo so idk what to do at that point i ate maybe 200-500 cal a day i am afraid if i dont start losing ill just go back to that amount but im trying to be healthy so i dont freak out my family and husband please help and i work out not a lot jog for 30 -90 min depending on the day then i do leg work outs and jumping jacks and crunches at least a hundred 2wice a day and i usto abuse lax i am not any more i think thats my issue aswell oh god its so hard doing it the healthy way! please help !


  • You def. need to eat more then 500 calories a day! That's very dangerous and unhealthly. Not to mention, even if you lose weight, you will gain it all back (and more) only eating that much. I know it can be hard but I'd def. eat at least 1,000 to start off with until you can get up to 1,200. However, 1,200 really needs to be your MINIUM!
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    You def. need to eat more then 500 calories a day! That's very dangerous and unhealthly. Not to mention, even if you lose weight, you will gain it all back (and more)

  • ya thats my problem i have been bumping it up alot i am over 500 but at the end of the day i relize i still have 400 or so left but idk i just assumed i had ate it is it bad if i work most of it off you think? cuz atleast i ate it? ahh 1200 is hard to get too! i think im manging 800-1000 then i work most it off :) ..:(
  • Seriously, your body goes into starvation mode and stores everything you eat as fat. Stop abusing yourself, you need to fill up your tank or you will get very sick and maybe even die. You best bet is to think of your stomach as a furnace and stoke it every 3-4 hours. Just nosh on something, even if it's carrots or broccoli. If there's nothing in there, all that acid will burn holes into your stomach lining, and you don't want that. Trust me, having ulcers is no fun at all. Being malnutritioned is even worse.
  • I don't even stick with the 1200 cal goal. I eat 1500-1800 and with 3 days a week of exercise i lose about a pound a week. The reason is because i haven't destroyed my metabolism and i haven't gone into starvation mode. I highly suggest eating at least 1800 cal/day while working out 3 hrs a week to help get your metabolism back to normal. You'll gain weight AT FIRST. You may even gain weight the first two months or so, but eventually you'll start losing.

    Go see a dietician and a personal trainer, and not the ones on here. You need face to face help.

    That and please see a therapist for your eating disorder. Preferably one that specializes in anorexia.
  • ahh im trying !!
  • Try eating higher fat/calorie foods. That may help.
  • If you opened your food diary to the public, we could give you some better advice about what you can do to start increasing your calories in ways that won't make you feel sickly full. I know it's more than just 'not being hungry', it's the psychological aspect that's making this harder.

    I think you should have a read around the boards, looking for posts on 'starvation mode' and 'calorie deficits' to educate yourself a little bit more. If part of your brain is telling you not to eat, at least arm the other part of your brain with a reasonable argument about why it should be eating more. There's heaps of information out there, and I'm sure someone will reply soon with a bunch of links to good threads/articles.

    Read them, try your best to understand them. It should give you a lot more confidence to know how your body works and what you can do to make it act how you want.

    Good luck :)
  • thank you ! and thanks for a reply that goes somewhere lol ! ima try to open it up lol im kinda new here lol !
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219

    That and please see a therapist for your eating disorder. Preferably one that specializes in anorexia.

    I agree with everyone is dangerous to only eat 500 calories a day...WOW!!!! And you really need to talk to someone...abusing laxatives and taking drastic measures to lose weight...will NOT help you in the long run.

    Seek help, please!!
  • im not doing it any more im trying this the healthy way and still lose weight
  • im not doing it any more im trying this the healthy way and still lose weight
    you still need to see a therapist for your eating disorder.
    and a dietician and pt to help guide you thru the time you gain weight while your body is trying to reset itself
  • its open :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Are you sure your weights are correct for your foods? 1 peanut and 1oz of meat doesn't seem right but you never know :)

    Anyway, read these two topics or at least the first page of each. You will learn a lot. Need to realise that the number on the scale is not the most important thing.

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