vjm7981 Member


  • I started my new lifestyle in May 2012. It has been a long, sometimes painful, slightly obnoxious, yet absolutely fabulous journey so far. It's amazing what hard work and dedication can do. I only wish that I wouldn't have waited until 30 years old to start my journey. Oh well, I have no regrets. Everything in my past…
  • I am 5'5. I started my journey in May 2012 @ 247lbs. I am now fluctuating between 150-155 lbs. My ultimate goal is to get to be around 135-140. It has definitely taken time, patience, dedication and a lot of sweat and tears but I'm not done yet, nor will I give up!
  • I have been on the pill for 17 years now. I started taking them when I was 15 because my cramps were so terribly bad. To this day, I still take them for that very reason. My doctor has switched me to different brands a few times now. In these 17 years, I have gained weight, but it's certainly not due to the pill. It's…
  • Teehee...I did. I am up 5 lbs from last Thursday. I'm not mad though. As much as it sucks to see the higher number, I have to admit, I enjoyed it and I know deep down that I didn't actually gain all that. I logged everything and was over my sodium by well over 1000 for the past three days. Sodium and I are not kosher so I…
  • ~ I can't use the same plate for desert after dinner, even if rinsed, same goes for silverware. ~ I LOVE mustard and cheese sandwiches. ~ When eating a sandwich, I eat the crust first before enjoying the rest. ~ I could eat cilantro-lime rice every night and be a very happy girl...I absolutely love cilantro, nom nom nom. ~…
  • I started T25 on Monday. I am sooooo sore it's not even funny. It's a good sore though. Friday is double day which is two 25 minute workouts instead of one. I completed one this morning and will do the other when I get home. I am not brave enough to tackle them back to back yet. I find myself having to use the modifier now…
  • Mexican food is absolutely my favorite food EVER. I could eat it all day, everyday. :laugh: My recommendation is doing something like Fajitas. This is what I normally do when I go to a Mexican restaurant. This way you can make it how you like. Regardless it's not going to be the healthiest thing in the world but it's going…
  • I'm getting really, really close!! As of this morning I have 1.7 lbs to go till I hit the 100 lb lost mark (9.4 lbs till goal). It has been a long journey, but one that I have enjoyed and am so very proud of!
  • Thanks to everyone and a big congrats to all of you on your success thus far as well! Here's to a healthier lifestyle forever! :drinker:
  • 2 shots of espresso with sugar free vanilla syrup, ice, 1/2 cup skim milk, and some caramel on top. BAM! Homemade iced caramel macchiato every morning. Woot!
  • The only 3 "fast food" places that I have eaten at in the past 15 months include: Subway, Panera and Chipotle. I used to love, love, LOVE me some Wendy's (my all time favorite), McDonalds, Arby's, Taco Bell, etc. Now I cannot bring myself to go there. It's weird. I REALLY want to try Wendy's Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger and…
  • I have lost 93 lbs so far with 15 to go. My tummy is no where close to where I want it to be (nor are my thighs or butt). I have the "pooch" thing going on. I have a small waist and then my lower ab area just pooches out. I am really going to look into heavy lifting as I know that you cannot spot reduce but I have heard…
  • Tortilla chips and hot salsa....once I start I can't stop. A few isn't too bad for you, but that sodium sure does add up and quick! I guess I should just say Mexican food in general. It all poses a threat of drastic over-eating for me, haha.
  • Just posted this in a very similar thread but I'll post it here too :smile: I personally work out in the mornings before work. I have noticed that on days I skip the gym, the days seem so long and I'm irritable all day. When I go to the gym I have such a better day, and oddly enough even though I have to get up much…
  • I personally work out in the mornings before work. I have noticed that on days I skip the gym, the days seem so long and I'm irritable all day. When I go to the gym I have such a better day, and oddly enough even though I have to get up much earlier, the day goes so much quicker. Plus, I like food. Working out for me =…
  • It is precious, isn't it? I rather enjoy things that are precious :wink: .... But truth be told...I would have never got away with what I see parents let their kids get away with. You're right, I don't have kids (my choice) but I did have a strict a** mom that put me in my place when I even so much as started to throw a…
  • I have no problem with kids...they are just that...kids. It's the parents that don't control their kids that I have the problem with. And I especially have a problem when people are like "oh, well we are embarrassed by the way our kid is acting too"...seriously? WTF is wrong with you. Learn to control them.
  • [/quote] So it's acceptable for you to give us the stink eye when when we're trying our best to enjoy a nice meal ourselves and are already humiliated over the way our child is acting? It's okay for you to make us feel like a bad parent because, while we're trying to teach our child self-control, respect, manners, how to…
  • Take two...My "before" pictures were taken during a Vegas trip in 2011 and my "during" pics were taken earlier this month. I started my journey in May 2012 so I have been at this for about 14 months now and during that time have lost almost 94 lbs. Still got work to do but I'm getting there! :drinker: 2011 2013 2011 2013
  • Happy Birthday 2 ya!! My Birthday was last Tuesday....I INDULGED big time! Went to a Japanese steak house and had chicken/shrimp, rice, veggies, sushi and alcoholic beverages and then went home and had a nice, big, delicious piece of Tuxedo Chocolate Truffle cake, oh and more beer. It was amazing. I was up in weight the…
  • I have not deprived myself of one little thing throughout my journey thus far! I love to drink and eat and will continue to do just that! It's all about moderation. This whole "you have to eat clean" mentality is a bunch of hoo-ha. That's my opinion. Do I eat fruits and veggies, of course, but that's b/c I LIKE them and…
  • I consume a lot of water each and every day so fluctuations of 5-10 lbs a day is pretty normal for me. I am normally back down the next morning to where I was or lower. The only times my fluctuations really carry over to a day or two later is when I exceed my calories by ALOT for the day or when I go out drinking. Never…
  • I have lost a newborn calf ~ Working my way towards a 2 month old horse, only 8 more pounds till I hit that 100 mark! :smile:
  • I was about 300 calories under (thanks to my morning workout) but still up 0.5 lbs this morning thanks to all the sodium :grumble: I retain like no other when I indulge in too much sodium. Not going to worry too much about it though. Consume very low sodium today and drink water, water and more water.
  • I am a Dt. Mt. Dew fanatic! I used to drink 6+ cans per day and have successfully cut down to 1-2 a day, but will I ever cut it out completely? Hell to the no! My response to those who like to ask the infamous questions such as "how can you put that stuff in your body" my response is walking out my front door every morning…
  • [/quote] It's supper. [/quote] :explode: See, drives me crazy. hahaha :laugh:
  • Kansas girl here...I have had this debate with people MANY times. Everyone around here (minus a few awesome people) calls it "pop". I CANNOT stand it! It's SODA!! While it drives me bonkers when I hear "pop" it's not near as bad as when people refer to dinner as "supper". WTF is "supper"? That for some reason just irks the…
  • Mushrooms...:sick: Have hated them since a kid. My husband loves them so every now and then I'll try one again just to see if I can tolerate them and as of yet, that's a huge no go. I don't care for the taste and can't stand the texture!