Really? exercise and diet and scale shows a gain--

Good Morning All, I am looking for words of wisdom today. I gained 1.4 lbs -- I
have been on MFP since 1/1 and have been 110% committed to getting the weight off, eating healthier and exercise. I have been doing all and even when I have eaten "badly" I log it and have always stayed under the amount of calories. Yes, I do often eat the calories given after working out, but I thought we were suppose to. I wear a Fitbit and try to achieve 10,000 steps per day along with exercise four times a week. At first I just walked, but for 2 weeks I have also been doing Debbie Siebers Slim in 6, 1st video is 25 minutes of full body strength training. I will say I am not the greatest a drinking water, but assume I drink at least 4 - 6 8 oz glasses a day (I am going to work on this NOW)-- I am 44 and work at a desk all day--- I know people blame the scale but this time I know I have doing it right-- I am not stopping, I want this body heathy! Please share ideas, input -- suggestions?


  • misssmarita
    Any number of things, really... It's kinda hard to tell since you don't have an open diary, but these are the things I can think of at the top of my head:

    a) Weighing in "wrong": the scale should be on a flat, even, and hard surface, and you should always weigh in at the same time, and in the same way (personally I recommend doing it when your weight will probably be at its lowest: in the morning, after having been to the bathroom, before breakfast, naked)

    b) Aunt Flow is in town: your period might make you gain a bit, which will go back once it's over. You might just have weighed in when she was coming to visit :)

    c) Stress: I cannot stress (ba-dum-tss!) how important it is to take everything in stride, and keep calm. How much you lose can be affected by your hormones, including stress

    d) Too much sodium: if you have a high sodium diet in general, or had a high sodium meal the day before or the day of your weigh in, that might cause some water retention, which could have made a one or two lb difference on the scale

    e) Underestamating calories eaten/overestimating calories burned: if you're accurate with logging calories this shouldn't be a problem, but you may very well have been given too many calories for the exercise you've done. The general consensus on the message boards is that MFP tells you that you've burned more calories than you actually have. For example: I did 20 minutes on the treadmill the other day. The treadmill said about 70 calories burned, MFP said 139. Point in case

    f) The exercise you're doing is not challenging enough: you might not be burning as many calories as you could because your body's gotten used to the exercise you're doing. You might wanna change things up a bit.

    Any of these sound at all like possible options?
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I know how you feel! I have had this happen to me twice! When this happens to me, I end up weighing the next day and its been gone and then some in both instances. I know we're not supposed to be upset and all but when you work your behind off and eat right, you don't expect a gain! Like you said though, you just keep going.

    I'm not sure what caused the gains but last week I had gone over my fiber intake 3 days in a row just before weighing so it was obviously water weight. So many female hormones can cause water retention like ovulating and periods amongst the biggest culprits.

    As long as you're doing everything right it will show up the next time you weigh in.

    And great job!!!
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Take your measurements and have patience! I weigh in daily, so I've seen many fluctuations especially in January, but it looks like I only maintained for over 3 weeks just looking at the Monday - Monday - Monday weights. My measurements changed by 8" total with most off my waist/hips and using a handheld body fat % monitor I was losing body fat. I'll take it!

    I really amped up my workouts in January and added a lot more weight lifting. In just the last few days I got sick with strep and lost 7 lbs in 2 days and it's staying off. This tells me that I was holding on to "water" weight while losing the fat. My fat loss monitor and measurements were telling me that I was losing fat during the month while the scale was saying "plateau".