Discouraged Rant

I'm ready to give up. I really try, but I can't control my portion sizes because I get so hungry! I feel like I'm always hungry and sore from working out... plus, people (co-workers mainly) are tired of me *****ing about my soreness because "she doesn't HAVE to do that!" (exercise). I exercise on my lunch breaks. I've got a dr. appointment today because I think I have shin splints and I keep getting dizzy and my heart races usually when I'm not being physically active. Watch, she'll tell me I'm fine and it's all in my head too.

I'm just tired of trying for what seems like nothing. I feel so damn depressed. I stood on the scale yesterday and to my horror, I had GAINED 5 pounds in a week! Putting me right back where I was over a month ago. I'm not tracking it because it wasn't my normal weigh time and because, honestly, I don't want to get any more discouraged, but I feel like no one around me understands what the heck I'm going through... they just want me to shut up about everything. I don't know... I'm just upset right now I guess.


  • rkoontz
    rkoontz Posts: 75
    Don't give up. I feel the same way at times. I did so good losing last week and am now up, but like you not my normal time to post so I am not going to post up yet. I am constantly hungry myself. I have eaten three times since this morning already. I do need to go and post it. And I need to get on my treadmill but keep putting it off. I am going to go and post my food and get on the treadmill thanks to your post. I wish there was something that I could say to help you. Just don't give up. I have been doing a new kind of workout on my treadmill thanks to a post I read a week ago on here.

    I am not able to do just the way they said to do it, but it actually is making working out a lot more fun to do.

    3.0 speed incline 3.0 Base 2 minutes
    5.0 1 minute
    Back to base 2 minutes
    7.0 1 minute
    Back to base 2 minutes
    9.0 1 minute
    Back to base 2 minutes
    11.0 1 minute
    Back to base 2 minutes

    Repeat as often as you want or just continue to walk - I do a total of 35 minutes up to this point.

    Hope this is a help. It is said that the change up helps burn more and it really does seem to.

    Are you drinking plenty of water?

    Remember this is for you and you can do it. :smile:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks. I don't go to the gym (I exercise at work with the classes they offer in the fitness room) and I don't have a treadmill, so that part doesn't help me, but thanks for the support. I don't drink nearly enough water, though... I should.
  • rkoontz
    rkoontz Posts: 75
    That is really cool that your work has a place to workout. My comment to your co workers - they are in there also and should be supportive. I am sorry what I shared did not help, but I guess you don't know until you try. Watch that you don't hurt yourself - do what work out you can. The weight comes on quicker than it comes off. That is the part that stinks.

    I did my workout and posted my food for today. I have had 36 ounces of water so far today.

    We both joined in March and you are doing so much better than I am. If you would like to be friends you can add me.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    drink lots of water that is the only thing that helps me. also try eating foods with a ton of protein, even your snacks, make sure they have at least 5g of protein. If you struggle with portion sizes try eating more snacks or smaller meals throughout the day. I force myself to eat smaller portions and if the meal isn't balanced enough with protein and fiber and stuff, then I end up hunger a couple hours later, but since I ate a small enough portion at meal time I have enough calories left to eat a decent sized snack, and that helps. For me, if I'm hungry I grab a small snack and force myself to drink a whole bottle of water. That usually helps too. Everyone is different though you have to find what works for you. Don't give up though, you can do it, just keep trying. Any healthy choice you make is better than giving up all together. Even if you've gained weight don't worry about it, its probably just water weight and you can lose it again quickly. Stick with it.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    Try these kinds of foods, high in protein:
    Kashi Go Lean cereal
    Tuna fish, I LOVE it, it has only 50 calories and 10g of protein. I never feel hungry after eating tuna.
    Dannon Greek Yogurt. Only 120 calories and a ton of protein
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Do you mean you aren't tracking as in you aren't trackin your calorie intake?
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Do you mean you aren't tracking as in you aren't trackin your calorie intake?

    No, I meant I'm not tracking that particular weigh-in. :smile:
  • HCGracie
    HCGracie Posts: 21 Member
    Some things I do to help my portion control is I portion out everything once a week. Normally I go to the grocery on Sunday afternoons as soon as I get home I wash my fruits and vegetables so that I can just pick it up in the mornings on the way to work and not have to worry it. Any snacks (nuts, pretzels, trail mix, etc) I want for the week I do the same way.

    I also agree with others poster water does help make you feel full.

    Keep up all your hard work!
  • LindseyC87
    LindseyC87 Posts: 178 Member
    Make your diary public and some peope can give you pointers and tips on how to help your diet.... You can work out and work out and not see any progress if your diets not good.