tolorii Member


  • At the moment I'm unemployed and time-poor to boot so I don't really have any means of rewarding myself. However, once I'm finished the course I'm doing, I have to find a job, pay off my computer (which I needed for the course), and pay this tax year's student loan repayments. That is all several months away, which is…
  • 1. Get back under 80kg 2. Lose my back flaps lol 3. 100 burpees every day in March
  • I started keto for the mental clarity and focus that lots of people rave about (I'm studying atm and any added edge I can give myself all the better haha), and I'm surprised at how much weight has come off in such a short space of time. Considering I came into it with the INTENTION of it being a short-term experiment, I'm…
  • Agree with OP about strangers treating you differently! I'm usually pretty much invisible - like I get walked into on a regular basis, but the last time I lost a decent amount of weight I noticed complete strangers in the street treating me differently - holding doors open, saying hello in the was weird haha.
  • Not all the research being done on fasting is weight loss related. I first tried it after reading a study wherein it appeared to improve asthma symptoms in obese people (something to do with inflammation if I recall). It didn't improve my asthma, but FOR ME PERSONALLY it made a huge difference to my eczema. When I…
  • Can I just say, I LOVE that you've held onto that pair of jeans for over thirty years! <3
  • Getting back into mfp for macro tracking since I'm trying out keto! Definitely keen for new friends both keto and non-keto :)
  • I love carbs, and I love to bake (with flour and sugar lol), so at first glance keto is a no for me. BUT I'm trying it out at the moment for the mental clarity and focus that a lot of people rave about in ketosis (I'm studying web development and it's a very intense course). I do find my energy levels are more even, and I…
  • From what I've heard Polars are a good place to start, I got a Polar FT7 about a month ago and for a first HRM I really like it :) I got it secondhand and in virtually new condition (there weren't many training files on it so I think it was only used a few times) so I didn't have to spend much at all on it. You put all…
  • Try not to think of carbs as the enemy, they're good for energy especially if you're doing cardio, and some people do pretty well on a high carb diet :) Would definitely recommend a heart rate monitor, I love mine cause it gives me a more accurate idea of how much I need to eat back after exercise
  • Sending request! I need more friend closer to my timezone :D
  • You are so not alone, I think about this stuff all. the. time. Will I have cheekbones? What will it be like to never worry about being photographed with a double chin? What's it like having a flat stomach? Will I even get a flat stomach?? What will my breasts look like? Will my calves be lean enough that I'll fit into…
  • I get the zombie heart rate too! I have tried most of these things over the week (tighten the strap, wet it more, dry it properly, make sure bra isn't getting under the strap, separate transmitter from strap for storage), but I'll try changing the transmitter battery, giving the strap a thorough wash, and wearing the watch…
  • The summer I turned 20. I'd just come back from a year spent in Germany where I'd lost about 6kg. But when I came home, even though I was biking to and from work during the week (about 60km p/wk), it was the first summer in a long time that all of my friends were home from uni/travelling so I was drinking quite a lot for…
  • In need of some friendly support too - I'm hopeless at keeping myself accountable :P
  • Heya I'm Tori, 23, just finished university, trying to lose about 20kg/44lbs and really struggling to make progress. Feel free to add me :)
  • This is about the millionth time I've tried utilising MFP to help me lose weight because I have a tendency to let my eating habits slip quite a bit :/ so I figure, maybe if I actually make friends with people this time I might be more inclined to stick with it :)