

  • I'm back! Thank you all for your words of motivation and really did help. My work schedule has been crazy busy and the kids are all involved in some kind of after school program or sport so I've had little time to check in and read all the posts...but I'm a great skimmer! Yesterday was my weigh in day…
  • Hello everyone! I wanted to pop in to tell everyone I think you're all doing a great job by staying focused! I needed to come here to read your inspiring words to each other. I've been MIA this week. Partly because I've been doing our taxes (yes, I know, I'm such a procrastinator) and partly because I've been in a real…
  • Friday was my weigh in day but we were getting ready to head out of town for my son's rodeo so I didn't get over here to MFP. So here it is...better late than never. I'm down 1.6 for last week. I was so excited about my loss and had the best of intentions for the long weekend. We ate out every meal for the last 3 days and…
  • I don't know about your other questions, but my breakfast "on the go" is always a scrambled egg that I cook in the microwave. Spray a bowl with non-stick spray, scramble up the egg in the bowl, season with whatever you like, and cook for about 1 min 20 seconds. It slides right out in an egg "patty" and I throw it on one of…
  • Do not come between me and a bag of nacho cheese Doritos. My family knows this, therefore, we do not allow them in our home. :wink:
  • I certainly do. One day a week on the weekend I eat whatever I want. It kept me sane in the beginning, knowing that I couldn't have that cheeseburger today...but I could on Saturday. I talked myself out of a LOT of bad days because I convinced myself that I could do it ALL on Saturday. I didn't used to count my calories…
  • I have to say that this is the best group I've been in. Everyone checks in almost daily and offers so much support. I've been on other sites (CCC) where it seems the main objective was to tear each other down and point out how nutritionally ignorant, weak, and/or lazy, and other people were. It wasn't for me...…
  • Wow...that is impressive! I love how you're working your way up to a marathon. I'd love to run in a marathon (or 1/2) someday. Right now, running is simply too painful because my knees are a little upset at me for being so overweight for so long. Someday, tho. It's one of those long term goals to run in one...just because…
  • Texssip: I've never been to TX but I've heard it's beautiful this time of year. My husband travels for work down there and ends up in El Paso quite a bit. He calls me to make me jealous because it will be 83 degrees down there and we're still wearing our winter clothes! His family hails from Childress, TX, and mine is from…
  • I would be very interested in more information on this. I, too, have quite a bit of weight to lose and can't afford a personal trainer so I do the best I can do at home but also wonder if I'm doing enough, doing the right exercises, using enough or too much weight, etc. Thanks for putting this out there. Hopefully someone…
  • Welcome JPrice! This is the best group evah! Weigh in day...the scale said an even 223 so that means I'm down another 1.6 this week. Yeeeeehaw! All in all, it's been a pretty good week. There were a couple of days when I simply let myself get too hungry (plus PMS) and then I made a bad choice for a meal. I stayed within my…
  • Oh, boy. Just when I thought I was doing really well...I have to worry about my bread now, too?!! I just realized that my fantastically yummy and satisfying BK chicken tendergrill sandwich that I've been eating for lunch almost daily (no mayo) has 1,100 ( thousand one hundred) grams of sodium. Yikes! Needless to…
  • When I first ordered a turkey sandwich with no cheese, no mayonnaise, loaded with veggies at our local Subway, the young man there didn't bat an eye. When we got to the cash register, he asked me (very discretely) if I was counting calories or watching my weight. I said yes, that I was trying to make better choices, and he…
  • Just a quick weigh in...I'm down 2.2 this week! I CANNOT WAIT to be under 220! It's been a tough week with TOM and all but I fought the battle and exercised (even when I really didn't feel like it) just so I could have the extra calories because I was hungry, hungry, hungry. Gotta love those hormones. :grumble: Hang in…
  • I'm experiencing this same problem right now and decided that (as much as I don't want to BECAUSE of TOM) I have to make myself exercise so I can afford myself those extra calories. It's ironic that once I do exercise (even tho I think I don't want to...) I feel much, much better physically and emotionally and feel like I…
  • Yep...I just joined last week. There is awesome support in here!
  • Happy Friday! I'm down 1.6 this week and feeling so good about the food choices I've been making and exercise I've been doing. I don't know what has happened to me, but I just felt this "shift" at the end of January. I just woke up one morning in January and said "this is it." (After 20 years of waking up miserable and…
  • Thanks everyone! I kind of thought I'd rest the ol' behind and did some yoga instead. They felt better when I was doing the yoga and stretching them out but once those muscles cooled down, they got really sore again. I've been drinking lots of water because I thought that might help but I never even thought about…
  • I'm gonna make a huge bonfire out of 'em!
  • I'm with took FOREVER to get out of my 20s! I'm down almost 30 pounds and finally had to buy size 18 pants the other day. I was amazed when they fit! They're a little snug, but they feel better than the baggy 20s.
  • I did a search on my satellite TV and recorded a series of fitness programs called Total Body and Fitness. If you don't have satellite or a DVR, try your local library! And the best part...they're free!
    in exercises Comment by niknik43 March 2011
  • Good morning everyone! Alf...I don't know the history on your foot pain but I was experiencing excruciating heel pain about a year ago and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis (pronounced fash-ee-itis). I won't bore you with the details and cure here, but if you want to know more, just msg me. Tron: So sorry about your…
  • Wow. Thank you so much. I changed it and feel better already. Thanks again!
  • Thanks everyone! I feel better now. I was beginning to think that every time I finally get something figured out...I get the chair kicked out from under me! I won't worry about my protein intake anymore. I'm just gonna keep on keepin' on...if it isn't broke, don't fix it, right?!
  • Yes, usually about 3 days a week I do beginning (and I ain't pretty!) yoga/fitness ball workouts for 45 minutes to an hour.
  • Ok...thanks, twinwolf. I think I'm drinking plenty of least 64 ounces per day, sometimes more if I throw in a jug of unsweetened iced tea. No soda...not even diet.
  • HAHAHA! I love it!
  • Oh my. I'm from the old school, too. I was thinking it was some kind of wonderful tropical fruit or something. Sheesh. McDonald's. Who knew.
  • What in the world is a "macca"?!