

  • Thanks.. And trust me, I plan on it.
  • I quit a pack/day habit about 5 months ago and put on about 10 lbs in a month (mind you I was not being conscientious of my calories). To be honest I do not know how many calories smoking burns, but NOT smoking allows you to have increased physical activity in the gym. Perhaps rather than adjusting your consumed calories,…
  • Eat less muffins.
  • I would go with the bike. It knows the effort you are putting in. Does the bike ask for your age and weight? ETA: When I use the recumbent bike, pushing myself at 23mph, I tend to burn about 10 calories per minute. On the elliptical, when I push hard I get about 15 calories per minute. So I am guessing your bike is giving…
  • Excess sodium and carbohydrates cause your cells to retain more water. Typically when we have cheat days, we go overboard on salty, sweet treats which leads to this. As well, your body uses the opportunity to replace glycogen in your muscles. So, your weight will level out in a day or two.
  • I only went back 2 weeks and there are several days where nothing is logged at all, and a day where only 45 calories (during breakfast) were logged. The rest of the days you are logging so little that it would stand to reason that your body is probably eating itself. You can't really beat thermodynamics with calories in vs…
  • Well I can't see your food diary, but I am going to make some assumptions and present them to you in the form of questions: 1. Do you weigh your solid food and measure all liquids you consume? 2. Do you accurately log every calorie you consume? 3. Are you assuming some foods "don't count"?
  • To be honest, I haven't felt "full" in a long time. It's like I had to learn what it feels like to be satiated/satisfied without being packed full. Certain high-fiber foods, I noticed, are a little heavier in the stomach and help quite curb cravings quite a bit: 1. Cream of Wheat - 110cal/serving 2. Oatmeal -…
  • Also, if you are engaged, then that means your soon-to-be is already in love with you... You may not be pleased with your body (I am very familiar with that feeling), but chances are you are more critical of yourself than the person you are marrying.
  • People may not want to say things like "You've lost weight" since it implies they thought you were fat before. It is a manners thing. Also, it may be that what you have lost so far is mostly visceral fat. Once you get rid of that stuff, you will start losing the subcutaneous fat and you will see more of a difference. Keep…
  • I would still be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Not every crack is caused by the same mechanism. It can/may indicate a problem. It might be nothing, but better safe than sorry.
  • Losing weight will absolutely help reduce stress on your knees, hips, ankles, spine, and organs... But you should really talk to a doctor before beginning a fitness regimen. For me, my back and knees crack a lot less since I started exercising frequently, but it really depends on what is going on inside. You should be…
  • I like the calorie burn on the elliptical best, personally. I feel like I am getting more bang (not to mention sweat) for the time I spend on it. I do about 2.5 miles in an hour working as hard as I can. I don't think I could do that for 2 hours (yet). I aim for a calorie burn goal rather than distance. Then again, I…
  • I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that you are not weighing your portions, or accurately accounting for calories.
  • Keep going... It is only 10 more lbs. Have you re-evaluated your calorie goals? Also, for how long have you leveled off? I have gone a week without change, then lost bunches the following week. This always makes it feel like plateus for me, but it turns out my body is not digital. You are so close to your goal, you can…
  • Beyond addition and growth of the muscle cells themselves, strength gains also have to do with motor neurons and their increased efficiency. EDIT: Here, read this:
  • I do. Every morning. I like getting to know my daily fluctuations. Just don't freak out when the weight loss does not seem consistent or uniform.
  • Your initial weight loss is probably mostly water. You should be doing weight training to preserve your muscle while you go through your weight loss journey, but don't expect to build too much if you are on a calorie deficit. Also, you won't "see" a difference for quite some time, but stick to it. You will feel it before…
  • Whole body strength training, and namely squats and deadlifts.
  • MyFitnessPal should run that calculation for you when you put your stats in and goals. Go to the "My Home" tab, then click goals.
  • I have a feeling if people used the search function (or hell, even googled enough) they could avoid asking questions in which then answers make them feel stupid and they wouldn't feel "bullied".
  • Personally, I weigh myself every day as part of my morning routine. First thing in the morning, after using the restroom, before I shower. I log new lows. When first starting, though, I believe the consensus is to weigh weekly. This way your daily ups/downs don't demotivate you, and you are more likely to see the positive…
  • Nah... Unless you are honestly just trying to make other people fat, there is nothing wrong with hooking your office mates up with goodies. Consider it eating vicariously through them.
  • Are you logging your calories accurately (using food scale, logging everything that enters your mouth)? Are you "eating back" calories you burn? If so, are you certain that you have an accurate count of how many you are the gym? Using a simple calculator, your ESTIMATED BMR is 1439 calories per day. Your…
  • Starvation mode is a widely abused term around this forum. Calories in, calories out, period. It is not healthy for your body to have too few calories, but that doesn't equate to retaining body fat, and it really doesn't make sense to assume your body will maintain weight without the material to support it.…
  • The app should offer to re-adjust your goals every 10 lbs you lose. Have you done that? When you say "standstill" how long has it been since you have seen progress?
  • I look at it like this.... Even if you went to the gym EVERY day for an hour, you are still only spending 4% of your life there. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to find 4% of a day to get some "me-time" in. Especially since many gyms offer childcare. Maybe wake a little earlier if you gym is open, or skip some…
  • I think what it boils down to for those types of people is this: They see you doing the right thing with self-discipline and consistency where they were unable to or refused attain that level of self control. As such, they see you succeeding and subconsciously they feel like you are rubbing it in their face that they were…
  • I strictly record everything. Making it out to be a math challenge is part of what keeps me level.
  • Go to "My Home" tab, then go to "Goals" under that tab. It will ask you about your daily activity levels, weight, height, age, and gender and give you a calorie limit to aim for. I used the mobile app to set up mine, so it may be a little different, but once you get to the Goals page, it should be pretty straight forward.