No more sodas

I'm giving them up. I drank my last glass this morning. I've drank them for as long as I can remember. Up until several years ago it was regular sodas, then I started on the diets because I didn't want the calories, but I know that the artificial sweeteners are no better and probably worse.
So here I go. Please pray for my family! :wink: I tend to be grouchy when I'm dealing with caffeine withdrawls. I will be adding teas to my diet so that should help ease the withdrawls.
Any encouragement and support would be greatly appreciated!


  • wsushocker
    wsushocker Posts: 10 Member
    I lived on sugared drinks until I switched to diet drinks about 10 years ago. The sodium content is unbelieveable so I recently decided to try to solely drink the "elixir of the Gods". I still have slight cravings for a diet drink but the cravings are few and far between.
  • Wyoruby
    Wyoruby Posts: 175 Member
    I too am cutting out the sodas. I've done it before and had some great results!!! Those things are just to tempting though, I don't think I will cut them out totally though because if I make something off limits to myself it makes it even harder to stay away from it. So what I decided to do is only when we go out to eat or for special occasions like birthday parties!!! I don't think I could cut caffine out entirely either every morning I have to have my cappuccino or else someone might get hurt!!! I guess that is my one vice. Good Luck and we will be praying for you and the fam.
  • HCGracie
    HCGracie Posts: 21 Member
    I gave them up in January. I told myself then that I was only going to have one when we went out to eat so that it wouldn't be so hard. The first few days was a little rough had a headache but after that I was fine. When we went out for dinner after I hadn't had a soda in weeks I wasn't even tempted to order one I was then satisfied with water. Good Luck!
  • Jesusfollower
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I'm going to try to focus on the health benefits from not drinking them anymore. One day at a time!