Implanon implant & weight gain



  • hanwatters
    I've had implanon for 2 1/2 years and I love it. I actually lost 10lbs when I first had it inserted as I lost my appetite for about 2-3 weeks. However, it is worth mentioning that before that I was taking the pill (microgynon) so perhaps it was actually coming off of that which reduced my appetite. Anyway, I am now sure that any weight I gain (or lose!) is most definitely down to how much I have eaten / exercised. For me, I don't believe implanon affects my weight at all. Hopefully you will find the same - good luck!
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I had Implanon too, a few years ago. My gyn said that I wouldn't gain weight as with birth pills, I would not get bad skin as with birth pills and after a few months my period would be close to none.
    Guess what?
    I put on weight, had a face like a 13 year old puberty girl and my periods where much more and longer than before ( up to 10 days and running).
    I eventually had it removed.
    Now I have tied a knot and don't need birth control anymore ;-)
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I've had mine since Feb 2011, no weight gain or weight loss due to it at all. The weight I gained was because I was eating what ever I wanted and barely moving from the sofa.
    I also take medication for Grave's disease (thyroid disease) when I first started taking it I read things all over the internet about how much weight people gained when on it. To be honest it got me really upset because I was just starting to lose weight and was at the start of my weight loss journey. Since I've been on it, I've lost 26lbs.
    P.S I also have PCOS
    You can't blame medications and conditions for weight gain before looking long and hard at what your dietary and exercise habits are like and being honest with yourself.

    No :smile:
  • amclaughlin88
    I got mine implant inserted in April of 2012. I am getting it out this Thursday 2/14/13. I gained 35lbs+ within 3 months, it made me hungry all the time, I started getting horrible nauseating migraines that landed me in the ER and out of work for a week. My acne is so severe that my face hurts all the time or bleeds all the time. I eat pretty healthy and I workout regularly at least 6 days a week. I am so done with this thing I can't wait to get it out and get my body back. I feel like I'm not even me. Plus it makes me cry for no reason all the time and I get so angry at the drop of a dime. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND IT!!!! I was on Depo prior to this and I never gained weight, but with the implant 35lbs+. Look into another alternative.
  • lisamac272
    of everyone talking about having their implanon removed, has anyone noticed a difference in their ability to lose weight?

    I have had mine about 6 months and have gained 30lbs.... I was already overwieght when I had it put in, but I am trying so hard to loosing the weight, only 1200 calories a day and exercies 4-5 times a week and still I can budge the weight, I feel like I should notice at least a small amount of weight loss ... I truely believe its related to the implanon, but I love the no need to remember anything and no periods and hate the idea of having it removed
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    I had my Implanon removed in January (trying to get pregnant) and had it almost 2 years. I had NO side effects at all. No weight gain, no acne, no mood periods. By far the best birth control I've ever used. Will more than likely go back on it after the next baby.
  • ChristineLondon
    ChristineLondon Posts: 29 Member
    I have had the implanon twice now and am coming up to the end of the 6th year. I know this may sound really weird but I have never connected the implant to my weight gain until now. Since I had mine implanted I have gone up 3 sizes in clothes! This may or may not be connected to the implant, which I am planning on having removed shortly anyway. For me it was just easier than having to worry about taking the pill or other contraception.

    Definitely food for thought!!
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    I've had it since july, no weight gain. nothing other than a 5day period 2x/month. which kinda sucks.
  • Dexidah
    Dexidah Posts: 19 Member
    I've had implanon for 3 years, and just got my new one put in.

    I can honestly say that, while I have gained weight (about 15-20 lbs) none of it has been from implanon and everything to do with my switch to a sedentary lifestyle.

    It appears to be different for everyone, but it my skin was about the same or clearer, after about 7 months I no longer had my monthly cycle with little to no spotting, and I didn't gain any weight at all until I no longer worked as a C.N.A. I haven't really had any trouble with being hungrier than usual and my weight loss seems to be about normal for the effort I'm putting in with it.

    I would highly recommend it, but as you can see, we've all had different experiences with it. :)
  • lady_in_weighting
    lady_in_weighting Posts: 196 Member
    Ive had an implanon fitted for the past 3 and a half years and in that time i LOST 2.5 stone! Everyones body reacts differently. Its actually most common to gain on depo injections of the oral contraceptive pill!

