Help! The girls scouts are sabatoging my diet! I work in a bank inside a grocery store and I just couldnt keep myself away from the SAMOAS. I bought them and I am going to leave them in my desk so that I don't end up eating them at home, but I need advice. Should I pass them off to someone else or would it be ok for me to indulge in just one cookie a day. Just one. I will not eat more than that. I dont know what to do. They are just so delicious. Oh man! Those little girl scouts knew exactly what they were doing when they set up shop. Horrible, horrible, little girls. haha.


  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Hey - a craving is a craving. EAT your 75 calories early in the day and walk around a little. I think it is certainly worth it to not torture yourself all day. I am a cheetos junkie - so I occasionally have my 3-4 puffy cheetos and 'forgive' myself immediately. Besides, I dont think that one 75calorie cookie will sabotage your 'healthy lifestyle change' if you are diligent the rest of the day.

  • kmapplonie
    kmapplonie Posts: 5 Member
    Oh my gosh! I know the feeling! My husband came home with a bunch of boxes from his work! But I think it is a good idea that you are keeping them at your work! Just remember while you are at work and you go to grab them, offer a few to your co-workers it is a nice gesture and it's less for temptation! I have done that with my husband and my family and at work i found out i had a cookie in my hand that was almost 400 calories for one of them. I quickly broke it in half and split it with a co-worker! It cured the sweet tooth and I was out of that room that had the cookies in it faster than you could blink! just something to keep in mind! Look up the cookies in advance and be conscious of the calories and how many you can have per serving. It helps me. I hope these suggestions will help you! Good luck!
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    I have traded in my girl scout cookies for Zone bars. The Zone bar Fudge graham and the Classic mint bars both taste almost exactly like my favorite gsc's and have none of the associated guilt. :) Personally, I'd toss the box of cookies into the garbage and walk on satisfied with the knowledge that you donated to a good cause. The other option would be to stick it in the break room for everyone to share.
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    I have traded in my girl scout cookies for Zone bars. The Zone bar Fudge graham and the Classic mint bars both taste almost exactly like my favorite gsc's and have none of the associated guilt. :) Personally, I'd toss the box of cookies into the garbage and walk on satisfied with the knowledge that you donated to a good cause. The other option would be to stick it in the break room for everyone to share.

    Where do I get these zone bars? Are they available everywhere or do I have to visit like a GNC or something?
  • summer6102
    If you can only eat what the serving is go for it! But if you like me and cant eat just the serving Give Them AWAY!!! Lol! B4 I started my diet I ordered two boxes I gave them away! Good luck!
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    I am a troop leader and have 2 scouts of my own... somehow, we ended up with 20... yes 20... boxes of cookies in our house. WTF????? Anyway - so far I have had NONE!!! I figure I need to keep an eye on the prize! I saw someone's post with a tag line on it that said 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels' I like that! :o)
    and I need to check out the Zone bars... I have a nut allergy so I doubt they will work, but I will certainly look into it! :o)
    Good luck!!
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    Target or Walmart both sell them. Wal-green's may carry them. GNC varies a bit from place to place. Target has them at about 4.50 for a box of 5 for me. Most flavors are pretty tasty. They have totally satisfied my sweet cravings. From reading the packaging, they will not work if you have a nut allergy. Sorry!
  • lynnie30
    lynnie30 Posts: 105 Member
    Help! The girls scouts are sabatoging my diet! I work in a bank inside a grocery store and I just couldnt keep myself away from the SAMOAS. I bought them and I am going to leave them in my desk so that I don't end up eating them at home, but I need advice. Should I pass them off to someone else or would it be ok for me to indulge in just one cookie a day. Just one. I will not eat more than that. I dont know what to do. They are just so delicious. Oh man! Those little girl scouts knew exactly what they were doing when they set up shop. Horrible, horrible, little girls. haha.

    those evil little girls!!!!! Girl Scout cookie season is over around here but I did just find myself asking a scout mom if she knew where I could "score" some shortbread cookies! Ah, I guess they got me too :(

    pass them to someone else- let them deal with
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Have your cookie and make sure you get to the gym and burn it off. Even if you fall and eat the whole box just do the math and hit the gym. (might be there awhile) Truth is, when you restrict anything you'll cave in and over indulge with it. Have a little, burn it off. If you typically work out an hour a day, add in an extra 30 minutes for the treat. You get the picture.
  • jezziebelle
    If you really have the willpower to only eat one, I say HOLY BUCKETS DO IT! lol. I know I cannot keep myself to 1 cookie. And that is going to be a niece is a girl scout. She's 5 and it's her first year. I had to buy some from her. I ended up with like 5 boxes. I'm soooooo going to have to give some away! haha