So how much over were you for the 4th?



  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I was a little over 300 under, but that includes cals gained from exercise.

    ...and still woke up to a weight gain. Blah.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    I was over by 494 calories; HOWEVER, none of it was from the temptations of donuts, muffins, cookies, or cakes. it was all real food! I did have french fries for lunch but other than that I was pretty pleased with myself yesterday and check out my profile pic this girl ain't sweatin' it she looks HOT! (pic is from yesterday!)
  • NHLeah
    NHLeah Posts: 48 Member
    I ate at Five Guys Burgers and Fries and I was 1000 calories under yesterday. Maybe the 4+ hours 8.5 mile hike had something to do with it? I'm banking those saved calories for the BBQ that I'm going to on Saturday. :)
  • 180 over... damn that last Mike's hard Black Raspberry Lemonade!!! Without it I would have been 40 under LOL.
  • lynnkieu
    lynnkieu Posts: 67 Member
    I ran my first official 5k in the morning which burned 432 calories, then later I played badminton in the backyard with my husband which burned another 191.

    We did our own thing at home and since I knew I wanted to BBQ, I had a National Hebrew 45 calorie hot dog for lunch (plus bun and fixings), and then later a 170 calorie turkey burger for dinner (plus bun and fixings).

    So if you include the extra calories I burned, then I was 585 calories under.

    It was a really great day and the best part was spending it with family and watching my kids watch the fireworks.

  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    I'd have been fine but had those last ... few ...? beers. So double effort at the gym today ... PT good... MMMM good!
  • walkeverymorning
    walkeverymorning Posts: 1 Member
    Even though I ate light all day to save up for a party, I still went over by 635 calories (mostly in the form of bread, cookies and beer). That's okay, though - at least I'm now aware of the culprits and I'll continue to be more mindful of my cal intake in the future. This was still a major improvement over my past holiday consumptions!
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    Wow a bunch of you did WAY better than me lol. I had the best of intentions, got a good work out in the morning (Insanity upper body weights) but man did I blow it. Sausage, ribs, homemade German potato salad with an bacon, homemade baked beans, gooey brownies and banana bread cupcakes filled with banana pudding with peanut butter cream cheese frosting did me in. Had a great time though at a cost of ~1100 calories over.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I was 27 over; those 30 calories I forgot to log from broccoli at lunch put me over after I had already eaten my evening snack. But I'm celebrating tonight. I'm sure I'll be over.
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Oh I ate about 2000+ over!!!! I planned to exercise but I didn't. I was about 925 over when I got home, but when I stepped on the scale and saw I put on 6lbs of water, I guess I went overboard with the cookies and frozen yogurt!!!! Oh well!!!!! Haven't binged like that in a long time.....not going to beat myself up for it either!!!!! And I have a feeling this is going to be a bad weekend too!!!!! But hey, that's life!!!!!
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Oh I ate about 2000+ over!!!! I planned to exercise but I didn't. I was about 925 over when I got home, but when I stepped on the scale and saw I put on 6lbs of water, I guess I went overboard with the cookies and frozen yogurt!!!! Oh well!!!!! Haven't binged like that in a long time.....not going to beat myself up for it either!!!!! And I have a feeling this is going to be a bad weekend too!!!!! But hey, that's life!!!!!
  • geralynhoerauf
    geralynhoerauf Posts: 73 Member
    Over by 391 calories even with a regular morning workout. Could have eliminated either the chocolate cream pie slice at 390 calories or the rose wine at 380 calories, but what would be the fun in that? Good thing I kept it all slightly under for the rest of week and hope to see that everything is still on track (maintenance) at Saturday weigh-in.
  • vjm7981
    vjm7981 Posts: 42 Member
    I was about 300 calories under (thanks to my morning workout) but still up 0.5 lbs this morning thanks to all the sodium :grumble: I retain like no other when I indulge in too much sodium. Not going to worry too much about it though. Consume very low sodium today and drink water, water and more water.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    I ate at maintenance and it was delicious. Back on track today with a 7am HIIT class followed by overnight oats. It's all good.
  • TS3g
    TS3g Posts: 74 Member
    Under.....was just another day for me. Pretty easy not to indulge in beer and BBQ when you're home alone all day.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i didn't log and i didn't keep track - for me it's one day and i'm not gonna sweat it if i'm over which i'm sure i was but that's okay. happy 4th of july everyone!
  • Nimadi486
    Nimadi486 Posts: 93 Member
    I was over by about 850 calories, but none of it was alcohol. It was cheese and crackers and cake and needless snacking. Food hangover today!
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    I was about 100 cals over but pretty good on my macros. I have grown tired of allowing myself excuses.. "O it's a holiday." or "O it's the weekend" or "O I will pay back the calories another day"
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    I was under by about 300 calories. I made sure to go to the gym and get in a crucial cardio in the morning. Then since I was cooking I made everything using Cooking Light recipes - BBQ Chicken, Shrimp and Sausage, Baked Beans Grilled Asparagus, Corn on the Cob and watermelon for dessert.

    Everything was delicious no one had a clue it was cooking light and to be honest I would have been way under (since I burned 950 at the gym in the morning) but I chose to enjoy a couple glasses of wine... Had a great holiday with my family and friends!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    did not even try to measure. back to healthy food today. ;)