

  • Thanks everyone!!!!! Already feeling more inspired!!!!
  • what an awesome story! I have 2 kids too and they are NOT fun to take to the store and i have been in this EXACT situation more times than I would like to say...what is it about kids wanting to run out in the parking lot? anyways, your story made me laugh, so thanks for that! I certainly understand the situation and…
  • i really liked the turbo jam workouts, especially the dancing and the weight workout, HOWEVER...i noticed that in most of the videos, its easy to forget about always staying in a squatted stance and so i never felt like i got a good workout in my legs. there are some parts where you kick, but mostly its upper body and ab…
  • if you like cardio, youll love insanity. im doing it now, ive also done most of the p90 programs including p90x. i find that the cardio in insanity is SUPER challenging and you will sweat buckets. im just about to finish my first complete round, 2 months of insanity, and then am thinking of doing something that will…
  • i feel old and so when im around people who are younger and in their "prime" i feel self conscious. i feel like i used to be pretty and now im just fat and old and seen to others as someone who may have looked ok at some point. sad thing is, im 33. im really not that old, but ive gotten in the habit of comparing my current…
  • i get like this too. i start off good and thinking positive and telling myself that its not just about the numbers but the health benefits etc. i have 3 kids, work full time as a nurse and have a ton of work to do after my shifts. its hard to workout and eat good all the time, but i do it and then i lose stamina. then i…
  • online RN here says this: RICE Rest Ice Compress Elevate take ibuprofen too if you can, you are allowed up to 2400 mg in a day if you dont have kidney issues. that means you can take 800 mg every 8 hours if needed for pain/inflammation. Ice with your leg elevated above your heart level. 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off of…
  • Deedsie~ in response to your previous comment, i have also noticed that i get sick less often when i am eating whole foods and working out regularily. i also notice that i require less coffee for energy, sleep better and getting up early the next day is easier too. pretty neat! :P
  • i have 2 kids as well and i work full time. its a crazy life and i definetely notice the difference between working out and dieting now vs when i did it before kids. i have pooches and places that jiggle that i just dont want to! sounds like, with the amount of responses youve gotten that we should start a mommy forum! :)…
  • you CAN do it! i know this is frustrating! I have been there SO MANY times. now, i have 3 kids to keep up with and i use every excuse to not work out because im exhausted by the end of the day. so, this is what i did: i laid on my bed, quietly. and thought: what do i want? how do i want my life to be? what is important to…
  • wow! thank you everyone for all your responses. it gives me a lot to think about. i like the idea of a meal replacement/protein shake because i am mostly vegan and need protein alternatives. I think my next step is to go to GNC. I have heard alot about the optimum nutrition products and I would like to learn more! thanks!
  • thanks for the info! im glad now i didnt just order it cuz it is awfully pricey and if its like the texture of snot...i dont think i could finish it either. ill try some other whey protein shakes then. thanks ladies!
  • well to be honest, i dont know how to calculate how many cals i burn, so i estimated that.:)
  • what a touching story! what an amazing gift you can offer your daughter! very inspiring! I wish you and Izzy all the best!
  • I used to get up at 8 am and do my errands and take care of my son and then put him down for a nap at noon - work out for sn hour then shower and get ready tor work at 230 pm. It worked well. I would get hungry st night too but if I brought s grsnols bar or something with protein. And ate it right before I got home it was…
  • so, i thought the whole thing about losing was to create a calorie deficit. to eat less than your body uses. im not trying to argue anyone, but how can a person lose weight if they eat more? i guess ill start by eating back my exercise calories and have a goal of having 1200 calorie net by the end of the day? if i did my…
  • if you can, i would check your blood pressure before you work out and then during a period of dizziness if/when it happens again. make sure its not cardiac related before you delve into nutrition possibilities. if you have a significant rise OR fall in blood pressure, that means that your body is not handling the workout…
  • wow! thank you everyone! i do really appreciate all the advice! i am super motivated and somehow i get so "in" it that i lose sight....if that makes any sense.. but thanks! i will start by eating back my exercise calories and see if that helps. i just took measurements too. i know i get impatient, but thats why i need some…
  • i sorta agree w you...im on my 3rd week of insanity. i have lost 2 lbs. i work my *kitten* off, and im actually starting to like it which is good. i noticed the other day that my arms are getting a bit more defined and i feel im getting a bit stronger during the workout, but there really is no scale victory yet. im going…
  • ill log my calories too! im planning on being too busy cooking good food for everyone else...maybe i wont eat it! hahaha
  • i would like to lose 30 lbs by may 15th. that is the major one, but i have it all specifically listed out on my page. i would like to eat all plant based foods too. what are your goals?
  • you really do look amazing, and you deserve every bit of the rewards for all your hard work! what an inspiration you are to me and im sure alot of people on here. I too have little kids and a job and a very busy life. i have to make myself work out in the evening time after a full day, its not easy. but seeing someone like…
  • i would love to have you as a friend for continued motivation and support. thanks for sharing your story and amazing progress! Jaime
  • im going to try this tomorrow morning! thanks!!
  • thank you for asking this question cuz now i can try some of the recipes too!!
  • I have been vegetarian and vegan for about a year now, off and on. I recently went back to strait vegan. I find that getting alot of recipes and finding what works for you is the key. look up engine2diet.com and watch forks over knives if you can. it is pretty motivating from a nutritional perspective, which is mostly why…
  • i can totally relate! i too have kids, a busy life and love coffee. i have recently begun taking my coffee with only 2 % milk and then letting myself splurge just once a week. it only took a few days to really enjoy the coffee without all the extra added sweets. as far as the sweet tooth thing, you need to re-train your…
  • Ive been vegan and vegetarian and now I try to moderate the animal products I eat. While i was strict vegan, I don think I researched enough on how to supplement nutrients and therefore I didnt lose any weight. I felt great at the start, it was a great cleanse of my system. I think its a great idea for anyone to limit the…
  • thanks everyone for all your thoughts! I have and currently am doing the 30 day shred, but do I dare say...it doesnt feel hard enough for me??? im going to stick it out and maybe do 2 a day work out when i can. I will continue doing vegan, but i think i need to focus more on protien. When I was eating high protein and…
  • hi~ I have re-started and yes, the holidays are not the ideal time to start this, but here we are and we can do it! I am needing some extra support this time around. Hope we can help each other out! Jaime