    Trust my fitness pals estimations and log :)

    Good luck! <3
  • lady_in_weighting
    lady_in_weighting Posts: 196 Member
    oh, and if youre lucky your periods will stop completely as well! BOOST (your cycle will start as normal when its removed!) Dont worry, mine did :)
  • emsicle_o
    emsicle_o Posts: 162 Member
    Nope this didn't happen to me. The implant is great for me. No periods. I used to suffer from infections and don't anymore. It's been great.

    I was on the combined pill before though and literally couldn't stop eating. I had stomach cramps, stomach grumbling constantly and I literally felt starving hungry 24/7. No food filled me up at all. Was quite freaky, but as soon as I stopped taking it and it was out of my system, my eating habits went back to normal. Weird.
  • terilou87
    terilou87 Posts: 328 Member
    i had implanon in july 2009, i gained 2 stone really fast, got adult acne, and horrible mood swings like 50x pmt, so i had it removed a year an half later. my periods didnt return normal straight after and i had 2 mc after having it removed (might mot be related but i feel it was) they are normal now though,so very bad experience for me. my friend had it at the same time and has been fine on it no problems at all so i think i depends on the person, have it removed if you dont get on with it and try something else:)
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    If anyone could tell me their experience of it i would be really grateful because at the moment it's pretty sore and i've frightened myself with forum horror stories!

    I was on depo for 8 years. I put a lot of weight on, but that was because I did no exercise and ate too much, not because of hormones. Though I DID blame hormones but they didnt make me put that cake in my mouth! I then came off it, and put more weight on, again due to lifestyle. I went back on it, put weight on, came off it, put more weight on. I then got implanon in March 2012 but managed to lose about 20lb the whole of last year (I wasn't exercising, just eating better). I decided I didn't like Implanon in November 2012 and had a copper IUD fitted. I have lost another 20 something lbs since but thats because I am eating even better and exercising regularly.

    And yesterday I had another depo because my periods have been so bad with the IUD. But I discussed with my GP about my previous concerns with going back on depo - weight gain and bone density. This time around I am confident that I can get the weight off and keep it off, and with strength training, I will be counteracting the detrimental effects that depo has on my bones.

    Also, I might be wrong, but I THINK depo and implanon use the same hormones.
    So long story short, if you managed to lose weight on depo, you should be ok doing the same on implanon. Just keep trying and don't blame the hormones. Plus you can have the implanon taken out if you hate it.
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    I think I'm on my 3rd or 4th implanon implant now so I've been on it for a loooong while. I have gained weight whilst having it but I also lost 7+ stone (~100lbs) whilst I had it so I don't at all attribute the implant to my weight in either direction to be honest. I also have friends that have since joined me in having the implant and I'm pretty sure it hasn't affected them either.

    I would think the only way to know for def that any weight gain was down to the implant is if someone consistently logged and stuck to a specific calorie allowance and stayed a static weight, and when they had the implant continued to do so and gained. Otherwise I tend to think that a lot of people could just be blaming the implant, particularly if they've read that potential side effect somewhere.
  • ClaireShepster
    ClaireShepster Posts: 15 Member
    I gained 7 pounds in 2 months when I had not changed diet or exercise (I was maintaining at the time)

    I also had terrible mood swings that have taken 7 months to stop after it was removed, I had it taken out after 3 months.

    However I do know that many people find it okay and it is a personal experience.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I've had the implanon for years and the only weight gain I had was of my own doing so I wouldn't worry.
  • Freshstartingmyhealthylife
    I never had a problem with weight gain or my acne getting worse on the implant, the only thing was that i still got my periods on it but didn't on the pill I'm on and that's the only reason I went back to the pill.

    You can never tell how you're going to react and i even managed to lose weight on both contraceptives.
  • never124get
    I have the Depo shot...I haven't noticed a problem from when I first started and now. (my first shot was back in June of 2012 I do believe) But when I was on a regular birth control pill my weight was insane. Up 6 lbs one week down 10 the next. I never knew what to expect...but with the shot everything is normal, and I'm actually able to lose weight on it. I have no idea about the implant personally though. My friend has it and she's gained about 20 lbs in the last 3 months but then again shes injured and unable to workout like she used to and with that her eating habits have gotten worse. Not exactly sure if there is a connection there with the implant or not.
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    I've had Implanon for a year and a half now. No weight gain, and I'm losing weight at a good pace. I LOVE it- very worry free. The irregular periods are a small price to pay for worry-free convince.