HCGracie Member


  • I made my weight loss journey a LIFESTYLE change instead of a diet. I do not have cheat days I eat pretty much what I want but make sure I exercise enough to cover the extra calories or find a healthy way to fix my favorite dish!
  • I did a reward system when starting to loose my weight. I did rewards such as a new book, a pedicure, new shoes, at 50 pounds lost I got a family portrait taken, tanning bed visits, hair cut, etc. My husband also got involved with the rewards which was very motivating.
  • Thank you so much for this thread I really needed a good laugh and I definetly got it from reading all the post. I miss my clothes and shoes! I don't miss the big girl styles just the amount that I had, since I had been big for so long I had lots of clothes now that I have lost I don't have hardly any and have to do…
  • I'm in I have downloaded the sheet from the link! Thanks for the motivation!!
  • I'm in for 75 miles. This is my first time in this challenge looking forward to adding more exercise into my day!!
  • I gave them up in January. I told myself then that I was only going to have one when we went out to eat so that it wouldn't be so hard. The first few days was a little rough had a headache but after that I was fine. When we went out for dinner after I hadn't had a soda in weeks I wasn't even tempted to order one I was then…
  • If I am craving something sweet I eat fruit normally helps that craving. These cravings don't happen as much as they used to since I eat fruit daily I feel like I am getting my sweet. If I am craving something salty I try to eat nuts. As for Cheeseburgers I buy extra lean ground beef it contains about 5% fat.
  • Some things I do to help my portion control is I portion out everything once a week. Normally I go to the grocery on Sunday afternoons as soon as I get home I wash my fruits and vegetables so that I can just pick it up in the mornings on the way to work and not have to worry it. Any snacks (nuts, pretzels, trail mix, etc)…
  • I really had doubts that I would meet this goal this week ecspecially after I wasn't able to workout on Wednesday and because I skipped Shred on Tuesday. However, I stepped it up and added to my workout and I'm almost there and I have two days left!!!!!! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: calories burned: 676 (Treadmill, elliptical…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: calories burned: 676 (Treadmill, elliptical and Level 2 of SHRED) Tues: calories burned: 454(Treadmill, elliptical was in NO mood to do SHRED today) Wed: calories burned: not enough hours in the day today to do anything. Felt guilty but will work harder tomorrow! Thur:calories burned: 899(Tredmill,…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: calories burned: 676 (Treadmill, elliptical and Level 2 of SHRED) Tues: calories burned 454(Treadmill, elliptical was in NO mood to do SHRED today) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: calories burned: 676 (Treadmill, elliptical and Level 2 of SHRED) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:calories…
  • I'm in!! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: calories burned (how they were burned) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:calories burned (how they…
  • Way to go!! Hard work does pay off!!!
  • Did you measure before you started? I really didn't think I was getting anything from it but when I measured I was totally blown away!!!!
  • Congratulation on all your hard work!! :smile:
  • With the Shred dvd I got a 30 day trial so I figured I would try it out and I definetly will NOT be paying for it. It basically has about the same thing as MFP, one difference is it plans your menus for the week and your exercise for the week. I also have her free app on my iPhone (Jillian Michaels Slim Down) and I find…
  • My thoughts for a nice daily reward would be a nice long bath with no interuptions, read a book, paint your nails, a in home pediure (foot baths are pretty cheap at Wal-Mart) , anything small for yourself!!
  • I am on Level one day 3!!!! I am sore but I am determined to do this! I have had this DVD as well as the weights laying around my house for months but it took the motivations from MFP to finally OPEN it and start it! Good Luck to everyone that has taken another step to become healthy!
  • After reading how everyone was doing this and having great results I got online to order it when I seen the cover I thought I have this DVD. Low and behold the DVD (and weights) was sitting on my entertainment center and had been for months and I had not used it. Of course when my husband heard me opening it he was none to…