sarabeth624 Member


  • Bone broth, pedialyte, spaghetti squash is what I had yesterday when my stomach finally calmed down.
  • If you are fermenting it yourself, especially if you're letting it get good and sour, then I think it's entirely possible there is less sugar than what you'd see in a commercial product. Any ferments work this way. Sugar feeds the bugs. I bet there's a way to test the sugar content. I don't know what that is, though. Good…
  • Yes. Great advice.
  • Gluten free noodles - the kind from the refrigerated section. Touch em with a fork and they made a paste. Ew.
  • Be warned, eating paleo makes you not want as much food, usually, so you may have to struggle to meet your calorie goals. Choose cal dense foods - MEAT :) I do shakes often, too. Make sure you've chosen a good quality protein that has a lot of other nutrients in it too - Jay Robb is a good one (though expensive) there are…
  • I don't stress canned green beans once and awhile. They sure seem different to my tummy than "real" bean beans!
  • My Momma's cooks for many non-primal folks for Thanksgiving, although some of us are. Her way of not depriving the non-primals is to set a basket of frozen rolls and a jar of canned cranberries on one end of the table. Other than that it tends to be 100%. Her philosophy is to make so many small-ish dishes of various…
  • Eggs sometimes give me food aversion. At the very least they often make me not be hungry until I eat something else. Which for me is a benefit, but since you're wanting to eat more and interested in tweaking, try laying off the eggs for a few days and see if your appetite perks back up.
  • I do love plantains too - don't get the sugar cravings off them that I get from bananas. Maybe because the starch is different? Anyways, I've had friends tell me that bananas from the supermarket are nothing like bananas off the tree.
  • Luckily my mamma is primal too. Unluckily, she's already lost everything she wants to lose and has maintained for about 10 years. So Thanksgiving will be fully primal/paleo. Paleo maple syrup, local honey, figs, plantains, dates, sweet potato... you can wake me back up in time for Christmas!
  • Zucchini noodles pan-sauteed till soft would be good with any sort of sauce. (Curry or tomato or cheese/faux cheese.) Sauteed eggplant sans skin or cauliflower would also be good as a base for flavor.
  • Pumpkin coconut milk shake with ginger :)
  • Double check on the MSG in meat from the locker plant. Some still add it in bacon and ham, especially. Some lockers will do no nitrates or sugar but it varies. Call them up yourself, they should be able to tell you what their options are.
  • Good job! Listen to your body and experiment. :smiley: If you are doing hard core workouts that make you hurt... might you have gained some muscle while doing the Whole 30?
  • Oh yes. Cereal. It tastes so bland and yet causes me to fall off, too. Cake? No problem saying no thanks. Cookies? Nope. Cereal? I can't have it in the house. So weird. It must be a comfort food thing that reminds us of childhood. But now that you have reminded yourself why you shouldn't eat those bits of air and sticks…
  • Meat/veg/sauce roll-ups are probably better if you're going to be strict. Save the sandwich substitutes for when you are not being so strict. Personally, I find it difficult to go from eating a "real" sandwich to eating a "fake" sandwich. You know it's not the same! But a month after not having any sandwich, real or fake,…
  • I hate to even suggest it... but if you do a search for "keto calculator" there are several that will give you an extreme guideline for your macros. Most of us here are not so extreme with the high-fat. I use mine as something to shoot for and miss most days. But, yeah, tailor your MFP guidelines to fit a more paleo/primal…
  • If you are just starting out, worry about the food, not the calories. A lot of people find they can eat more on paleo because their bodies are not as stressed. Track out of curiosity, not out of trying to stay below X number. Learn how good nutrition treats your body. Starting at 1200 cal is going to make you faileo.
  • Log to find out what works for your body - not to stay under some prescribed number. A lot of people find they can eventually have more calories when eating strict paleo - perhaps because they are finally giving their body optimal nutrition and it's not as stressed. Paleo is naturally lower carb if you are eating real food…
  • I hate salads. I'm teaching myself to eat meat salads - where the star of the show is the cold shredded/sliced up meat leftovers, the rest of the bowl is various chopped up veg, and there might be a few lettuce leaves stuck in so I can call it "salad."
  • I'll point out that going low carb to cut sweet addiction means going higher protein and high fat. Don't try to drastically reduce calories while you're tempting the sugar monkey off your back. You can do that once the sweet is under control. And try not to get hungry. The hungrier you are the more likely you are to…
  • I undereat if I'm doing a strict paleo/whole 30. So I log. But, I agree, quality is most important.
  • I do this by accident occasionally. It's just one day. Don't overthink it. How I do it by accident is I have a lot of fat the day before, get super busy on fast day, never get hungry and forget to eat. Then go to bed exhausted. I know some people end up eating more on the days after to make up the lost calories. Some…
  • Any way to search previous discussions just within this group? I don't want to repeat a discussion that has already been had...
  • YES. Congratulations, you have normal human insulin behavior for handling sugar. Go take a nap. :smile:
  • Bananas, especially when eaten in the morning (banana shake, etc.) trigger sugar cravings/binges the rest of the day for me. So it's not the bananas themselves but what they do to me that's a problem. Most fructose does this to me.