How is doing c25k? Lets support each other



  • abbydownton
    abbydownton Posts: 5 Member
    When I miss a day, I just pick up the scheduled workout the next time I run. But I've repeated workouts and also have done some free runs and I think I would win the prize for the longest time taken to complete this program. What fun to have your family doing this together!

    This morning at the end of the cool down, I heard "Let's jog" . Like a nightmare it was. Somehow I managed to restart the workout, so the end result is I don't have any of today's data. Oh well, just an off the record run for me. Still in week 8.
  • lrbiton
    lrbiton Posts: 5 Member
    Joining in! Ive tried c25k before but never got past week 3. I have serious back issues that I am working through. This time I am nearly 20 pounds down from last time I tried, and its making such a difference! I start week 4 tonight... breaking through my barrier!
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    I would really like to do the C25K. Where can I get the information?
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    Hello all, hips feeling a bit better so am going for the next C25K session where I was up to - W6D3 - 2.25 miles. Am planning to run down to the river and across the bridge and back (hehe not giving much away - I'll see some famous London sights along the way though!) :)...

    Will check in after I'm done.... hopefully won't be too sore.

    Nyk x

    p.s. Jul-ohare I just searched for C25K in my phone app store and came up with "rundouble" but I know there are plenty of other apps out there that do the program - you can always google it too. Good Luck!
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    Yay completed it without trouble from my hip :) Found it hard though and had to slow to a walk (for between 30 s and a minute) on a number of occasions. I did run an extra few minutes during the call down as I was still a fair way from home with plenty of time to walk the cooldown. Anyways, another sessions completed - next week is 2.5 miles so going to push onto that and keep repeating until I can run it straight without needing to walk at all.

    So glad my hip seems to be ok again!

    Nyk x
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    Nyksta glad your hip is feeling better.

    I started week 7 today. I ran all 25 minutes. I feel great. This week I am working on speed.
  • miclyn3
    miclyn3 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm feeling really defeated. I didn't get through my W6D1 today, ended up only half way before I started walking and eventually crying. It was hard today, I had a hard time breathing. I know people say you will have some bad running days. But I am really frustrated that since I started this 5 weeks ago, I've gained 3 pounds. I'm watching what I eating and know I need to do better in some areas. But I can't believe I'm not losing but am gaining. I was so happy that I was able to run 20 minutes straight last week then today I feel like i failed. Any suggestions? Thank you!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    We haven't run in 4 days because of busy schedules and injuries! :( Hoping tomorrow will be the day for us to start week 3, I don't want us to give up now, we've already signed up and paid for a 5K! If anything I'm friggin going!! I bought new running shoes (finally actual running shoes) and they felt so great on my feet at the store that I can't wait to actually do the next day's run in them! I'm aiming for tomorrow, even if no one else goes with me! :)
  • BeckyVanStensel
    There are free good form workshops at Gazelle Sports. They could give you some advice about your knees too. The right shoes can definitely help. I'm a 60 year old grandmother and I did a half marathon and a 25K last year. I plan to do another half marathon in October. I'm not fast at all, but I finished and ran the whole distance. That was my goal.
  • abbydownton
    abbydownton Posts: 5 Member
    I'm sorry you're having a rough time, miclyn3. I don't have any weight loss suggestions - mine is bouncing around at the moment as well. I just wanted to encourage you to keep on keeping on.

    I completed week 8 today. Still hard. But covering more ground. Hoping to run my first 5k in early November if I can get some speed going.

    BeckyVanStens, you look so young!
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    How's everyone doing? I had a rough week but running my first 2.5 miles gave me a boost. Heading out again in the morning for another 2.5 miles and hopefully will find it easier! Then onto having my hair cut for the first time in about 8 months :-/ and maybe shop for a new dress ;) x
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I finished up week 7 today. Just the running was 2 miles, plus another mile for the 2 5 minute walks. I feel really good. I do stretching before and after the wu/cd. I am looking forward to Monday when I start week 8 and the 28 minute runs. I have been thinking about continuing on to the b210k after I finish up with the c25k.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I just got back from a month long vacation where I was unable to run.... So I run again tonight. Hopefully I don't die or have to start C25K all over again.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I finally finished my last week and last day of the C25K program, and ran in my very first 5K this morning! Background, I have chronic pleurisy and haven't run since high school because of it - over 25 years ago! I finally decided to do something about and tried the C25K. I was sooo excited! It was a Color Fun run and, although there were a TON of people walking it, I was determined to try to run the whole way.....and I did it! My goal was to do it in less than 45 minutes and I did! Woohoo! I was so tired at the end, sooo full of colored powdered, but grinning from ear to ear as I crossed that finish line in 38:02. (I'm the short one!)


  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS BEKAH! That must have felt A.M,A.Z.I.N.G.....

    I ran another 2.5 miles this morning - was hard but did it. I realise it's only another half mile for 5k so I know I will get there eventually.

    I haven't signed up for a race yet - I have too much else going on in life but once I'm running 5K regularly then I will.

    Nyk x
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I'm doing C25K too but really slowly.... still on the first week for a while!

    BUT it's because ye ol doctor says i should keep it simple until i lose a lot of weight haha.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    Thanks. It really felt great afterward, knowing that I had succeeded in something I actually set out to do. I encourage everyone to keep going and you'll get there, too!!! (My next 5K is in one month and it's a costumer run...I'm going as cat woman. *grin*)
  • zsgirl1218
    zsgirl1218 Posts: 85 Member
    I've done a few 5ks already this year, but because it's so hot where I live in the summer (average of 95 every day BEFORE the heat index) I stopped running in may.... I'm trying to start c210k tomorrow bc there is a 10k mud run that I want to do in march!!!! Any tips for this endeavor??
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    Hello everyone - how we all doing?

    I ran another 2.5 miles this morning and did it without stopping! Hurrah! I went out without my headphone (on pupose) and think I prefer to run without music. Felt I could concentrate more on running but also takes thoughts away from "keep going" lol - distractions of what's going on around you and you get to the end of the road without realising!

    Think I'm going to repeat this week so I'm really comfortable with 2.5 miles before moving up again. I'm so close to running the full 3 miles but still not finding it easy so slow and steady training :)

    Nyk x
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    i hope everyone is doing great.

    I finished up week 8. I ran a little longer to try to get closer to 3.1 miles. I still need some work. I can do it with the 10 minute walks included, but not just running yet. On to week 9 on Monday with a 2 day rest. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.