maineislandgirl Member


  • Good Morning!!! I am from Rockland! :)
  • I just went to look this up and see what I could find out about it, what is in it etc. and this was what I found in red at the top of the very first review and several after: "Please note, this product has been discontinued by the manufacturer and may not be available for retail purchase." SOO it might be moot, as it might…
  • I have an appointment on the 25th with an endocrinologist in Portland for this very same issue! Not diagnosed yet, but this is one of the possibilities of what is going on. . . . . I'll let you know how it goes!
  • Woops, did not specify my last post was in response to david081. . . sorry.
  • Chances are the bowel surgery from the cancer is more likely interfering with the digestion so that it causes weight loss (this is similar to what they do for gastric by-pass). The gall bladder removal should not cause such issues.
  • I had mine out three years ago. They went in laparoscopically through my abdomen and removed it, which is much better (a few little tiny holes as compared to a 5 inch incision like it used to be. I felt SOOO much better after having it out! I had not had any idea how often it was making me feel crappy until it was gone and…
  • Thank you for posting! It was a great question I have wondered myself!
  • Well once I have picked up the house and had my hour of Wii fit exercise and then shower, I will be taking my youngest (14) to the dentist. Afterward I am having lunch with my husband at his work and then headed off to the College for two of my four classes for the rest of the day. I will be home just in time to cook the…
  • I get temperature induced hives. I get them from swimming in very cold water or by exercising and sweating. They itch like crazy, make my skin feel tingly and usually only last while I am at a drastic temperature difference and go away when my skin temperature returns to normal. I hate them. I am especially prone to a…
  • It's not a myth, we do retain water/fluids, up to several pounds even, just before our TOM. In fact some of it is retained in our skulls and the slightly altered intracranial pressure can be what causes our mood swings if we have them. Don't worry. If you hate the gain just before, you will love the easy loss during your…
  • Don't rely on just the weight. . . measure yourself in inches or cm too. Measure your waist, neck, upper arms, thighs, hips, chest. . . some or all of those. Some you can keep track of on here. . . the others just put in a notebook. Then you can see that maybe you gained a pound or two but you actually lost inches in other…
  • I am glad to read this! Not just as a congrats for you but because I thought I was going crazy, LOL. I have always weighed myself not measured inches and so had no experience with this part before. It has been about 9 days now for me and I have lost 5 lbs and several inches off my hips and waist. I thought I was somehow…
  • It is normal for our bodies to fluctuate as much as 2 lbs in one day simply due to water. It is also good to note that muscle weighs more than fat so if you lost fat and gained muscle, it will look leaner but weigh more. I would not beat yourself up over this. Are you using the measurements other than weight? (Waist, Hips…
  • Oh Good! I was just wondering the SAME thing!