i need support:*(

well... i started off really good. lost 7 pounds in about 2 and a half weeks!!! then... i weighed in this morning, and gained a pound:( i have been working out more than normal, and eating less than my goal calories... but not too much less! please help:(


  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    Keep at it!

    It's not all about the number on the scale, if you've been working out you may be gaining muscle which can add some weight, but looks damn good :)

    I'm just getting to terms with the fact that it's a slow process, don't try to rush it :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hi! Sorry I don't have any advice but just wanted to say well done on your initial loss! Keep at it - I'm on week 2 and I've got a horrid feeling that my ticker will not be showing a 12lb loss after my next weigh in on saturday as I think I'll have put some of that back on after the initial body shock of eating less crappy foods!

    Hope someone can give you some advice to help you but just don't be disheartened...

  • Renee02918
    Renee02918 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm right there with you Kylie and like drblythe says its not about the number though sometimes seeing the number higher pokes you hard in the side. You are doing what you need to, to get where you want to be! Stay motivated !!!
  • Pullwench
    drblythe is most likely correct. If you are lifting any weights or doing muscle toning (or building) exercises, you might gain a pound or two.

    Remember that muscle weighs more than fat does!

    This is a journey, not a race. Enjoy the view!
  • maineislandgirl
    maineislandgirl Posts: 14 Member
    Don't rely on just the weight. . . measure yourself in inches or cm too. Measure your waist, neck, upper arms, thighs, hips, chest. . . some or all of those. Some you can keep track of on here. . . the others just put in a notebook. Then you can see that maybe you gained a pound or two but you actually lost inches in other places as you gained muscle mass. It's a much better indicator of how in shape you are. Think of a bodybuilder who has so much muscle he weighs a ton more than his "ideal weight". Without a way to compute that and based on weight alone he would be overweight . . . when in fact he was in very good shape. :^)
    Hang in there!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    it sounds like your doing everything right just stick with it your body is super complicated ive been doing this since november 1st and ill tell you ive learned loads about my body you will get to know your body because somedays it does some strange things stick with it
  • bgagn085
    bgagn085 Posts: 14 Member
    Dont give up!

    One small suggestion that worked for me is to make sure you are eating enough. I know it sounds crazy, becuase when you think of losing weight you always associate it with cutting portion sizes, but its really all about getting enough calories to fuel your body and it's daily acticities.

    If you work out, make sure to use those extra calories by eating good quality foods like whole grains, fruits and veggies. This can easily done by eating healthy snacks little and often inbetween smaller meals. If you dont eat enough, you trick your body into thinking that it needs to store fat instead of burn it...which is why you gain/stop losing weight!

    This isnt to say that if you're not hungry at the end of the day and you have extra calories left that you have to force yourself to eat, but make sure you're giving your body enough food to sustain itself!

    Good work on your progress thus far, and if you keep at it I'm sure you will meet you goal weight!
  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
    Here's what I'm thinking...stay committed to your exercise plan and keep on logging your food. If you do that consistently day in and day out, you'll see results. Your new lifestyle is not a sprint it's more like a marathon and you have to be in it for the long haul-speed bumps, hills, flat tracks and all.

    P.S. A pound of fat and a pound of muscle are both a pound so don't be misled. What's different is that muscle is denser so you need less of it to make the pound. Remember the old brain teaser -- which weighs more a ton of lead or a ton of feathers. They both weigh the same -- a ton-- it just takes a "boatload" more feathers to make the ton ;)
  • Lozt09
    Lozt09 Posts: 5
    I agree measure yourself aswell you may have lost inches all over your body! I wouldnt worry or get upset, You lost so much so quick, I lost 7lbs in 2 weeks and I really need to up my game now, Also if your exercising quite a lot you may need to bump your calories up more for the days you are burning more. Dont give it up though, you will get there! :)
  • jonathanbeserra
    Its okay don't worry about it, sometimes if we eat a little more than usual at night, it can affect out weight, also if you drank extra water, and also as others mentioned, muscle tone as well. Remember it is a lifestyle change, and your body is just kicking gear into burning mode. Everything you have done more likely is better than the old lifestyle. Another thing is to weigh yourself at the same time everyday before a meal in the morning. Keep at it! Give your body a little time to adjust and you will not be disappointed.
  • k8smama
    k8smama Posts: 48
    Ditch the scale!! I did my weigh in yesterday morning and was devestated because it showed no weight lose at all. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong! I ate right, exercised daily, drank enough water to drown an elephant. I was telling my husband how disappointed I was and he commented that I LOOKED different. He pulled out my favorite pair of jeans that I've been unable to wear for about a year and guess what?!? THEY FIT!! They're still a little snug, but I couldn't even pull them up before. Don't put sooo much emphasis on a number, instead focus on how you feel and look. Good Luck!
  • MomsDaily140
    well... i started off really good. lost 7 pounds in about 2 and a half weeks!!! then... i weighed in this morning, and gained a pound:( i have been working out more than normal, and eating less than my goal calories... but not too much less! please help:(

    Keep in mind muscle outweighs fat.... and make sure you are eating enough of your calories so your body isn't holding onto extra water weight. But I did that, I lost 3 lbs the first week back in Nov.... then I I slowed down to half a lb a week,.... then I actually gained 2 lbs, so I started going by inches lost... because the scale didn't move for Dec, but I didn't gain any either... but I was a pant size down...... and then in Jan, when I started here I lost almost 7 lbs in 10 days according to the scale, then this week, I lost a little over half a lb.... I used to and had the most successful weight loss, never step on the scale, I went by measurements alone. The only reason I weigh now, is because MFP has a check in. I find it motivational but I try not to go so much by the scale but more by my clothing and how I feel.

    Hope this helps!
    FR are always welcome :flowerforyou:
  • rick9280
    Drink at least 8 bottles of water at day....exercise...and watch what happens - good luck
  • Chelij
    Chelij Posts: 49
    I started working out and watching my diet in August 2010. I lost 11 lbs over a month and a half, then gained half of it back! I stayed there for about 3 months, and just recently have I started losing at a steady pace again.

    Make sure you have a reasonable calorie goal, log everything (best to log BEFORE you eat), log your exercise calories and eat them back. Eventually your body will get there. You just have to have faith :) It was really REALLY hard for me to stay at it for 3 months without any weight loss...and no notable changes in my body (except my strength increased and I could feel my muscles become toned...just can't SEE it). But now I'm starting to lose weight again and it feels great!
  • kris628
    kris628 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey just keep with it don't give in yet! Are you mesuring yoru body as well as your weight? And remember water is our BEST FRIEND !!! lol keep drinking the water and working out and I am sure you body will get back on track some times we have to gain a few to lose alot of pounds. But you have it in you to lose it just keep it positive!
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    This is a really helpful thread for me to read...I lost 10lbs on WW, switched to MFP and didn't lose anything the first week. I haven't weighed in for this week, but I snuck in a WI yesterday and I was up 2. I'm so discouraged, BUT:

    I feel great.
    MFP is pushing me to exercise more, which I wasn't doing with WW.
    People are telling me I look great.

    And did I mention...I FEEL GREAT!!! So i'm going to try and put my head down and stick with it.