Bekahmardis Member


  • And there's the issue. Eat your workout calories back and then you can keep the 1200 calories as recommended because it would be 1200 PLUS your workout calories. I'm at 5'3", 42 years old, 110 pounds and I average 1600 calories a day TO MAINTAIN my weight - with a desk job. When I work out, I add in those calories as well.…
  • I'm 5'3", 42 years old, menopausal, and 110 pounds soaking wet. *I* have to eat at least 1400 calories just to maintain my weight without exercise. My daily job is a desk job. I'm lucky if I get 5,000 steps in per day on my FitBit if I'm not actively exercising. That said, my BMR is around 1150 calories. My average intake…
  • I'm just gonna put this out there.....early onset menopause? I'm just a couple inches taller than you and yeah, my BMR is right around 1100, my FitBit says I need about 1800 calories a day (I have a bad back, so I'm restricted from a lot of exercises). I am 42 years old and went through a very similar issue a few years…
  • Gain two or three more pounds to put me at my goal weight! With the Food Holidays coming up, I think I might actually succeed!! Woohoo!
  • Higher fiber foods are excellent for lowering cholesterol levels - just have a bowl of high fiber oatmeal every morning! Do NOT listen to anyone who tries to tell you that the food you eat makes your cholesterol higher, though - it has been proven that is not the case....I listened to them for a while and cut eggs out of…
  • Hold out for another few weeks and you can get the new FitBit Force! AWESOME! I have the Flex and absolutely love it!
  • pretty funny, but that's not the case in my doctor's office. We have warmed plastic plates instead of cold steel, nice warm cloaks to put over our shoulders so only one breast is exposed at a time, and the whole room is warmed to our requested temperature as per a phone call the day before. I'm beginning to not mind having…
  • Thanks. It really felt great afterward, knowing that I had succeeded in something I actually set out to do. I encourage everyone to keep going and you'll get there, too!!! (My next 5K is in one month and it's a costumer run...I'm going as cat woman. *grin*)
  • I finally finished my last week and last day of the C25K program, and ran in my very first 5K this morning! Background, I have chronic pleurisy and haven't run since high school because of it - over 25 years ago! I finally decided to do something about and tried the C25K. I was sooo excited! It was a Color Fun run and,…
  • My scale is all Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey as well, but I concur that trending is the way to go for me. I weigh every morning, naked, after my morning "ablutions" and the FitBit Aria scale automatically sends the stats to my FitBit profile so I can watch the trend from there.... I fluctuate +/- 2 pounds over each week, but…
  • I believe my diary is also open. Feel free to take a gander.... I give up nothing. You can't take my beer from me....
  • I'm 42 yrs old, 5'3" and hit my goal weight of 110 lbs back in June. I've been maintaining with the help of my FitBit. AND, I would like to say "way to go!" and "Kudos!" for the loss so far - that is awesome and you can DO THIS! I took up the Couch to 5K program and it has helped me TREMENDOUSLY in my goals. I'd like to…
  • Actually, that's a very decent weight for someone at 5'4"....I'm 5'3" and at my goal weight of 110.....
  • I have problems as well. Definitely try the elliptical, and maybe take a gander at some of the other low-impact stuff. Do they offer a Yoga class? Spinning is an excellent way to burn calories (that would be the bike-thing....). Yes, doing the bike will burn calories! How about a swimming pool?
  • I'm 5'3", 42 years old, and at maintenance weight of 110 pounds since June. My basic maintenance calories are right around 1550, and I started Couch to 5K 9 weeks ago (yes, I'm nearly done!). On days that I run, my calorie needs shoot way up to 2000 calories. Eat more. Seriously.
  • I would be very wary about a doctor who didn't even know what RDA was.... that said, I had an issue with gallstones and cut way back on fats for about a month. I have lactose intolerance as well, so couldn't eat yogurt without an attack, so I added Align to my daily morning routine and after about a month, I slowly started…
  • I'm 5'3" and 42 years old. When I started my weight loss journey, I was at 130 pounds which most people thought looked great on me! I looked and felt fat. My ideal weight for me to look great, and feel great, and still be within my BMI, is 110 pounds. My twin sister, on the other hand, should be about 115 to 120. Everyone…
  • I completely agree with this - there could be something entirely different that has nothing to do with weight or food intake which could be causing the lack of energy. Ditch this doctor and get a second opinion.
  • I had to unfriend a couple of people for similar reasons. I don't think they were "pro" ED, but their diaries and comments were bringing it all back to me as well. I felt bad about it because they probably could have used the guidance, but I have to stay away from that at this point....
  • I have my MBA, but it's too early in the morning for brain hurts now....
  • Well, if she weren't confused by the way we tried to simplify it before, I'm pretty sure this post completely threw her off her stride. Yes, I'm sure we understand the differences that you just pointed out. However, for those who are completely confused by it in the first place, sometimes simplifying the definitions a bit…
  • If you want to continue doing the TDEE method, don't sync the two accounts at all. Simply double-check your numbers on the FitBit site every once in a while to make sure your TDEE matches up with what you *think* it should be. Otherwise, base it on your goal plus eating back the exercise calories - you can really only do…
  • I have a FitBit Flex as well. When I first got them sync'd up, I set up my FitBit like I normally would using their calculations and based on what I wanted to lose. Then I set my MFP goal to just above my BMR. My FitBit then added in all the extra calories that I burned from exercise and I ate them all back. I only had…
  • You *could* do 1250, but your body still won't get the full calories it needs to function once you get out of bed and start moving around. Even on the days when all I do is get up and move to the couch to watch t.v. all day, I still eat at least 1300 calories - even t.v. watching burns *some* calories! I don't recommend…
  • Yes, if you don't want to lose any weight. With those calculations, you would take your TDEE and subtract about 10% to 20% from that to continue to lose weight: 1714 - 20% = 1371 calories on the days you work out. 1496 - 20% = 1196....but that's below your BMR, so you would want to only do 10% on those days: 1346 calories…
  • No. You are not getting it right. You have to eat ABOVE your BMR, but below your TDEE. Always net at LEAST your BMR, usually more. If you are at your last 6 pounds, and your BMR is 1234, you are probably very close to my height/weight. I'm 42, 5'3" and at goal weight of 110 pounds, so I'm on maintenance. *I* eat between…
  • More protein? More bulk?
  • There's a place on your FitBit account that allows you to set your calorie intake as "personalized"...this might help determine exactly what you should be eating versus what you're burning. However, my FitBit has kept me RIGHT inline with my goals on MFP! I am now on maintenance, but at the beginning, I set my MFP goal to…
  • Aside from the shoes, how are you striking the ground? Heel-to-toe causes a lot of issues with shin splints. I was always a mid-stride until very recently I tried changing over to a forefoot strike (ball of my foot) and it has made an AMAZING difference! I'm on Week 7, Day 3 tomorrow.... keep going! You can do it with the…
  • ^^^ pretty much this. I'm 5'3" at 42 years old. 110 pounds