Parents let their kids eat trash?



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    So it's acceptable for you to give us the stink eye when when we're trying our best to enjoy a nice meal ourselves and are already humiliated over the way our child is acting? It's okay for you to make us feel like a bad parent because, while we're trying to teach our child self-control, respect, manners, how to communicate, etc., how dare us ruin YOUR meal?

    While folks who don't have children might have SOME valid parenting advice (not usually), this one you have no clue on unless you have a child.

    Thanks, you put it much better than I.
  • heavenlyhazel
    heavenlyhazel Posts: 89 Member
    Bump so I can read this thread later and realize how ignorant some people are. of 4 kids, in-home daycare of many more over the years
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    Sometimes other people's children annoy me. Sometimes people who blow their nose at the table next to me annoy me. Sometimes people without children who sit next to me and my daughter and loudly talk about sex and spout off profane language with their friends annoy me. I tend to deal with it like an adult. I don't threaten anyone with bodily harm, or passive aggressively give the evil eye. Adults can be just as annoying as children in my opinion.
    This! ^^^I went to a Japanese steakhouse, and some woman at our table was on her phone texting the entire meal...she barely even ate...why even spend the $25? But that's her right, and I really don't think that I'm going to change anything by getting upset about it.. And the profane language makes me angry as well...with or without my kids, if you need to vent go somewhere else please!
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member

    So it's acceptable for you to give us the stink eye when when we're trying our best to enjoy a nice meal ourselves and are already humiliated over the way our child is acting? It's okay for you to make us feel like a bad parent because, while we're trying to teach our child self-control, respect, manners, how to communicate, etc., how dare us ruin YOUR meal?

    While folks who don't have children might have SOME valid parenting advice (not usually), this one you have no clue on unless you have a child.

    I want to preface this by saying that just because I don't have my own children doesn't mean that I have no experience with them. I was a day camp counselor and a nanny so before you jump down my throat about what I'm saying, I just wanted to thow that perspective out there.

    The key part in what you've said is TRYING. If your kids are acting up and you as a parent are TRYING to teach them the appropriate way to behave in a restaurant, I'm pretty much unbothered by the fact that your kids aren't quite on board with the concept yet. It's when I see parents letting their kids get completely out of control while they text or surf the web on their phones that I might give someone the stink eye (not that they would see it anyways).

    I know parenting may be somewhat different now than when I was a kid, but if I had behaved the way some of these kids I see at restaurants do, one of my parents would have taken me to the car until I was ready to behave myself. If the behavior was bad enough, I probably would have been spanked--which apparently isn't allowed anymore but that's besides the point.

    I understand that sometimes kids have a fit because they don't get their way and you just have to let them cry until they realize that crying and throwing a tantrum isn't going to get them what they want. But some behaviors are simply attention getting and there are too many parents who just refuse to set boundaries for their kids.

    I'm really not trying to bash parents who have kids that get out of control from time to time. Even the best parents and the best kids in the world are going to have a bad day and not have it together sometimes. I get that--I really do. But even someone who is not a parent can see the difference between a family who is just having an "off" day and a family who doesn't discipline their kids and would let them get away with murder so they as parents can do what is best for them instead of what is best for their kids.
  • vjm7981
    vjm7981 Posts: 42 Member
    So it's acceptable for you to give us the stink eye when when we're trying our best to enjoy a nice meal ourselves and are already humiliated over the way our child is acting? It's okay for you to make us feel like a bad parent because, while we're trying to teach our child self-control, respect, manners, how to communicate, etc., how dare us ruin YOUR meal?

    While folks who don't have children might have SOME valid parenting advice (not usually), this one you have no clue on unless you have a child.

    Really? If you are humiliated over the way your children are acting in a public place....DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. YOU ARE THE ADULT. Far too many times I have seen kids absolutely out of control while the parents are lolly gagging around not doing jack about it. Ridiculous, I tell you. I have absolutely every right to be angry when my nice dinner is ruined because people can't control their children. And just be happy if all you get from me is the stink eye b/c I am one to speak my mind. I chose not to have kids for a reason, why should I have to suffer because other's can't control theirs........just my opinion.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    So it's acceptable for you to give us the stink eye when when we're trying our best to enjoy a nice meal ourselves and are already humiliated over the way our child is acting? It's okay for you to make us feel like a bad parent because, while we're trying to teach our child self-control, respect, manners, how to communicate, etc., how dare us ruin YOUR meal?

    While folks who don't have children might have SOME valid parenting advice (not usually), this one you have no clue on unless you have a child.

