fullofhope Member


  • I've been low carb since August and have lost 50# without exercising. So here's what I'm gonna do. I have allowed myself black licorice. I will give that up and I will begin exercising. I'll start out x2 a week for 2 weeks, ^ to x3 a week for the remainder of lenten season
  • Hello Everyone!! Looking for some fun, committed and motivated peeps to support me in this journey of getting back to good health. I've been on here before and it does work. Headed to Cozumel for diving soon and my wetsuit does not fit!! I've been following a low carb WOE (way of eating), I refuse to call it a diet. Having…
  • Evening All! I'm back after being gone 2 years. I could kick myself but that wouldn't do any good. I here now, have made some new friends and am starting over. It really does make one watch what you eat when yo have to take responsibility and write it all down. I can't say that I will be able to keep up with the thread,…
  • I was a DD. I hated it it, I had a terrible time exercising it hurt so bad. I finally went to a well known plastic surgeon in my town and had a consutation for a breast reduction. Insurance paid for it and I can't believe I waited so long to have it done. Recovery was a breeze, and I couldn't believe how much better I…
  • are chia seeds like the cha cha cha chia, cha cha cha chia pet?
  • You are never going to believe this but, my mom and I were shopping at Aldi several weeks ago. She was telling me about this stuff she makes with zucchini and yellow squash and tomatoes (she says she made this up). This is nearly IDENTICAL except for the eggplant. Amazing! I made this last week and wow! Delicious! I need…
  • Dahling, you look mahvelous, simply mahvelous!!!!:flowerforyou: :tongue: :love:
  • pictures please! lol :laugh:
  • What a transformation! Very inspiring! Staying so active really is the whole key I believe. I am on vacation in Florida and I signed up for SCUBA lessons, got my open water certification and I also to 6 lessons of belly dance! So far I have lost 3#. Oh, and I brought my scale with me so I could measure all my food. I have…
  • Hello, Ohio here. We average only 60 days a year of sunshine. We have had nothing but rain this April and it is still rainy and chilly in May. I've been on vacation in Ft Lauderdale since the 28th and I feel the hot weather helps me. I drink more water and eat lighter, less dense foods. I have to go home on the 9th, not…
  • I'm saving my peeps for camping this summer. I like to open the pkg, let them get real stale, (rock hard) put em on a poker and roast over the campfire. The sugar carmelizes and OMG I'm in heaven! I also eat a lot less of them this way.
  • check to see if there is a United Way branch in your area. They help alot of different people. Catholic charities help everyone, not just Catholics. I hope you can work things out, you have come so far. Don't let these bumps in the road send you down the wrong path.
  • I hit the plateau for two weeks in a row, as a matter of fact I gained 2 pounds. The third week I lost 6.5. Just keep doing what you are doing, keep track of your exercise and calories. I am a firm believer of only weighing yourself ONCE a week. Pick a day weigh yourself in the morning and DON"T DEVIATE from that plan.
  • Steel cut oats are the bomb! I like to cook up a saucepan on Sunday nights and then measure out into large muffin tins. Put the whole thing in the freezer, and then when frozen, pop out and put in a zip lock baggie. Pull one out the night before and place in fridge, nuke in morning, add fruit and presto. Breakfast cooks…
  • I always like dilled carrots. I know they are high on the glycemic index, but a great source of vit A and C. Peel carrots, cook on stovetop till just tender. Drain, add something like smart balance spread, not alot just enough to coat and fresh dill. Has always been a bit hit and often requested at my holiday dinners.
  • I love tuna noodle casserole! this sounds really good, let me know how the one turns out with the tofu and soy only! :flowerforyou:
  • You say "Thank you, I'm happy you noticed!" And you leave it at that.
  • my thoughts are this. If you just cleaned the house like you do everyday, then no, I wouldn't add it. BUT carrying around your 25# child while doing it, then yes. Whether you carried her in your arm, (core stability, bicep, shoulder delts isometric ex) or in a back pack or what ever they are called, adding the weight is in…
  • I'm going to try this! Sounds good!
  • I only have one thing to say, a quote by Elenor Roosevelt. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". Think about it.
  • Absolutely! Ialways check the website to see if nutritional info is posted. If it is not, I look for a link that says contact us and I send an email stating that until they have info for me to see I will be choosing other dining establishments. I received a very nice reply from Bravo, they will have info posted sometime…
  • when I have to do a fasting before blood work, my Dr recommends nothing to eat or drink after 9pm. You may have water or black coffee. I do these every 6 months for my thyroid and cholesterol.
  • I'd be happy to help! Get your husband signed up with an account, after all HE is the one that found the site, and we can all help get BOTH of you in better health for your upcoming vacation!
  • That sounds FUN! I wanna come stay at your house this summer! I think that all those are great ideas, it is sad that parents do not know how to parent and dump the kids off at the grandparents. I would really try to make one more plea with the grandparents and the parents if their children cause trouble. They just havent…
  • mederma, bio oil, cocoa butter. I have heard of good results with these items. They will help fade the marks. A spray tan will just cover, and I am not sure it will even do that. Might be just a waste of money.
  • I use stevia products. Truvia and Ideal are the ones I use most, and I have used Stevia in the Raw as well. I have dipped strawberries in Ideal, and I do not notice any aftertaste. Have eliminated aspartame and sacchrine from my lifestyle. You can find stevia based soft drinks at Whole Foods and I have seen a brand called…
    in Stevia Comment by fullofhope March 2011
  • OK! So you are back, let's buckle down and get to work! You can do it, congrats for keeping the 10 pounds off!:bigsmile: Yeee Haw!
  • You are absolutely right! So YOU go there and pay for water. I will exercise my right to choose, and I choose to go somewhere that will give me a free glass of water with my meal that I will pay for and I can leave the server a nice tip.
  • Not to mention that fact that the portions are huge and unhealthy, but God forbid a restaurant that serves proper portions that you don't need to take out a loan for.