DaniH826 Member


  • Yea winter time can be hard to get enough exercise in if what you love happens outside. Maybe get a kettlebell or something for next winter. They're super fun! And you can do it in front of the TV. They have a metric crapton of kettlebell videos on Youtube if you're interested. You can also get cardio in by simply lowering…
  • @tigerblue I took your experience to heart, researched my vitamin D, and decided to put myself on a regimen. As it turns out I must have been pretty deficient, because my appetite has normalized further since starting to take it twice a day just last week. Good thing I decided to trust my body's clues and see if there was…
  • Sugar is the new fat.
  • I've read your thread with great interest, and I'm happy that you found out about your vitamin D deficiency and that addressing it has helped you get a grip on things. I've stopped assuming that hunger/appetite is the enemy, and am learning to listen to my body, because if I'm craving something then that usually means my…
  • Squats (great for butt and core, although not my favorite) OHP (which is a whole-body lift if you do it right, and I happen to love it) Some sort of a pull (right now for me that's Let-Me-Ups ... maybe I'll graduate to pull-ups eventually) Deadlifts and push-ups are a close 4th and 5th. Any whole-body resistance exercise…
  • What's your thoughts on rowing vs elliptical? We have an elliptical that's gathering more dust than being used, and might consider trading for a rower instead ...
  • I have a Gold's Gym Olympic weight set, bar, bench and squat rack that I bought used about a year ago at our local Play It Again Sports. Still going strong. I will probably at some point purchase new equipment but I'm really loving the "old school" feel of what I've got. It's in my garage and has a bit of rust around the…
  • He's super snoozy technical but he really breaks it down for you. If you're serious about barbell training, then Starting Strength is a must-read (I think). Look at it more as a manual that'll answer all your questions you never thought you had. Also watch Rippetoe videos on Youtube. They're a goldmine. Really.
  • If you're 43 then you need to start some form of strength training, like, yesterday. Because use it or lose it. And most people have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to strength training because they hear things they read someplace, and much of that is mostly hearsay based on half truths and old wive's…
  • I think you should drop the extra strength training class and make sure the cardio doesn't tire you out too much (some walking would be fine; adjust down or up as needed). On lift days some cardio to warm up is fine (usually 15 minutes is enough) but 45 minutes seems a bit much. You should probably take at least one…
  • I had been plagued by low back pain for years, and since I never bothered to really train with weights or dedicated resistance training, my core was super weak, and so my back would act up every time I deadlifted. I eventually had to slow down the weight increase, and some months later things are much better since my core…
  • Keep lifting for sure, and maybe eventually trim some of that excess fat off, even, now that I've got the discipline to continue working out under control.
  • Looking fab Mrs Woodroff!!
  • You can look up x-rep max calculators online, such as this one: http://www.chaosreigns.com/gym/nrepmax.html It's always assumed that you do each rep with solid form and squats at least parallel. If/when your form breaks down then you would need to deload anyway. I really highly recommend you do the Stronglifts program as…
  • I'd start over, only because it ramps up very, very quickly and you want to give yourself time to adapt. Better than starting too high and then having to deload a bunch of times and struggling and quitting. You can always go higher if you're into it a week or two and find that it's too easy. But it's a very aggressive…
  • That's a very respectable home-baked rack! Re: Core issues, I'm currently doing a modified version of AllPro's routine, going from 2x5 to 2x9 instead of 2x8 to 2x12, and it's working really well for me. I stalled pretty hard with rapid 5x5/3x5 progression because of a super-weak core and a busted up back, so now I'm taking…
  • Wow, that was a bunch of awesomeness I just read up in here. Y'all are doing fabulous! :flowerforyou: I bought a pair of fat jeans today. Size 17. Yep. :noway: Sigh. Menopause is such fun. It doesn't seem to matter if I eat or don't eat, exercise or don't exercise, my body is just bloated all the time these days and all…
  • I just did a deload on the OHP again and am rediscovering the fabulousness of it rather than letting it frustrate me. I really do love that lift and its benefits to my functional strength overall. So I decided that, rather than struggle and cuss the thing out at 55 lbs, I'll reset to something I can actually manage, and…
  • Holy moly that's a lot of deadlifts! And you're correct on the patience part. Sometimes progress means deload, as backwards as that sounds. And to gauge true progress you have to look back a ways to see how far you've come from back when, rather than yesterday's lifting session. Lifting is a long-term journey for sure.
  • Actually CDs (yes, compact discs) are not all that easy to snap in half. Then again, if her kid was a teenager at the time and drove her through the roof with that teenage attitude, then anger might have helped snap that CD. Not that I would know what that's like or anything, having raised 5 kids thru their teenage years…
  • I also highly recommend body weight squats to practice with. It's what I did. If you haven't squatted anything to speak of in years and years (like I did), then you will have to develop the muscle memory and flexibility to do what you did naturally as a toddler. It happens. No worries, you'll be up to speed before long.…
  • If I had my choice between taking form instructions from Rippetoe versus some other random PT ... then that choice for me is Rippetoe, hands down, every time. Starting Strength is a proven program that works extremely well, put together by someone who's been a strength training coach for decades and who has trained…
  • You have absolutely no reason to feel bad. OHP is the lift women usually stall out on first, and hardest. So my advice to you would be to just modify the weight increase, meaning rather than increasing 10% just go up a pound or whatever you can safely and feasibly do. Because, progress is progress, and partial process with…
  • I've done front squats with the bar more resting on my upper arms, and me crossing my arms in front and supporting them. I hate anything directly against my throats. You should definitely not support the bar with your wrists, though. Either way, you're not going to lift near as much with front squats as you would with back…
  • Sure. I use an app called Simply Yoga (:heart: :heart: :heart: that app!) and put together a program that involves these poses: 1. Mountain pose 2. Deep forward bend 3. Eagle pose (helps with balance, focus and ankle strengthening) 4. Couple sun salutations 5. Wide leg forward bend & twist 6. Cat pose 7. Sphinx pose (helps…
  • Hey all, Dani here. Some of you may know me from the SL5x5 group. I started lifting in March of this year after purchasing a used Olympic set with a bench and squat rack. I started out with Starting Strength but ran into a wall fairly quickly because my core couldn't keep up. Then I switched to AllPro's but when I got to…
  • I would have just started the cycle over, to be honest. I tend to be rather generous with deloads as I can always work my way back up and add more weight. Better than struggling with a bit too much that my body just isn't ready for. I took like a week and a half off from lifting once and got DOMS like I was just starting…
  • Hello there! The fact that you decided to get happy with barbells at 57 is AWESOME. I'm right there with you about the hunched over walker shuffle, and that's one of the main reasons I've taken up barbell training, actually. I'm 46 and plan on spending out the second half of my life strong and awesome. :drinker: As far as…
  • But ... but ... that's going to hurt my plan of convincing you that you have a problem, so that I can sell you my "solution." Come on now. That's Sales Tactics 101.