    Really? If you are humiliated over the way your children are acting in a public place....DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. YOU ARE THE ADULT. Far too many times I have seen kids absolutely out of control while the parents are lolly gagging around not doing jack about it. Ridiculous, I tell you. I have absolutely every right to be angry when my nice dinner is ruined because people can't control their children. And just be happy if all you get from me is the stink eye b/c I am one to speak my mind. I chose not to have kids for a reason, why should I have to suffer because other's can't control theirs........just my opinion.

    Banish kids from society I tell you........

    Oh no...don't speak your mind to me....
  • vjm7981
    vjm7981 Posts: 42 Member
    So it's acceptable for you to give us the stink eye when when we're trying our best to enjoy a nice meal ourselves and are already humiliated over the way our child is acting? It's okay for you to make us feel like a bad parent because, while we're trying to teach our child self-control, respect, manners, how to communicate, etc., how dare us ruin YOUR meal?

    While folks who don't have children might have SOME valid parenting advice (not usually), this one you have no clue on unless you have a child.

    Really? If you are humiliated over the way your children are acting in a public place....DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. YOU ARE THE ADULT. Far too many times I have seen kids absolutely out of control while the parents are lolly gagging around not doing jack about it. Ridiculous, I tell you. I have absolutely every right to be angry when my nice dinner is ruined because people can't control their children. And just be happy if all you get from me is the stink eye b/c I am one to speak my mind. I chose not to have kids for a reason, why should I have to suffer because other's can't control theirs........just my opinion.

    Banish kids from society I tell you........

    Oh no...don't speak your mind to me....

    I have no problem with kids...they are just It's the parents that don't control their kids that I have the problem with. And I especially have a problem when people are like "oh, well we are embarrassed by the way our kid is acting too"...seriously? WTF is wrong with you. Learn to control them.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    The more I see of this train wreck of a thread, the more thankful I am that I decided to be child-free!
    It's probably for the best!

    LOL, no probably about it, best decision I ever made!!

    No doubt about it, you probably saved society.

    Who cares about society? I saved my sanity, that was the goal.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    So it's acceptable for you to give us the stink eye when when we're trying our best to enjoy a nice meal ourselves and are already humiliated over the way our child is acting? It's okay for you to make us feel like a bad parent because, while we're trying to teach our child self-control, respect, manners, how to communicate, etc., how dare us ruin YOUR meal?

    While folks who don't have children might have SOME valid parenting advice (not usually), this one you have no clue on unless you have a child.

    Really? If you are humiliated over the way your children are acting in a public place....DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. YOU ARE THE ADULT. Far too many times I have seen kids absolutely out of control while the parents are lolly gagging around not doing jack about it. Ridiculous, I tell you. I have absolutely every right to be angry when my nice dinner is ruined because people can't control their children. And just be happy if all you get from me is the stink eye b/c I am one to speak my mind. I chose not to have kids for a reason, why should I have to suffer because other's can't control theirs........just my opinion.

    Banish kids from society I tell you........

    Oh no...don't speak your mind to me....

    I have no problem with kids...they are just It's the parents that don't control their kids that I have the problem with. And I especially have a problem when people are like "oh, well we are embarrassed by the way our kid is acting too"...seriously? WTF is wrong with you. Learn to control them.

    I love the learn to control them argument by those that aren't parents. It's so precious.

    Side note, my kids don't act like this in public. There is an age (18mos-maybe 3years) where it's a lot easier said than done to "control" them.....just say'n.
  • colpaert63
    colpaert63 Posts: 1 Member
    I think it 's all what they are exposed to and everything in moderation. when my kids were small i brought a baby food grinder to where we were eating and they would have the same. I have rarely prepared separate mealsThey have been encouraged to try a bite of everything and exposed to german goulash italian polish sushi calamari octopus lamb goat rabbit yogurt, thai indian naan bread mexican cuban home made baked goods and ice cream as well as all types of cheeses, spicy, hot sauce and eat almost all veges including asparagus kale rapini collards fennel (anise) celery and edemame. i dont buy soda pop except for a rare party, and they do have their share of junk, but overall i think kids should be exposed to all kinds of foods. last night we had spinach salad with watermelon and feta. We all have a fruit for lunch and dinner which we learned from my husband who was born in italy.
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    I do not have children, but my assumption would be that...if the parents were eating poorly before and had children and taught them to eat poorly and NOW the parents want to make better choices in eating when the child is old enough to say, "no! i want chocolate, not broccoli" then it becomes VERY difficult to get your young children to follow the bandwagon when they've already been exposed to poor eating habits early on. It takes more work to try to get them on the same track as the parents because children will refuse to eat or throw fits and no parent wants their child to starve or cause a scene. Gotta start them off early.
  • vjm7981
    vjm7981 Posts: 42 Member
    So it's acceptable for you to give us the stink eye when when we're trying our best to enjoy a nice meal ourselves and are already humiliated over the way our child is acting? It's okay for you to make us feel like a bad parent because, while we're trying to teach our child self-control, respect, manners, how to communicate, etc., how dare us ruin YOUR meal?

