Your weird food eating habits



  • KatiesNewGoals
    KatiesNewGoals Posts: 29 Member
    I also don't like my food to touch..blach! I have a weird thing about bread. I cannot take soggy bread in any way. So any hot subs that might have sauce have to be eaten immediately. I also cannot stand pre-made sandwiches that have mushy bread.
  • I put Worcestershire sauce almost everything I eat - especially if it is something with pasta. Same with Garlic. I also think that you shouldn't eat food that looks like it belongs in the garden - like Mushrooms (looks like toadstools), Broccoli (it looks like tress - Though I do love and eat it), Watercress (it looks like grass).
  • Like the other night I ate Tilapia with a side of apple spice oatmeal. Even though they do not go together, I wanted tilapia and oatmeal so that's what I ate.

    Are you sure you aren't pregnant? lol x
  • marko320
    marko320 Posts: 84 Member
    When eating finger food, I lick my fingers before wiping them with a napkin. My mother was revolted by this recently and compared me to a cave man. I told her it was a good thing we didn't go out for BBQ.

  • 3. I can't eat "furry" things. Peaches make me twitch unless they are peeled. - AGREED!!!

    6. Forks MUST have 4 tines - 3 tines is a trident!

    9. I eat all foods on my plate evenly. The last bite is always of my favorite item. - Again - I agree
  • AlexB422
    AlexB422 Posts: 111
  • AlexB422
    AlexB422 Posts: 111
    Like the other night I ate Tilapia with a side of apple spice oatmeal. Even though they do not go together, I wanted tilapia and oatmeal so that's what I ate.

    Are you sure you aren't pregnant? lol x

    Positive lol. Team virgin. I have always been that way though! I tend to crave something sweet all the time, but I know I have to eat something savory for my main base of my meals, so I just eat both!
  • Ale8a
    Ale8a Posts: 12 Member
    It's hard to tell if my foody things are normal or weird. They're normal to me!
    This ->>>
    - eating noises! BAAAAAAAAD. I have literally asked someone to move out because they crunched too loudly. I couldn't bear it - they either moved out or I killed them. It was that simple. Plus I used to live in Japan and my colleague would literally slurp fish-egg sandwiches at the desk next to me.

    I haaaaate when people make noises when eating so much!!! I haven't lived in Japan but I work in a Japanese owned company and most of the people are Japanese, they slurp at all times!!! so much that it drives me crazy, now I put my headphones on as soon as I get to the office because I can't stand the noises!
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    This interesting, so am joining:

    Hate raw onions and raw celery and the taste will literally ruin my appetite
    Grapefruit is my favorite and I peel & eat them like people normally eat oranges
    Love burned popcorn and cheese toast
    Eat the same thing for breakfast almost everyday, Lean Cuisine breakfast sandwich or Ihop at home sandwich
    Eat the skin on baked potatoes, love it more than the inside of potato
  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    I have to eat in an even number of pieces, or even number of bites.
    when I have things like chicken nuggets I match them up in pairs by size and shape.
    I also eat foods in a least favorite to favorite order.
    My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy because of this.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I hate ripe bananas, they just gross me out. The peel has to have a little green on it still for me to eat it.

    My brother used to eat Coffee-Mate by the spoonful when we were were kids. The stuff still grosses me out because of this.
  • tink11464
    tink11464 Posts: 119 Member
    I won't eat pork - but will eat crispy (REAL CRISPY) bacon
    I won't eat fish - but will eat tuna
    Can't eat jello - makes me gag
    Won't eat eggs - UNLESS they're pickled
    Only eat white meat chicken, dark meat is gross
    I eat bread, toast, sandwiches (when I have it) from the bottom up (save the top crust - the best - for last)
    I like to have whatever it is I'm drinking (if it's a cold drink) in a red solo cup

    I'm sure there's more weirdness here - Haha
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I can't resist the little crispy, partially burnt french fries on the baking sheet, the ones that most people pass over. I've been known to eat other peoples toast because it was too burnt for them to eat, that goes for grilled cheese as well!

    Probably the weirdest thing I do though is scrape the yummy semi burnt drippings from the pan after frying hamburgs or pork chops. Do those calories count?? lol
  • I hate using the full sized fork to eat. I always use the salad fork unless I'm at a really nice dinner or restaurant. the big one gags me. i feel like there is more folk than food in my mouth and if it hits my teeth - OH BOY!!

    Oh yeah, bacon has to be almost burnt. hate limpy bacon.

    Won't eat the same thing everyday. I get bored so easily so my pallet is very varied.

    Hubby can eat full meals w/o drinking a thing. I usually down 2 glasses of water with every meal.
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    I loved reading these! I don't have many odd food habits but my brother is a completely different story!

    I guess my odd habbit would be having to cut any of my citrus fruit in wedges to eat them. Lemons, limes, grapefruits and oranges...I love them all!
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    Eggs - I will only eat them if the egg white and egg yolk are mixed before cooking: omelette/scrambled eggs are good - fried eggs/boiled eggs - Bad. I can't explain why, I like neither the egg white nor yolk, don't like the taste or texture of either. But love them when combined before cooking.

    Soup spoon - I hate eating soup with anything other than a soup spoon
    Desert spoon - I prefer, by a long shot, to eat desert with a tea spoon
    Small fork - at home I prefer to eat dinner with small pastry forks + butter knives
    - Guess I've a sliver wear thing going on. However, I won't really complain when out except for the soup spoon.

    Sugar snap peas - when eating raw, I always split them open and check for critters. My success rate is finding about 2 in every 3 bags. I don't really care when their cooked - figure it's just extra protein. In fact, when cooked will put the whole thing in my mouth and don't like to cut them, I'd rather not know if I've just eaten half a critter!

    Tea should be made in a tea pot, ideally with a tea cozy, it's about the processes as much as the drink. Tea can never be drunk from a paper cup. Coffee - I've no restrictions.
  • igoleft6
    igoleft6 Posts: 13 Member
    I cannot stand milk, even pouring it for my kids grosses me out, but love yogurt and cheese.
    Also have to put ice cubes in my coffee when I pour it, but don't like cold coffee or lukewarm coffee, I like to be able to see and eat the ice cubes as I'm drinking it. I also eat candy bars in layers, mmm... Good!
  • vjm7981
    vjm7981 Posts: 42 Member
    ~ I can't use the same plate for desert after dinner, even if rinsed, same goes for silverware.
    ~ I LOVE mustard and cheese sandwiches.
    ~ When eating a sandwich, I eat the crust first before enjoying the rest.
    ~ I could eat cilantro-lime rice every night and be a very happy girl...I absolutely love cilantro, nom nom nom.
    ~ If it doesn't have crushed red pepper on or in it, I'm probably not going to enjoy it.
    ~ I enjoy things like pizza and pastas a day old and heated up rather than fresh.
  • camperbc
    camperbc Posts: 15 Member
    I absolutely, positively CANNOT drink water!!! It has to be diet soda or juice of some sort. Also, when I have a bunch of leftover calories I will treat myself to a (large) Tootsie Roll! I learned not too long ago that Tootsie Rolls actually contain about the lowest fat content of any sweet, chewy, chocolatey delicious snack you can find. Oh, and I believe that I have evolved to the point that I flat out refuse to eat anything that is looking back at me! (shudder!)
  • jamebb
    jamebb Posts: 86 Member
    ~ I can't use the same plate for desert after dinner, even if rinsed, same goes for silverware.
    My mom does this, and I can't understand it. Do you really want your apple pie to taste like the salmon you ate for dinner?