Your weird food eating habits



  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Anything with cumin is inedible. IDK why lots of people love cumin. Well salsa makes an exception.

    Cumin? That's not usually in salsa ... I think you mean Cilantro ... And yeah, I HATE cilantro, it tastes like soap ...

    It's a genetic thing, some people are predisposed to think this; it's like the asparagus "pee smell" thing, only some people get that ...

    I don't bite into anything, always cut or break things into pieces ... I chipped my front tooth when I was a kid and it has a bonding on it, so I try to be super careful ...
  • purplepink1992
    I could eat the same thing for days before switching it up, hot sauce and ketchup on everything
    Also, when I eat left overs I always eat them cold
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    Thought of 2 more to add:

    1) It doesn't matter where I eat, if they tell me the plate is hot, I touch it anyway.

    2) if a plate is put down in front of me, I have to rotate it so the main dish is to my right when I look at the plate.
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    The top layer of any food container (jar of peanut butter, carton of ice cream) should always remain smooth.

    You mean everyone doesn't do this?! :noway:
  • rosemarierodriguez88
    Heh, heh.

    1. I like dipping my sandwiches in milk.(Including Cafe Con Leche)
    2.I Have to eat something sweet and salty at the same time-> French fries with Ice cream.
    3.I love cold coffee & mac and cheese. (Cold Cafe Cubano is AWESOME!)
    4.I love mixing my mashed potatoes in rice.
    5. As a kid I loved Rice and Ketchup
    6. As a kid I also loved scrambled eggs and ketchup.
    7. I also like eating mashed avocados in rice.

    (I swear I'm not pregnant you guys ;)
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    Green beans with my spaghetti instead of noodles
    Pickled beets on tacos.
    Sweet pickles on a toasted cheese.
    Love coffee with my ice cream.

    Hate, Hate, Hate the smell of Ketchup!
  • rosemarierodriguez88
    I could eat the same thing for days before switching it up, hot sauce and ketchup on everything
    Also, when I eat left overs I always eat them cold

    I Can't heat up leftovers either; it's almost like it's taboo or something. My mom hates me for that! lol
  • rosemarierodriguez88
    Does anybody also like eating milk and pizza together?
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member

    I prefer eating with plastic rather than silver or regular utensils.

    I can't say the same about utensils, but drinking water from a glass cup or one of those fancy stainless steel water bottles, yuck. Water has to be in a plastic bottle/cup for me.

    I prefer to dip my french fries in honey mustard rather than ketchup. Although I don't really know if that is weird or not.
    My favorite favorite sandwich is 2 slices of bread with miracle whip and some honey ham and nothing else. Not even cheese. This seriously drove one of my roommates in college crazy.
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    I turn my dinner plate to get to the portion of food I want to eat, rather than reaching over the plate to get my fork to it. And I usually eat all of one thing, like all my chicken, before moving on to the sweet potato/broccoli/whatever.

    And I need my hot foods to be HOT. Like scorching, sizzling hot, and my cold foods/drinks to be FREEZING cold. Warm pizza or room-temp potato salad or milk...just ugh.

    Same and same on both accounts...

    - I MUST lick the yoghurt off the lid.
    - Toast must *never* be burned and must be hot enough to melt the butter.
    - I can't have two carb veg in one meal, ie. no potatoes + corn, carrots etc. Only one carb per meal.
    - I looooove spanish onion in almost everything but it HAS to be sliced *wafer* thin.
    - Apples are delicious but I have to chop them up before I can eat them, otherwise I feel like I'm wasting too much when I don't eat the core.
  • Sildwan
    Any coloured foods have to be eaten in order, like M&Ms or smarties etc. I will group them by colour and eat only one colour at a time, saving blue for last usually. I prefer eating with small cutlery as well, like I'll opt for a teaspoon to eat soup or pudding where a bigger spoon ought to be used. I think this is just because it makes me feel like I'm having a larger serving! I like to eat even numbers of things/servings. (10 or 12 almonds are fine - 11 would bother me immensely and I LOATHE the number 9 so always avoid it if possible.)

