If you have lost a lot-- Please HELP!

To: Everyone who has lost quite a bit of weight....

Were you concerned about your stomach and skin during your weight loss? Were you consistantly worried that you were going to get small everywhere else, but the belly wouldn't budge?

I have lost 54 pounds so far, I have 30-40 more to go, and I am still concerned that my stomach is always going to be big. I have lost a considerable amount of weight in that area, I am sizes smaller pants/shorts wise and my old clothes fall off of me, but I feel as if my legs and arms are about where I want them to be and I am left looking dis-porportionate because of my mid-section....

Did anyone else have the same problems?

What was the outcome?? Thanks in advance!! :)


  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    your body is shaped the way it is shaped and there isn't really anything you can do about it. some people carry weight in their legs, some people in their stomach, some people in their butt, some people in their arms, some people have everything evenly spread out.

    you just have to learn to love it.
  • My stomach was the first thing to lose the fat, it's my legs I'm having trouble shifting the fat, we all just lose the weight in different areas first. I've lost 41 pounds and I'm only just noticing my legs getting slightly less podgy, I think this is through exercise tho.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Yep - big belly.
    I joined the gym and got lifting heavy. Get an exercise program that will firm everything up.
    You cant spot reduce, but you can firm up. Get some professional advice and go for it.
    Big and flabby is not good, but big and T-I-G-H-T is awesome!
  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    I've lost about 60kg (120ish pounds), although most of it wasn't on here. I tend to carry my weight in my legs and mid-section, and although progress has been slower in that area it is going down.

    You can't spot reduce, just keep going and it'll flatten eventually. What I would say is that if it's down to skin sag time is a fantastic healer, whilst the stretch marks are here to stay skin does naturally tighten up (albeit very slowly). I can certainly see a difference between now and Christmas, despite the scales not really budging the skin has.

    Also, lifting- the key to a well toned physique. :)
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'm close to you in stats. I've lost close to 60 (dammit, 2lbs, GO AWAY!!)
    I'd like to lose about 25 more. My belly is big still and it drives me crazy. I do know that it's getting smaller though!

    Skin - I haven't worried about that yet. I'd rather weigh less and have flubby skin over weighing more and filling out that skin.
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    Not sure if you are exercising or not.. But I would lift heavy if I was you. you carry body fat everywhere... for me it's more in my Belly as well ( or what is noticeable of it). I have noticed that the Clean eating and the exercise ( cardio and weights) have decreased my stomach quite a bit.
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    I've lost 58 - I would like to get another 23 off. The last things hanging on for me are a wee bit of baby pooch, love handles, and thigh fat. I sympathize - I feel like these love handles are NEVER going to leave me...

    ETA: Ha! Ticker says 59 lbs lost!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Yup, but I still look a heck of lot better than i did. I have about 20 to go, and it stubborn.
  • I know a woman on here who lost over 100 lbs. No stretch marks. Everyone is different but if you are toning and losing at a healthy pace, you should be good.
  • witmer1
    witmer1 Posts: 128 Member
    I lost a bit of weight so far. I couldn't care less how I look with saggy skin or other consequences of weight loss. The health benefits outweigh any appearance issues.

    Remember, you lost a good amount of weight and the remainder is a greater percentage of your weight, so you should get smaller faster the less you weigh. I hope that made sense.
  • kbcara
    kbcara Posts: 105 Member
    I started dieting as a kid as I didn't like the one place I was larger... 20 years later and a squillion yo yo diets I ended up big everywhere.... I'd do anything to go back to just having a big butt and when I get there I've promised myselfI 'll appreciate my good points, keep living well/healthy and not sweat the odd annoyance... be proud of what you have achieved and don't obsess on specific areas which may well come good over time. Good luck x
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    Everyone gains/loses weight in different areas, and this has -everything- to do with your genetics.

    When I dropped 80 pounds a few years back, my arms and thighs all shrank, but my abdomen was still large in comparison.

    Then i took a look at my mother, grandmother, and they're all the same.

    So I am certain that my belly will be the last thing to go this round.
  • vjm7981
    vjm7981 Posts: 42 Member
    I have lost 93 lbs so far with 15 to go. My tummy is no where close to where I want it to be (nor are my thighs or butt). I have the "pooch" thing going on. I have a small waist and then my lower ab area just pooches out. I am really going to look into heavy lifting as I know that you cannot spot reduce but I have heard that it has done wonders for people that have the same issues such as myself. Truth be told, I'm still going to be happy with my body regardless. I'm a hell of a lot healthier than I was 93 lbs ago!
  • smb1186
    smb1186 Posts: 14 Member
    Like everyone else is saying, depending on your body type there is a place you will lose last. Example: apple: stomach is the last to go.Myself am super pear, current measurements are 31, 26, 39. Just got measured after 2 1/2 months of exercise and diet, I lost five inches (woooo!) off my stomach and a half inch off hip/thigh area. We all have place we lose quicker but you just have to be persistent. I am confident that with continued diet, cardio and heavy lifting my hips/thighs will trim down, but I'm realistic it will take time and they will probably always be a little bigger than I'd like.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Yes I am slowest to lose in my stomach and thighs. *sigh* It's better than being fat all over like I was though ????????????
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    It has to do with the body. Apple shaped bodies are those who carry their weight mostly in their mid-section. Those who have an hourglass typically lose in their mid-section first. Pear shape bodies have a smaller chest and arms, and they have wider hips, thighs, etc.
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I quickly (about a month) went from 50" to 38" at my waist, and haven't lost any more waist inches in about 2 months. Vastly preferable to putting the inches back on, however.
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