

  • It is possible, but you'd have to go extremely low calories if you didn't exercise whatsoever. And that might backfire on you by shutting down your metabolism. Exercise is the way to go. Is there absolutely no way you could fit exercise into your life? - Going for a walk/jog with your baby in the stroller - Exercise DVDs:…
  • Measuring meat cooked is so not the same as measuring cooked spaghetti with the sauce added. I had the meat on it's own, so I thought it was a completely legit question. I'd agree with you if this was around 50 calories or something, then it wouldn't be that big a deal, but in this particular instance, it made a 390…
  • Thank you to everyone who replied :o) I've finally made up my mind to get it, but the page I'm getting it off doesn't specify which size strap that comes with? Or do you get all the different sized straps when you buy it, and you just use the one that fits you?
  • Does it come with a battery?
  • Well, not exactly... I have to hand in some documentation, and if that clears (which they told me it would, but God knows they can change their minds at the drop of a hat), and I have to pass at least two out of three of the classes I'm currently enrolled in, but it LOOKS LIKE it's gonna happen. (though I've probably…
  • So probably nothing to worry about then? Because I did the math, and even though I had a rough night on Tuesday, I should be down nearly 1 lb.
  • Thanks for the answer Candace. I know how important it is to weigh in at the same time, with the same scale, in the same clothes, and preferably in the morning. That's why I have a routine, and why I thought that three lb gain in 48 hours sounded a bit strange.
  • Lost one whole lb last week. Better than nothing :)
  • I wholeheartedly agree that the scale will often play tricks on you and that it's a good idea to have at least one other way of measuring your success. I haven't gotten around to setting specific short term goals yet, but since my first week was so rocky, I'd like to be more consistent this week, to exercise at least a…
  • Apart from the weight loss goal of 2 lbs that I set when I signed up for MFP, I didn't really have any specific goals for that week, apart from getting started and not giving up. I do have other goals, related to fitness, but they're more long term. For example, I had a goal of running a mile in less than 20 minutes by the…
  • The thing is, if you have a goal of 2 lbs lost a week, and you don't eat back any of your exercise calories, you might lose more than 2 lbs a week, and that usually isn't a good idea for long term, sustainable weight loss.
  • MFP gives you a calories allowence based on your goals. What will happen if you don't eat your exercise calories back, and you stick to the calories MFP gave you to eat for the day, you'll have a bigger deficit, and lose more weight than the goal you set for yourself when you signed up for MFP. So it depends. If you feel…
  • I'm not a doctor, so take this with a pinch of salt. BUT... The way I see it, eating well and exercising is doing a kindness to your body. If you're just gonna be sick if you eat, then I say take it easy with the eating. If it's something that's gonna pass in a few days, then you won't do your body any long term harm by…
  • I know how you feel. When my weight loss this morning totaled 1 lb (in one week) I was so happy to not have the "0 lbs lost" on my ticker any more. It might not be a big deal to most people, but to see my weight going down actually means a lot to me, even if it's just a lb. So I get where you're coming from. Congrats!
  • Isn't it great to have your health care professional acknowledge your weight loss? I mean, that must be one of the best validations you could get :)
  • I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that women needn't be afraid to include some lifting in their routine if it's something they might enjoy.
  • Any number of things, really... It's kinda hard to tell since you don't have an open diary, but these are the things I can think of at the top of my head: a) Weighing in "wrong": the scale should be on a flat, even, and hard surface, and you should always weigh in at the same time, and in the same way (personally I…
  • Agree with everyone. Use the cardio one. I do that for exercise I don't really think is cardio, but that's only listed in cardio (like weight lifting). GOOD LUCK!
  • I can see a real difference to your belly (especially the front, looks flatter) and your arms. For one month you're doing great! Keep up the good work :)
  • You should really talk to your doctor about this, and since your diary isn't open, I can't really comment on whether or not I think you're eating the right things, but it could be that since you're busy (assume you are) you don't have as much time to eat as you used to. Also, breastfeeding burns a crapload of calories,…
  • First, congrats on the walking :) Second... Slip ups happen, ok? I'm only a week in, and I've had like one or two pretty big ones :P Realize that everyone makes mistakes, and all this does is make you human like the rest of us. What you do is: a) think about what made you eat, what you were feeling, b) how to stop that…
  • I completely agree. I'm starting to think of my body as strong rather than weak: it put up with all the crap I did to it the first 22 years of my life, and it survived. I'm not damaged goods; I'm a fighter :)
  • I'm at the very beginning of my weight loss/fitness journey, but my goal is to do a 5k in under 20 minutes by the time I graduate college. So right now I'm just getting used working out. Eventually I'm gonna include more walking, then jogging, then running in my cardio, and after that kinda tailor my other workouts around…
  • Treating yourself to something like this once or twice a week is perfectly alright, as long as you don't overdo it. What you could do is add an extra big workout for those days where you know you're gonna treat yourself, or tweak your exercise routine to burn 100 - 200 calories more every day, so you'll still have an…
  • I just watched the entire video. You, good sir, are amazing. Hats off to you! :)
  • I am in complete and total agreement with everyone who replied before me, to not feel guilty about your splurge! If you exercise regularly, and have a pretty healthy and balanced diet throughout the week, you can totally get away with one night out a week. If you're worried about going over your calories, you might want to…
  • But when it comes to things I can find online, youtube videos and other kindsa guides, how do I know I've got the right technique when I can't afford a personal trainer to show me?
  • Might be as simple as water retention. I see you were pretty high in sodium last night. That could easily add a lb or two.
  • This has been super helpful, thanks so much to everyone who put in the time to answer :)
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