How many of you do a 'Spike' day?

Where you eat wayyy over your calories to kinda trick your body so it won't be used to the same old so you don't plateau? Also, do you always eat the smae amount of caliories daily or do you vary from day to day by a few calories?


  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Once a week - like a religion! :drinker:
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Oh, and normally I stay within 100 calories of my goal except my cheat or "spike" day! (I LIKE THAT TERM!!)
  • JenniferTasso
    JenniferTasso Posts: 77 Member
    Yes once a week for me as well...I tend to stay between 100-400 calories behind what I am supposed to...Only when I exercise..M-F...Sat and Sun I eat what I am supposed to
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    How do you do your spike day? Do you have one large meal or spread it over the day? About how many calories do you go over? I want to try this...just curious how it worked. :wink:
  • Vanishing_Gordies
    I read on another blog that a "spike" day and a "cheat" day were completely different. A "spike" day is where you eat over your caloric intake with healthy foods. A "cheat" day is where you eat whatever your heart desires...not so healthy though. In other words - that yummy steak dinner with loaded mashed potatoes and cheesecake for dessert with a bottle of wine (yup...sure did say a bottle of wine) - that's a cheat day.
  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    I do this. I eat under my calories all week. Usually a good amount under. I havent been losing muscle, because I can still lift what I was lifting before. I come in at about 1100 calories a day and the on Saturday and Sunday I take it a bit easier. On one of those days I dont have a problem killing calories. I have been losing about 2 lbs a week doing this. I also work out really hard the day AFTER I kill those calories. My energy levels are through the roof the next day.
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    I dont do this but i was at a bit of a plateau and then i hurt my arm so i wasnt working out and eating horribly and I ended up losing weight once I started eating healthy assuming i tricked my body!!! lol
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    One cheat meal, not day. Anything I want for about 30 minutes!! Nothing after that!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    So it's not a bad thing I went over today like 150 - 200? I often eat what I shouldn't after I have weighed in, I think it's sorta like a reward maybe, I don't know. Or a letting go maybe. But probably it should be healthier stuff right not a bag of Carmel bugles?
  • jon_dub
    jon_dub Posts: 166
    I think when i get to where i want to be i will have one.. It will keep me sane
  • tassles
    tassles Posts: 172
    Yes I have a spike day too!...usually on the weekend when I feast on Indian curry!! yum!!....sometimes I have 2 spike days in a row! (the whole weekend) I find I may put on a little afterwards...but the weight drops off with a little extra drop by Tuesday. I've tried going with out spike days for a couple of weeks and believe it or not caused me to plateau back to my spike days it is!!....with pleasure!:drinker:
  • niknik43
    niknik43 Posts: 36
    Once a week - like a religion! :drinker:

    HAHAHA! I love it!
  • amandarusco
    maybe I should try this....I also feel this could possibly help keep u away from temptation the rest of the week.
  • tassles
    tassles Posts: 172
    How do you do your spike day? Do you have one large meal or spread it over the day? About how many calories do you go over? I want to try this...just curious how it worked. :wink:

    well my spike day is probably more of a cheat meal ..... i'll eat well the rest of the day but really enjoy a dinner out. i'll go over anywhere between 200 to 400 calories.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    No "spike" day here. I don't think I've ever gone over my cals (though I usually try to get at least somewhat close). Not that I think it is terrible if you go over - just that I haven't done that or needed to jolt my weight loss in that way. I'm sure that it is a big help for a lot of folks, however.
  • marniebigelow
    This is a very interesting thread...I never would have thought that a cheat day could actually improve your weight loss.
    My fear especaillt just starting again is that I will quickly relapse in to old habits or just habits I havn't gotten out of my system yet :wink: How do you guys control yourselves?
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I like this idea! I often feel really hungry at the end of the day so maybe having a spike day (eating healthy) might help me in knowing that on that day I can eat a little more! I was once on Weight Watchers and they allow you a weekly allowance on top of your daily allowance, so with that in mind, I don't mind if I go over my daily calories!!!
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    This is all new to me. Very intriguing to say the least. I hope more people will post with their thoughts and input. I'd love to not feel guilty for going out to eat on the weekend or to the movies for some sinful popcorn!

    So, how does this work? What's the physiological reasons for doing this? How does doing this "trick" your body from hitting a plateau?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    How do you do your spike day? Do you have one large meal or spread it over the day? About how many calories do you go over? I want to try this...just curious how it worked. :wink:

    well my spike day is probably more of a cheat meal ..... i'll eat well the rest of the day but really enjoy a dinner out. i'll go over anywhere between 200 to 400 calories.

    If that is all you go over (your regular cal deficit) by then I wouldn't call that a spike. That would just be getting back to a maintenance level if you were set at 1lb loss per week.

    I have seen people (friends on here) hit 5000+ on a spike/cheat day where regular is 2000ish.

    The cheat day is a huge part of the slow carb diet from 4 hour body book which there is a whole thread on here about. For anyone after more info, go check out that thread :)
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    I do spike days, still eat healthy but go over my calorie intake levels. It work really well for me :)