Samstan101 Member


  • I do hills as where I live is very hilly, even an easy relatively short run will have a few hundred ft of climb (my last longish run on Sunday was abou 10miles and was picked as an easy route and had 800ft of climbs) and I enjoy them. I do the speed work as although training for a marathon (and have recently completed my…
  • Will find out on Sunday how successful I've been in my training as have my 1st marathon (aiming for around 4:30). My training has been typically: Sun 15-20 miles Mon Rest Tues 6-8 miles Wed XT or 30 min speed or hill session Thurs 5-7 miles Fri Rest or 4-5 miles Sat 5 miles Peaked out averaging around 42 miles a week. I'd…
  • I started with brisk walking (so I'd be slightly out of breath) and some swimming. After a month I started the C25k programme, which is kind of what you were trying today - run and walk intervals with the former building up over the weeks and the latter reducing. It worked brilliantly for me, I did my 1st 5k in Aug-13, 2…
  • As many have said its not 'dang near impossible' its a 90 min run give or take 15 mins depending on your size. However, unless morbidly obese it's highly unlikely that you can burn it in an hour of jogging/ walking as the OP seems to suggest.
  • Oh! That's brill, thanks - being a data geek that's made my day! :smiley: Edit: Windows only :( (I have a macbook)
  • Thanks, it was my 1st ultra (my 1st marathon is at the end of this month LOL). Will definitely be doing more in the future though!
  • HRM and then did a double check against a couple of online calculators. Average speed from my Garmin was 4.3mph (a mixture of trotting, some walking and a horrendous 40mins of trying not to break an ankle in a boulder field!), I can't estimate gradient as it was a coastal path so lots of short but steep ups and downs -…
  • As above you're massively overestimating your burn. I've just checked back through my records and when I was 270lbs I was only burning around 750 cals an hr for running (and whilst it was slow running, it was running for an hour, no walking). I'm 163lbs now and did a 33mile ultra yesterday with nearly 4000ft of total…
  • I ran my 1st HM last June having lost about 70lbs, in total I ran 6 HM's last year taking 45mins off my PB (currently 1:55). I've now lost 141lbs and stll have another 15lbs (+/- 5lbs) and have my 1st marathon in 2 weeks. I also did my 1t ultra yesterday (33 miles). During marathon training my weight loss has slowed to…
  • Don't get too into the atmosphere that you go off too fast. You've done the training and if you hit a rough patch just remember the cold, wet winter miles you've done and it won't feel so bad. Also remember to smile as you cross the finish so the photo looks good ;) Best of luck and enjoy it!
  • It sounds like you've had a few hard weeks on the trot with a PB plus some much longer runs. I was finding I was getting wiped earlier in my marathon training and someone from my RC suggested that after a few hard weeks just cut back a little (reduce the mileage by 20% and make the runs easy pace - no hills, intervals or…
  • I'm a 42 y-o woman living in south Wales. I started running in May-13 at 300lbs, ran my first HM in Jun-14 and ended up doing 6 HM's last year taking my PB from 2:40 to 1:55. I'm still about 15lbs from goal but am currently training for this year's London Marathon (have my second 20 mile race tomorrow) and have my first…
  • Salt n Pepper - Push It Kenny Loggins - Footloose Blondie - One Way or Another (technically late 70's) Gary Moore - Out in the Fields Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian Boomtown Rats - I don't like Mondays The Jam - Town Called Malice Those are a few on my playlist
  • My focus is on training for my 1st Marathon in 7 weeks but do my local parkrun every weekend. Felt good today so pushed it and took 23s off my PB (now 24:11). Hopefully won't pay for it too much in tomorrow's 20 miler!
  • This, this and a bit more this. Guess it easy to say in my 40's but men I found attractive knew themselves and not trying to impress anyone. Be yourself and you'll find someone. Anyone that's toally driven by physic at 20+ is going to be sadly disappoined as you head towards 40+
  • Hiw wording may be bad but his point is valid - this is your insecurity, those who care about you don't judge you by one body part. They don't look at you as 'overweight but has nice big boobs', they look at you as a whole. They're not going to go from caring about you to not caring cos your chest has got smaller. That's…
  • Shock Absorber for me - even managed to run at my heaviest (300lbs) with huge boobs!
  • I regularly get blisters on the ball of my foot regardless of shoes, socks, Body Glide etc. It feels like its the bone rubbing on soft tissue but I've found a solution that has worked every time I've used it so far. I cut a piece of moleskin…
    in Feet Comment by Samstan101 February 2015
  • Having lost 138lbs so far myself with another 20lbs to go and being in my 40's I have some sagging skin. But you know what? I'd rather have the sagging skin than the fat - I hope some of it will shrink back (and think it has) but to me its just another sign of the story of me & my life, like the scar on me knee from…
  • I don't log exercise unless its a lot more than I normally do (eg long run day - am marathon training so that's now a loonnngggg run!) and will have the odd day or meal where I don't log or don't log accurately. Not through any denial but because I can't be bothered to weigh out a snack when I'm drinking or occasionally…
  • Thanks Carson, I guess my 5 milers are quicker but that's in part where I live as its very hilly (I live in a valley so choice is running up & down the valley or up, over and back to the next valley). Its pretty much impossible to do more than 6-7 miles without having some serious hills (unless I want to run laps which I'd…
  • Thanks Don, as its my first marathon then finishing is the PR (although I guess I'll set a time during my ultra!)
  • I'm following a marathon plan where the long run is 40%+ and its not been an issue the following week - bar last week. That was my own fault as decided a route that had over 2200ft of climb over the 19miles was a good idea on Sunday. Beautiful route and throroughly enjoyed it but my legs were still stiff on Wed! As for the…
  • I use Shock Absorber running bras and have found them fantastic but not the cheapest. Nothing moves (and I'm still pretty big on top). I have found though that they need replacing as often as my trainers. Who said running was a cheap sport?!
  • In a moment of madness I've just signed up for a 30mile trail ultra a fortnight before my first marathon. Its a long a coastal path so terrain isn't too bad and the total elevation gain is over 500ft less than I ran in a 19mile training run last Sunday. There's a 10hr cut off so reckon I can take my time and enjoy it and…
  • As above by taking big strides you are actually putting more force through your knees and at a bad angle. You should be landing so that your knee is over your foot and in line with your hips and your shoulders. Think little steps, fast feet same as if you're running up a hill.
  • I'm signed up for Snowdon this year - inspired by some of the runners in my club and also the scenery in North Wales. I did the inaugural Severn Bridge HM last August and have signed up again - the opportunity to run across the bridge on the motorway is great, the rest of the course was through lovely scenery, it had a…
  • I've been out in some horrible weather this week but today's parkrun has bitten the dust due to snow and ice :( Just hoping hat I cn get my long run in safely tomorrow.
  • Actually that last point is very valid. By the end of the programme you'll be able to run for 30mins without walking. However, its unlikely you'll be running 5k in those 30mins. it took me 6 months from completeing the programme to running my first sub 30min 5k but by then I could run for 90mins without stopping. Weight…
  • No, my TDEE is pretty constant - if my mileage is down slightly one week, it'll be up the next so averages out. Plus realistically a 5 mile variance is only roughly 500 cals one way or another. I also find it makes meal planning easier if I have a constant target, as I say I build a little wiggle room in for the weekends!