Help me avoid my home this summer

jsmjboertlein Posts: 267
edited September 25 in Chit-Chat
Long story neighbors are an elderly couple whose adult kids abandoned their 7 young kids with them. The children are 7 little walking nightmares. I dread summer because they are always there, bullying, stealing, breaking toys, and damaging my property. I've confronted the grandparents but they are just doing the best they can, I've confronted the parents but they are too busy commiting crimes and going to jail to care, I've even tried keeping the kids entertained, but it's just too many for me, and most of the time it still doesn't work. I don't want to involve authorities because I feel really bad for the grandparents, so I am going to make lemonade out of lemons. I am getting a water park pass, a zoo pass, and a museum pass for this summer. I am also going to fix up our bikes. I want stuff that's fun for the kids, outdoors, keeps us away from home, and is good excercise. I'm also purchasing a bounce house for Sundays after church when those kids are at Sunday school. Any other suggestions?


  • Good locks on your house? Haha, just kidding... I hope.

    It sounds to me like your doing everything right in this situation. You seem to set a great example for your kids, too bad all parents can't be the same.
  • fullofhope
    fullofhope Posts: 78 Member
    That sounds FUN! I wanna come stay at your house this summer! I think that all those are great ideas, it is sad that parents do not know how to parent and dump the kids off at the grandparents. I would really try to make one more plea with the grandparents and the parents if their children cause trouble. They just havent been guided properly and I feel bad for them. HOWEVER, I do not have children by choice, and little rug rats that are not behaved get on my nerves. ( I do enjoy children that have manners on the other hand and respect for others regardless of age) If you have to bring in the authorities it could be a blessing in disguise. You should not feel like you have to be forced out of your home just because the neighbors are irritating. Disclaimer: I'm sure to get some flack on this post from others, but I am entitled to my opinion.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Really tall fences with good locks!
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