    While folks who don't have children might have SOME valid parenting advice (not usually), this one you have no clue on unless you have a child.

    Really? If you are humiliated over the way your children are acting in a public place....DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. YOU ARE THE ADULT. Far too many times I have seen kids absolutely out of control while the parents are lolly gagging around not doing jack about it. Ridiculous, I tell you. I have absolutely every right to be angry when my nice dinner is ruined because people can't control their children. And just be happy if all you get from me is the stink eye b/c I am one to speak my mind. I chose not to have kids for a reason, why should I have to suffer because other's can't control theirs........just my opinion.

    Banish kids from society I tell you........

    Oh no...don't speak your mind to me....

    I have no problem with kids...they are just It's the parents that don't control their kids that I have the problem with. And I especially have a problem when people are like "oh, well we are embarrassed by the way our kid is acting too"...seriously? WTF is wrong with you. Learn to control them.

    I love the learn to control them argument by those that aren't parents. It's so precious.

    Side note, my kids don't act like this in public. There is an age (18mos-maybe 3years) where it's a lot easier said than done to "control" them.....just say'n.

    It is precious, isn't it? I rather enjoy things that are precious :wink: .... But truth be told...I would have never got away with what I see parents let their kids get away with. You're right, I don't have kids (my choice) but I did have a strict a** mom that put me in my place when I even so much as started to throw a fit. It can be done. Parent's CAN control their kids....most just choose not too.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It is precious, isn't it? I rather enjoy things that are precious :wink: .... But truth be told...I would have never got away with what I see parents let their kids get away with. You're right, I don't have kids (my choice) but I did have a strict a** mom that put me in my place when I even so much as started to throw a fit. It can be done. Parent's CAN control their kids....most just choose not too.

    Your strict a** mom was able to put you in your place at 18 months? This secret must be shared with the world....

    Now it's "most" parents...nice blanket statement.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I love the learn to control them argument by those that aren't parents. It's so precious.

    Side note, my kids don't act like this in public. There is an age (18mos-maybe 3years) where it's a lot easier said than done to "control" them.....just say'n.

    Babies and very young children are unpredictable and unreasonable. I didn't take my kid to quiet restaurants until I was sure she would behave. Some people clearly do not believe in this approach, and bring kids to many places they should not. Nice restaurants is one, but my favorite for anti-social parenting choice is movie theaters.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It's not trash. It's food.

  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I love the learn to control them argument by those that aren't parents. It's so precious.

    Side note, my kids don't act like this in public. There is an age (18mos-maybe 3years) where it's a lot easier said than done to "control" them.....just say'n.

    Babies and very young children are unpredictable and unreasonable. I didn't take my kid to quiet restaurants until I was sure she would behave. Some people clearly do not believe in this approach, and bring kids to many places they should not. Nice restaurants is one, but my favorite for anti-social parenting choice is movie theaters.

    This is how we were brought up also. My family never took youngest kids that had trouble behaving in public out that much until they got old enough to handle it. Oddly enough, them feeling "left out" helped tremendously with behavioral issues in public.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    This exact subject makes me so damn irritated! I swear people think that it is child abuse if you feed your kids healthy food! And you know what?!? I hate even calling it healthy food! IT'S FOOD!! REAL DAMN FOOD!! The garbage that most people feed their kids is disgusting!! I have people judge me all the time because my kids eat what I eat...vegetables, proteins, low sugar. They think that I am being unfair to my kids and that I'm not feeding them real food. I love how people think that hot dogs, cookies, candy, pizza, etc is a great diet for kids. To me, FEEDING YOUR KIDS THAT CRAP IS ABUSE!! Sorry! Had to rant..I was having this exact discussion with someone today because they said they couldn't diet because they couldn't feed their kids diet food!!! What exactly is diet food?? Are you talking vegetables, fiber, good oils/fats, lean meats? Because that is real food!! GRRRR

    AMEN! All these posts are irritating me as well. Food is not a treat! Junk food is not an essential part of childhood! Also, if you are offended by the OP question is because deep down you feel guilty for feeding your kids trash.

    Says the childless.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member

    Says the childless.

  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've been looking in on this thread from time to time. I'm not a parent so who am I to judge. But I feel that eating junk food like chicken nuggets and french fries is part of being a kid. Their little raging metabolisms can handle it. I'm not saying every day all the time, but geez! it's part of growing up. And then teaching them to have a healthy attitude about food and making wise choices most of the time, is part of growing up too.

    The thing that bothers me the most about this thread is calling it 'abuse'. I'm sorry - but feeding your kid junk food may not be the best thing, but it's hardly abuse.