question for the vegans

meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
How hard was it for you to go 100% animal product free? What helped you stick with it? I am not doing this for moral reasons but health reasons and I would like to know what I am up against :)


  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    I'm by no means vegan, but I know a lot of them. They would likely tell you to try pescaterian or vegetarian first and see if you are able to adapt to that.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    That makes since meat will be hard to drop as is
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    I'm by no means vegan, but I know a lot of them. They would likely tell you to try pescaterian or vegetarian first and see if you are able to adapt to that.

    If it's for health reasons I would suggest lots of research. Generally vegetarians and pescaterians fair better health wise in most studies.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I already have to cut out most dairy because of an allergy fish is something i really love though
  • fattypattybinger
    Te meat part is easy it is the dairy I have a problem with. Vegan cheese awful. I like Silk Soy Drink but cna't stand soy yogurt
  • alane15
    alane15 Posts: 121 Member
    I didn't have any trouble giving up meat and I love fish and venison. It's been three years and the only time I've had meat on my plate is when it was accidentally served to me at a restaurant. Dairy was a pretty easy transition although I miss the convenience of things like cream of mushroom soup and the social aspect of my life is a bit different too.
  • kzandarski
    My daughter is vegan for moral reasons. I think this makes it easier for her to stick to. Her beliefs are very strong.

    I taught her to cook, and we have done a fair amount of research so she gets proper nutrition. The hardest part is eating out or social eating at friends houses/school parties.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I was vegetarian for a year, but not vegan. I actually found cutting out meat to be very easy (and I love chicken and burgers, so that was a surprise!) I could never ever ever cut out dairy or other animal products though. As a vegetarian I basically lived off of things like eggs, cheese, and greek yogurt for my protein needs. I did get a lot of protein, but I had to really work for it, sometimes by drinking multiple protein shakes a day. If I had gone vegan it would have been even harder to get that protein, and I'm trying to get serious about lifting weights and building muscle, so that wouldn't be worth it to me.

    I know a lot of happy and successful vegans, though! To each his own. Just know that it's a big commitment and you will have to think a lot more carefully about what you eat to ensure you get the proper nutrition. I'd also recommend taking a multivitamin if you don't already.

    And I agree with the above, try going vegetarian first before you cut out all animal products completely! Baby steps.
  • jaimelynn01
    I have been vegetarian and vegan for about a year now, off and on. I recently went back to strait vegan. I find that getting alot of recipes and finding what works for you is the key. look up and watch forks over knives if you can. it is pretty motivating from a nutritional perspective, which is mostly why i do it too. i am a nurse and have seen too many people with cardiovascular disease who, right after cardiac surgery say"when can i have steak or a cheeseburger". gross. :/
    so, that would be my recommendation. I have made everything from cakes to lasagna and veggie burgers. i also have 3 kids and they pretty much eat vegan too and so if i can do that, its not that hard!
    also, try and watch the processed soy products you ingest. that can get to be just as bad as eating meat products. to start, limit yourself to 2-3 soy products per day, such as a soy yogurt, soy milk and maybe a veggie burger or something. that might make it an easier transition. please feel free to friend me for support!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Yeah watched forks over knifes today actually lol
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Veggie burgars are awesome also love mushroom burgars
  • Dense113
    Dense113 Posts: 14 Member
    I agree that researching more is the way to go and a gradual switch to vegetarian and so on is a good plan, some people find their bodies don't function as well on these diets, although some do great so it's a individual case by case thing for sure. Also you'd be surprised at foods that have some form of dairy in them, always read labels if you like to become absolutely animal product free...dairy for example can be found in some surprising places look for casein, whey proteins, lactose etc.
    I'm not vegan (grew up on a dairy farm) but have plenty of vegan friends :) Good luck :smile:
  • natashageymont
    I am vegan, and it is SUPER easy. I have lost 50 pounds, but I still have 30 more to lose. Health is all about a proper balance of the necessities! I have friends who are vegan, overweight, and only eat processed food. I have friends who are FIT (not deathly thin. These people are fit, with defined muscle!) who eat vegan diets containing lots of healthy, unprocessed food.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    How hard was it for you to go 100% animal product free? What helped you stick with it? I am not doing this for moral reasons but health reasons and I would like to know what I am up against :)
    To get back to your original question, the only hard things we do are the things we don't want to do. If it's important to you, regardless the reason, then it won't be so hard. Do what is right for you. Gain the knowledge you need to eat what is best for your body. That knowledge and the results I've had are enough for me. Good luck on your journey.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I'm by no means vegan, but I know a lot of them. They would likely tell you to try pescaterian or vegetarian first and see if you are able to adapt to that.

    If it's for health reasons I would suggest lots of research. Generally vegetarians and pescaterians fair better health wise in most studies.
    What studies? The only thing I've come across that sets vegans apart from vegetarians is vegans sometimes fair better than vegetarians and omnis with iron intake (because dairy inhibits absorption). Being meat free is beneficial either way.

    OP it might be a good idea to start off slow.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    I was vegetarian for about 4 years before I went vegan. For me it was both health and moral reasons. Giving up meat was a lot easier than I expected personally. I armed myself with a lot of good recipes and began to experiment in the kitchen more. Packaged veggie burgers and other mock meats are ok and pretty tasty, but they are no where near as good as homemade . I cut out the dairy and eggs about 3 months ago, and it too was pretty easy once I set my mind to it. I now eat a largely whole foods vegan diet and have found weight loss to be easier than ever on any other "diet"
    The hardest part...dealing with omnivores who feel the need to bash my diet choices when I am not pushing it upon them. I don't care what anyone else eats so why are my choices so irritating...I will never understand that. The other irritating thing is people who have not done the same research as I have preaching to me about macros and carbs vs protein...and discrediting anything I say on the matter. That stuff...far more challenging that giving up one set of delicious foods for another that is better for my health and my values.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Te meat part is easy it is the dairy I have a problem with. Vegan cheese awful. I like Silk Soy Drink but cna't stand soy yogurt

    Clearly, you haven't tried almond cheese. I had my room mate try some of my almond cheese today and she preferred it to dairy cheese and she's a meat eater. I love it.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Te meat part is easy it is the dairy I have a problem with. Vegan cheese awful. I like Silk Soy Drink but cna't stand soy yogurt

    Clearly, you haven't tried almond cheese. I had my room mate try some of my almond cheese today and she preferred it to dairy cheese and she's a meat eater. I love it.

    A lot of vegan cheese is kind of...meh. But I love daiya brand shreds...yummy!!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I haven't tried almond cheese either! I'll have to try and find some, sounds really good! Today I made chocolate chip cookies with ground flax, ground almonds, peanut butter and oatmeal. My children loved them!
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    it's really easy. you just have to learn how to cook and BAKE really well. a lot of my favorite treats that are not vegan are very easily made vegan. most everything has a vegan version, except meringue. i haven't found a way to properly replicate that. and the food is definitely more delicious, in my opinion.