Dexidah Member


  • I haven't had a serious blood test in about 2 years, but I do test positive for rheumatoid arthritis. I never really went back to see if I actually had it since they were playing "Doctor Tag" with me, shuffling me back and forth settling me with a bunch of charges with no answers, but the general idea seemed to be that I…
  • You all are very productive on snow days. I've managed to bathe a dog and whine about how cold it is. I'm not sure how many calories that burns, but I'm sure it's not enough. ;) Thanks much for all the helpful tips.
  • Congratulations on beating your eating disorder! Your story is very inspiring, and it's good to see people taking initiative and taking interest in getting healthy again. Good luck and welcome!
  • Big Macs and Cherry Coke. D: I lose the battle every now and again.
  • Can we please quit bickering about what is and is not "The Midwest." ? Here's what the U.S Census Bureau has to say: "The Midwestern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau, is one of the four U.S. geographic regions.[1] The area is referred to as the Midwest throughout the United States. The region…
  • I didn't even think about the doctor's scale being different than mine. D: Now, let's say I'm very, very new to this whole thing. How does one go about taking measurements accurately? lol
  • 19 years old here! :D 20 in a few months and hoping to shed some weight/gain some definition by then!
  • I was an honor's English student but still misspell "exercise" (excersize? excersise?) all the time. Also as a "white girl" I don't wear uggs with shorts and I don't drink starbucks. ;)
  • I have really bad social anxiety, so if I don't take someone with me I'll probably not go at all. lol I haven't had any trouble when I've taken my work-out buddies, I can usually stay pretty motivated even if they decide to stop and sit for awhile. I just like knowing that there's someone there that I know, I guess. Helps…
  • I've had implanon for 3 years, and just got my new one put in. I can honestly say that, while I have gained weight (about 15-20 lbs) none of it has been from implanon and everything to do with my switch to a sedentary lifestyle. It appears to be different for everyone, but it my skin was about the same or clearer, after…
  • Hello from Central Illinois! :D Originally from Southern Illinois (What's up Alhambra? Miss you) And also another Cardinals and Rams fan. ;)
  • Hi Bri! I just started a little under a month ago, but I'm also 19 with 30lbs to lose. Here's to positive life changes! :) Thanks, Gemma for the positive story as motivation. :D