Does any body else feel guilty about assing "cleaning" to th

Pamela90B Posts: 18 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise

I did to light 30 minutes cleaning sessions and walked around target for two hours carrying my 25 pound daughter. I added these to my exercise diary today, and it say I burned something like 800 calories from it. But I don't feel like I worked out. And I feel like that's cheating. Is anyone else feeling the same way?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    Okay, you got me with the title :laugh:

    No....wouldn't add cleaning...depends on what you've set your activity level to.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My activity level is set to sedentary, soI add it, but I typically don't add the entire time because I'm pretty sure that MFP overestimates calories burned for that kind of thing.
  • Pamela90B
    Pamela90B Posts: 18 Member
    lol, I fell like an idiot ha. My activity level is sedentary. I'm a stay at home mom. so aside from chasing my daughter aroundand my evening workout, there isn't much activity.
  • as much as we'd all like to add that kind of stuff you really shouldn't. If you do I would set it at maybe around 100 calories or so. It's really kind of built into daily activity.
  • rklein88
    rklein88 Posts: 71 Member
    When i do serious cleaning (i clean for a family i know for 3 hours every other week, and sweat the whole time, it's tough work) I log half of the time as moderate intensity housework. it's not something i do all the time, but it also doesnt count as a normal workout, so i give myself half. works for me :)
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    I do not add things like that simply because it is something I do on a very regular basis and my body is used to it. I try and only add things tha my body does not do everyday. I do not count cleaning or walking around the mall or things of that nature but you have to do what you feel like you should for your journey.
  • tcsteeves
    tcsteeves Posts: 59
    My activity level is sedentary, so I would add cleaning if I break a sweat or if most my day was spent doing that, especially if it was spring cleaning.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    as much as we'd all like to add that kind of stuff you really shouldn't. If you do I would set it at maybe around 100 calories or so. It's really kind of built into daily activity.

    It's built into daily activity if you set your activity level to reflect it. I don't do a lot of cleaning every day (I'm talking vacuuming and active housework, not dishes and such), so I chose sedentary, which is described as sitting most of the day. If you're cleaning all day, you're not sitting, so those activities would not be accounted for in the "sedentary" activity level.

    Do what works for you. Some people don't count it and they're having success. I do count it, and I'm also having success. Whatever floats your boat.
  • focusedfrances
    focusedfrances Posts: 42 Member
    I dont' add the stuff I do normally only because it is really not burning off anything extra. However, if I am cleaning the shed, washing the car, or like painting the house, I add that because it's something that is not in the norm for me.
  • plainjoe81
    plainjoe81 Posts: 53 Member
    I add it to mine, and I've lost almost 40 lbs, just saying.
  • uubulldawg06
    uubulldawg06 Posts: 102 Member
    i dont log my everyday cleaning. but when i do cleaning that is not the norm i log half the time. like yesterday i spent 5 hours moving stuff and cleaning out closets etc. i only logged 1.5 hours so i would not overestimate. being a stay at home mom is not easy adn you are constantly on the move you may want to look at changing your activity level to lightly active.
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    I always add it because I normally don't clean....I'm way too busy to clean most days and when I finally do It's only for a short amount of time. Walking in stores, walmart for example, I also add because I only do it once a week. I just depends on what you want to add. :)
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I raked the yard & it gave me like 400 cal burn. I kept the number just cuz, but I didn't eat those cals back. Looks good on paper though! lol I just don't believe it!
  • liveinbliss
    liveinbliss Posts: 108 Member
    I only add stuff that isn't day to raking the whole backyard. If I'm not breaking a sweat I don't count it as exercise! Of course if you just want to see what you are doing calorie wise and your not eating back all the calories to the "exercise" it doesn't really hurt anything.
  • fullofhope
    fullofhope Posts: 78 Member
    my thoughts are this. If you just cleaned the house like you do everyday, then no, I wouldn't add it. BUT carrying around your 25# child while doing it, then yes. Whether you carried her in your arm, (core stability, bicep, shoulder delts isometric ex) or in a back pack or what ever they are called, adding the weight is in additin to your own body weight and therefor is not regular daily duties. I say yes.
  • Adam123456
    Adam123456 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't add it. If anything, I'd prefer to underestimate my calories burned and get a nice surprise at the end of week if I lose a little extra. Plus, if I wasn't losing weight doing it before, I kinda feel like I'm cheating myself by adding it now.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I only add it if I have gone above and beyond my normal daily/weekly cleaning, like cleaning out the attic or something I don't typically do.
  • rjnandjosh
    rjnandjosh Posts: 168
    carrying weight counts and chasing kids for those who don't spend the day doing it, it is a heck of an activity exhausting
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,702 Member
    Maybe I am weird, but I do count cleaning if it is above and beyond what I normally do. I wear a HRM so know what my activities are set for, and then judge by what I actually show on monitor. Hard to explain, but had to figure out why some days I was starving- burning way more calories than set for, and other days I need the motivation to just move that much. I say yes!
  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128
    My activity level is sedentary so I add it but not for light cleaning, only when I do a "big" clean (bathrooms, mopping, etc.). My tank top is soaked from sweat when I am done so I know I am burning calories. Plus I only do a big clean every couple of weeks so I don't consider it "normal daily activity".
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    I add in whatever cardio activity is out of the norm. If you are normally on your feet all day chasing a child around, you should not set your normal activity level as sedentary. Carrying, caring and running after a small child is NOT a sedentary life and shouldnt be noted at such. I work sitting in front of a computer most of my day. That is sedentary. So, I do count the extra above average time spent cleaning and or even cooking. When I stand all day, chopping, go back and forth on my feet for three days, hours on end prepping for Thanksgiving or for a special occasion I count that. When I spent nearly an hour a day on my knees cleaning messes from my cancer/chemo sick dog I counted that. As long as it is completely out of the ordinary I don't feel guilty to log these activities.
  • Pamela90B
    Pamela90B Posts: 18 Member
    I add in whatever cardio activity is out of the norm. If you are normally on your feet all day chasing a child around, you should not set your normal activity level as sedentary. Carrying, caring and running after a small child is NOT a sedentary life and shouldnt be noted at such. I work sitting in front of a computer most of my day. That is sedentary. So, I do count the extra above average time spent cleaning and or even cooking. When I stand all day, chopping, go back and forth on my feet for three days, hours on end prepping for Thanksgiving or for a special occasion I count that. When I spent nearly an hour a day on my knees cleaning messes from my cancer/chemo sick dog I counted that. As long as it is completely out of the ordinary I don't feel guilty to log these activities.

    I set my level to sedentary because our house is extremely baby proof, and she entertains herself pretty well now. so there isn't actually a whole lot of chasing going on lol.
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    In your case with the baby proof home and a self entertained baby I guess you can possibly be sedentary. It is up to you to log your cleaning cardio or not. I truly do not think it hurts if it is above and beyond the normal cleaning you may do on any given day/week. Good luck reaching your goals. Your baby is adorable btw. I love her in your profile pic.
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