

  • I haven't gone to a doctor, I'm really hoping it's just a reaction to the cold air and such and that it clears up before I get to MEPS Monday morning. My recruiter said as long as it's just a cough and I don't feel sick I should be okay.... but to try to do everything I can to get rid of it before then. Why did this have…
  • I've never had a problem with asthma before and I REEEEEEEEEEALLY hope that is not what this is, because if I develop asthma I'll be medically discharged. :(
  • Mmm today is going to be: 1 Gorton's Lemon Pepper Grilled Fish Filet 1 Large Mixed Greens Salad with cucumber, tomato, feta cheese, and tomato and bacon dressing 1 Liter of Water Total: 280 calories :)
  • MMM this sounds really yummy! If you like it you should try a peanut butter sandwich with sliced strawberries and bananas on it. Yum!
  • It's all about WHAT foods you choose :p I'm at about 1300, but I vary my calories a bit. I'm not dedicated enough to follow a "calorie cycling" schedule, but I mix it up and range between 1200 and 1400. I eat lots and lots of veggies and fruit. I'm also not a big meat eater, which helps keep my calories lower as well.
  • Down one more pound. Starting challenge weight 174 Current weight 169 Challenge Goal 166 I don't think I'm going to quite make my goal, but I'm proud of the progress I made this month, both in weight and in fitness! :D
  • It's all about timing. Reading that right at that moment gave me inspiration and motivation. So thanks! :)
  • WONDERFUL post. Very inspiring. Thanks Banks. I put that quote ^ on my fridge :)
  • GUESS WHAT!!! I ran for 15 minutes straight today! I can't believe I did it! There were no walking breaks or water pauses lol, just 15 minutes of me running at 6 mph. That's like a miracle for me. And just in time I leave for boot camp in 12 days. :D
  • Ya know, they are remaking the Karate Kid with Jaden Smith (Will and Jada's Son) as the boy? Should be interesting...
  • Showgirls? LOL I have internet connected on our treadmills at school so I watch reruns of the Biggest Loser. :) Other than that, I like watching sports movies: Remember the Titans, Cinderella Man, Stick It, stuff like that.
  • Be careful that you aren't getting shin splints. If you are/do you need to rest and ice them for like a week. Otherwise they can get waaaaaay worse. :( Just don't push yourself too fast or too hard, or you may end up benched for a while. And that (yes, I know) would suck.
  • If you really have the willpower to only eat one, I say HOLY BUCKETS DO IT! lol. I know I cannot keep myself to 1 cookie. And that is going to be a niece is a girl scout. She's 5 and it's her first year. I had to buy some from her. I ended up with like 5 boxes. I'm soooooo going to have to give some away! haha
  • With a stability ball it's all about how many repetitions you do or the number of ways you use that group of muscles. Here's a workout I found on youtube a while ago that I like, that I think works pretty well. Give it a try, or search youtube. There's like a million of them.…
  • Challenge start weight: 175 Last week's weight: 173 This week's weight: 170 Goal Weight: 166 (OR LESS) Goal: 2 mile run in 20:00 Last night I ran/walked 4 miles in an hour. :) Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've lost 5 lbs in this challenge! By March 28 I'm hoping to lose another 5. One, because I think it's a reasonable goal.…
  • YAY!!! Come on Ladies! We are doing fantastically! haha we can do this. we can do this. we can do this.
  • Hey Guys! Sorry I missed weigh in day haha, I was at MEPS! I'm officially in the Navy now and I leave for boot camp on March 28! Even more motivation for me to get my butt to the gym! haha. Here's to next week, may it bring down the numbers for us all! xoxox Jill
  • This one is a little different than usual, but I love it! The recipe could pretty easily be tamed down for calorie-wise decisions, and if you need the tomato part you could add tomato sauce or even just add some tomatoes you chop up and sautee. That would be a healthy…
  • Yay! Welcome welcome. It's never too late to get motivated haha. Join us on the quest. Good luck on your goals! We can do this!
  • Yay! Good job ladies! I'm having a very unhealthy week of dropping weight as fast as humanly possible, before I weigh in for the Navy on Thursday, but afterwards I'm going to get back onto the slow, steady, healthy plan haha. I'm so hungry. grr....
  • That's awesome! I started doing the C25K program back in January, and at first I thought it was way too easy, but trust me it starts catching up with you haha. It does becoming somewhat challenging, but the whole point of the program is to ease you into it, so that you don't do too much and then hate running. It works!…
  • Whoo Whoo! Yesterday I did a ton of cardio, but what I'm proud of is that I ran for 9 minutes at 5.5 mph without taking a break and after walking for about 20 minutes, I ran another 9 minutes! That's 18 minutes of running! That's a huge accomplishment for me! Come on ladies, we can do this!
  • Whoops! I was wrong a serving size IS 3 oz. but the question still that after it's cooked?
  • Thank you so much for the support.... I'm really looking forward to it! Joining the Navy, as a 22 year old female my PRT requirements to pass basic training are at minimum: 58 sit ups in 2 minutes, 21 push ups in 2 minutes, and run a mile and half in 14:15.... Right now I can't do that, but I'm hoping that by the time I…
  • Current Weight 172.8, Loss of 1.2 lbs :)
  • YAY!!!!!!! I'm so glad you are all joining me in this! As for weigh in days, I weigh in on Thursdays. If you need to do a different day it doesn't bother me, but I'm doing a BL challenge with my family and I have to weigh in on Thursdays haha. (evil smile) I'm so going to win that challenge! haha. This is going to be…
  • I think I got them at Walmart. Or possibly Cub Foods. Since I've never heard of Ralph's or Albertson's and the closest Whole Foods is like 2 hours away I know it was not from any of those places haha.
  • Ooh, can I still join? I know we're most of the way through January, but I really need 2010 to be the year I get my health on track... Starting Weight 01/01/10: 185 CW: 180 Goal: I'm not super positive. I'm thinking 160 but it depends on how much muscle tone I have Real Goal: Running a half marathon in September! Right now…
  • I know, now I really want to try these black bean burgers! lol
  • I'm getting my tattoo and buying a bikini! lmao