HELP! I just lost my appetite and energy?!

I'm not entirely sure what happened, but yesterday I didn't eat anything more than an 11oz can of oranges. I didn't want to eat anything else. I just figured I would eat dinner or maybe snack on some popcorn without butter or something if I ended up skipping lunch. But I didn't. All that ended up happening was I laid down to take a small 1 hour nap and I didn't wake up for 12 hours. My boyfriend said he tried to wake me up but it was like trying to wake the dead.

I ate pretty good the day before, didn't go over and didn't binge on snack foods.

Now that I'm awake I still don't feel like eating, but I'm not quite as tired as I was before (as I shouldn't, seriously? 12 hours?)

This hasn't happened in a very long time, what is going on? What do I need to change? Is there a vitamin I'm missing out on?


  • Alexfit12
    You're probably coming down with a cold or flue or something. I wouldn't blame the diet for such a dramatic effect if it's been more or less stable.

    But a multivatmin never hurts..
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    I was like that last week Sunday and Monday. I think it was illness. Take it easy, drink lots of fluids - it's easy to dehydrate when you aren't getting enough food. And rest if your body needs rest.
  • 4C_diva
    4C_diva Posts: 43 Member
    If you lost both your appetite and your energy, you may be over training. You need to have a combination of easy workout days as challenging days. It's not a good idea to go all out every single day. Also, make sure that you are eating enough to fuel your workouts.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Sounds like you're not well. Do you have a fever? Have you had a blood test in the last year, low blood sugar? I'd go see a doctor, especially if this isn't the first time it has happened.
  • 4C_diva
    4C_diva Posts: 43 Member
    Sounds like you're not well. Do you have a fever? Have you had a blood test in the last year, low blood sugar? I'd go see a doctor, especially if this isn't the first time it has happened.

    I totally agree!
  • Dexidah
    Dexidah Posts: 19 Member
    I haven't had a serious blood test in about 2 years, but I do test positive for rheumatoid arthritis. I never really went back to see if I actually had it since they were playing "Doctor Tag" with me, shuffling me back and forth settling me with a bunch of charges with no answers, but the general idea seemed to be that I didn't have it, I just carried it (or something.)

    And I don't think I'm unwell. I got over the flu about a week ago, but I thought I was well and done with that. I guess I'll just load up on water and stick to walking on the treadmill for awhile. :/

    I have been pushing it on every workout, so maybe you're right about just needing to take some easy days at the gym as well.