    Oh my goodness I'm mad.. :o
  • MsMimidoll
    MsMimidoll Posts: 249 Member
    I have to have Tapatio with a looot of things...soup, cheetos n doritos with lemon juice n tapatio is the bestest...oranges with tapatio n salt...i just basically wat tapatio all the time, I will eat it until my lips are on fire

    Anytime I eat skittles I sort the colors out, eat all my least favorite colors n then go back and forth between my faves

    I eat cake and pie with a spoon, idk why, just do, it seems to be more satisfying that way
  • rosemarierodriguez88
    I thought of some more,

    8. Soup has to be completely filled with saltine crackers. (It's pretty awesome) And I have to eat it mushy, I hate the crunchiness.
    9. I also like all of the sandwiches smashed or pressed, even if it's a regular ham and cheese sandwich. (Then dip it in milk)
    10.I love tomatoes over rice, and sweet corn mixed in with mashed potatoes.
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    Any coloured foods have to be eaten in order, like M&Ms or smarties etc. I will group them by colour and eat only one colour at a time, saving blue for last usually. I prefer eating with small cutlery as well, like I'll opt for a teaspoon to eat soup or pudding where a bigger spoon ought to be used. I think this is just because it makes me feel like I'm having a larger serving! I like to eat even numbers of things/servings. (10 or 12 almonds are fine - 11 would bother me immensely and I LOATHE the number 9 so always avoid it if possible.)

    Oh my goodness I'm mad.. :o

    I always use a teaspoon too, but not for the same reasons. It's because I have a small mouth. (I'm not exaggerating here, The dentist had to remove some of my permanent teeth when I was a kid because there wasn't room for all of my teeth in my mouth.) If I try to use a larger spoon, especially when I eat soup, I usually end up with soup running down my chin as I try to fit the spoon in my mouth. It just doesn't work for me.
  • Lillivix
    My food can't touch on a I get a huge plate so there's enough room for nothing to touch.

    I hate eating meat off the bone.

    I lick all the flavour off of potato chips before I eat them.

    I like to dip my french fries in honey or ice cream

    I could eat Olives by the jarful....daily
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    I sort my M&Ms by color and eat the least to most amount of colors (ties are broken by roygbiv order)

    Half melted is the best way to eat ice cream

    I like to eat the marrow from chicken bones.

    I have also been known to use chicken bones as a utensil

    For salads I only like 2-4 croutons completely crushed. (I don't care if the server judges me) I give the rest to my bf who eats his bowl of croutons and dressing with a little salad.

    Also all dressing must be on the side with salad.

    If I have chicken nuggets and fries I must have ranch and BBQ. The ranch is for the nuggets and the BBQ is for the fries

    Also I can't eat milly apples or brown bananas (must be a little green still).
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    I crush captain crunch into a powder....I have no idea why I love it so much. I guess it's from getting that little bit at the bottom of the bag that is always's just amazing.

    My guess would be that you realized, unlike the rest of us, that having the roof of your mouth lacerated isn't fun.

    It's like eating broken glass....delicious broken glass.
  • misskariw
    misskariw Posts: 171 Member
    I don't like "plain" meat. Turkey on a sandwich? Needs mustard or mayonaisse. Hamburger? Mayo is a must, ketchup is probably. Chicken? If it doesn't have a gravy of some type, there better be some honey mustard, or ranch dressing, or barbecue sauce nearby. Steak? If done right, it can be dipped in it's own au jus, if done too well, it needs Heinz 57 or A1.

    Also, I don't like mushy veggies (as a southerner, this is hard to convince folks is a good idea. I want them cooked, but not to the point that I don't even need to chew...gross!)

    I need lots to drink with my food. I spent a summer in Canada. Tea was instant (ewww) and if you ordered a soda, it came in a can. I learned to drink coffee with every meal and lots and lots of water.

    Also, I can't go to bed without drinking a bottle of water.

    The first thing I eat in the morning can't be sweet.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I absolutely will not ever reheat something. Never ever. I use my microwave to heat up steam fresh bags of vegetables or warm up milk, but that's about it. This poses a problem when it comes to cooking and saving foods. If all else fails, I will eat it cold.

    I will not eat melted cheese on pizza. Something about the way it looks makes me feel uncomfortable, I have done this since I was a kid. I don't really eat pizza anymore because of my celiac's anyway.

    I will not eat food out of a can. I don't own a can opener.

    If a tomato has touched it, neither will I.

    I'm crazy picky and I eat the same foods almost every single day, someone once told me this was bad for metabolism, but whatever.
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I will not eat with my finders unless I have too. Pizza, sandiches etc all eaten with a knife and fork... or a napkin if I don't have cutlery to hand. I can just about manage crisps etc but I have to wash straight after!