

  • I agree! I never breathe better when sick than during/right after a workout! :)
  • Early last week, I had a cold and still went and worked out. I just eased up on the intensity. Did light resistance on the elliptical and walked instead of ran on the treadmill. Kept weights the same. However, the cold got worse by the end of the week and I haven't been to work out in 4 days. :( Driving me crazy!
  • Hey I was there yesterday! My hubby ran it!
  • I can't stand non-fat yogurt. Especially non-fat greek yogurt. A little bit of fat ain't gonna hurt anything ;)
  • I love ground turkey. Just got to use some seasonings.
  • I HAVE to have a snack between breakfast and lunch. Or my blood sugar crashes and I get the shakes and I start eating everything in sight to make them stop. If they've already started, something like a peanut butter sandwich usually makes them stop.
  • Think about what they take out to make the food low-cal, then what they have to put back in to make it taste good. Then read the ingredient label. More than 5 ingredients? Things you can't pronounce? Put it back.
  • Whole, clean food is always better for you. Read "In Defense of Food". It will really open your eyes.
  • Check eBay. I got my Polar FT7 for $79 including shipping. It's $89 plus tax in stores.
  • 2 hours? Seriously? I probably eat too fast because I have 2 kids and am conditioned to eat quickly before someone needs something from me. LOL
  • Welcome! Do you belong to a gym? If I didn't belong do a gym with included childcare, I don't know how I'd get a workout it. Those 2 hours, 5 days a week are MINE. I'm very protective of them as that is what keeps Mommy sane and happy! :) Good luck to you!
  • I would say to have some ice cream. Nothing wrong with treating yourself once in a while. Now if it's a daily "need" for ice cream - yeah, look for some substitutes. But an ice cream cone a week isn't going to hurt anything.
  • When you set up your profile, it asked what kind of activity your daily life is (sedentary, light, etc.). If you have a job that you are on your feet a lot, I would set your activity level higher than sedentary. Then your calories burned for work are already figured into your total.
  • Yeah, if your arms were hurting you were gripping the handlebars too much. You gotta keep a light touch. It's something to work on. Hang in there! Go at your own pace and resistance! The class I took today the instructor was FLYING - her legs were a blur. No one else in the class could go that fast.
  • It gets easier! I took my first spin class a couple years ago and about died and decided I hated spinning. Never went again. But I've been working out pretty hard for the past few months and really building muscle and decided to give it another try. Now I love it! It's a great burn and I feel so proud of myself when I'm…
  • Wow, is it really that bad? I'm not doing P90X currently - but REALLY want to! I'm obsessed with their infomercial. :)
  • Mine has a chest strap and it is not even noticeable.
  • I saw a lot of recommendations for the Polar FT7. I just bought one off eBay and used it for the first time today. I LOVE it so far. It has a chest strap and a watch that reads your heart rate and calories burned. It remembers something like the last 10 workouts so you can track your progress. It's $89.99 at Academy, but I…
  • My iPod is loaded with Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. Great workout music. I have others too. Any catchy pop song that catches my eye (ear?). There's a website called where you can go and put in your pace and it will put up a playlist of songs that will match the BPM for your pace.
  • I go to Dunkin Donuts and get it with skim milk and Splenda. It's something like 45 calories for the medium.
  • If you type in "breastfeeding" or "nursing" in the food search bar, it will bring up some options for putting it in your food diary. Currently I subtract 300 cals a day but my baby is almost 12 months and nursing typically 3 times a day (more now because he's sick). I've only managed to lose about 15 lbs since he was born…
  • the best healthy cookbook i've found is joy bauer's slim and scrumptious. i made spaghetti and meatballs tonight and it was less than 500 cals a serving and soooo freaking good!
  • The only problem I have with spin is it hurts my butt! LOL I need to get a padded seat cover before I ever take a spin class again. :)
  • I'm at net 1100 right now. I've already had dinner. I know I can have fruits and veggies. I guess about 200 calories worth and leave 300?
  • I LOVE running! I recommend the Couch to 5K program for just starting out. My goal is to eventually do a 1/2 marathon but that's for when I've lost most of my weight. Currently, I run 3 times a week, 30 minutes each time. It comes to about 2.5 miles (more or less if I added in sprints).
  • I run usually 3 or 4 days a week; sometimes only twice. I have 2 rest days a week, and some days I take classes. I would LOVE to run more than that because I get such a high from it, but since I have over 60 lbs still to lose, my joints start to hurt.
  • I use 3's because it's a situation where it's high-rep and supposedly you're doing it everyday (I don't - just when I can't get to the gym). In a normal free-weight situation I, I use 10's.
  • Just my 2 cents: You can't look at eating a candy bar as "f'ing up". It's just food. Don't give it so much power and it won't run your life. Look at it as what it is - a candy bar. An occasional treat. If you have the calories and REALLY want one then go for it! Log it and move on. :)
  • Hmm, well your food diary is kinda spotty. Are you not eating some meals or just not tracking? My first instinct whenever anyone says they've stopped losing is to think that they actually aren't eating ENOUGH. You need to eat at least the minimum amount of calories plus your exercise calories. There's also WHAT you eat -…