Your weird food eating habits



  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    1. Grated cheese tastes better than sliced. It must be cold if it is being eaten by itself.
    2. I hate sweet with savory or sweet as an entree with the exception of some Asian foods. Honey glaze, sweet potatoes (esp with marshmallows), maple syrup on sausage, pineapple on pizza, baked beans etc is inedible. Pad thai, orange chicken, sweet chili sauce on rice are all delicious (though sweet curry is disgusting. Indian curry is way better)
    3. I can't eat "furry" things. Peaches make me twitch unless they are peeled.
    4. Fruits should not touch (fruit salad), but mixing savory stuff like potatoes, meat, and gravy all together is amazing.
    5. Coffee should be drunk out of a ceramic mug with a lip that is not too thick. It is horrible and undrinkable out of to-go cups. Travel cups are sort of ok.
    6. Forks MUST have 4 tines
    7. Utensils can't be too big
    8. I eat the crust off my sandwiches first. Basically eat in a spiral.
    9. I eat all foods on my plate evenly. The last bite is always of my favorite item.
    10. Slurping, smacking, and to a lesser extent crunching is unacceptable.
  • April_KT
    April_KT Posts: 332 Member
    * I have developed a thing against crisps when I heard it used as a two word argument on the radio about why the English are not capable of cuisine: "Flavoured Crisps". Flavoured crisps are just so wrong to me now as it was said it with such disdain that's all I think of when I hear it.
    * I can't eat with a large spoon, I like to use a tea spoon or ideally a sundae spoon as it feels nicer to use.
    * I get cross if I don't have porridge as an option for breakfast.
    * I go mad once a month and devour a cheese board...

    errrm, all crisps are flavoured!

    And what's wrong with English cuisine? How rude!

    can someone please tell me what "crisps" are? im from the south and we dont call anythings crisps?
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I prefer bowls to plates. I put each dish at dinner into a separate bowl, which means I dirty-up 4 bowls at dinner.

    I prefer spoons...and I have this one spoon that I usually use. I don't freak out if I can't use "my spoon," I have a second favorite spoon in that case.

    I also have specific cups that I like to use. If I ask my husband to get me a cup of water at night...he knows to bring it to me in a "lemon cup," or else I will be disappointed, and he'll just have to go pour the water from the cup I don't like into a "lemon cup."

    I generally eat all the crust from my sandwich before I eat the inside of the sandwich.

    Oh, I probably have more weird habits...these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
  • April_KT
    April_KT Posts: 332 Member
    Didn't mention my habits.. i can only have a max of two brown things on my plate such as fried foods or bread. There has to be at least one vegetable with lunch and supper. (green vegetable)
    I dip my bananas in peanut butter
    i eat ketchup on my pizza
    i love honey mustard on alot of things
    my tea has to have ice and LOTS of sugar
    im sure there is more but i cant think of any!
  • ntimmons48
    ntimmons48 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow this post is making me feel better about my habits as many people have the same habits.

    I like small spoons. Tablespoons creep me out.
    I mix my grapenuts with my Greek Yogurt.
    When I eat sweedish fish, I have to bite the head off first.
    When I eat italians (most places call them grinders?) I eat everything off the sandwich seperately.
    When I get to the bottom of the popcorn bag, I still eat the 1/2 popped kernels.
  • SarahSteele89
    Steamed broccoli + mustard


    You need to see someone about that! That's the most disgusting combination I've ever had the misfortune of reading! If only I could unread!

    Shut your face. I do what I want.

    Don't worry, I love broc with mustard!!!
  • twl900
    twl900 Posts: 122 Member
    I love eating tortillas with peanut butter spread on top. Not sure if that's a common thing or not lol
  • Solbina
    Solbina Posts: 20 Member
    Steamed broccoli + mustard

    I do that too always! its awesome :D
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    I don't like eating the same food multiple days in a row. I honestly don't understand people who eat the same lunch every day - don't you get bored? I can repeat a little more with breakfasts, but even there I'll do, like, a week of bagels and then never want to see a bagel for the rest of the month.

    Hot food should be hot. Just the odor of cold leftovers is gross, not to mention the way sauce kind of congeals.

    Melon is absolutely disgusting. Also disgusting: Baked beans, most raw tomatoes, licorice.

    I try to save a little bit of the best thing on the plate to be the last thing I eat.

    I eat with teaspoons rather than tablespoons 95% of the time. Tablespoons hurt my mouth.

    And I don't see the point of candy that isn't chocolate or toffee.
  • Routerninja
    Cold fried chicken (Preferably Popeyes), torn off the bone and dipped in Duke's mayo.

    That's about the weirdest thing I got.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Only eat the stalks of broccoli hate the top part
    Like to eat my food together not separately
    Prefer turkey cold and lightly salted
    Love to put soy sauce on all my meat (grew up thinking it was called soya sauce for the longest time)
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    Yay I'm not as weird as I thought I was!!

    1. I went low carb 3 yrs ago- have since switched from it but still refuse to eat hamburgers or lunch meat on bread
    2. HATE fresh tomatoes, they will be picked out by my fingers, even if I have to dig through the entire dish. However, I love ketchup, salsa, and marinara sauce.
    3. Also HATE raw onions, make me gag. However I love onions rings, fried onions, sautéed onions, etc
    4. I eat all of one thing on my plate before moving on to the next, saving the best for last
    5. I hate glasses, prefer plastic cups
    6. When eating out I must have a straw for each drink
    7. Don't like my foods touching (seems common)
    8. Dislike hearing others chewing, grosses me out

    Husband thinks it's very strange that I want teaspoons to eat but want the bigger dinner fork over the smaller salad fork. Says it doesn't make sense, if I want a teaspoon why wouldn't I want a smaller fork? I see nothing wrong with it
  • trinityoflove
    trinityoflove Posts: 15 Member
    Although I like raw carrots and tomatoes, I will not eat them if they are cooked.
    I can't stand cold pizza.
    I don't like cereal in milk. I eat the cereal dry, and drink milk with it.
    The biggest thing is that I hate mayo - to the point where thinking about it, or it getting on me, creeps me out. However, I do mix it with tuna for sandwiches.
    I don't like salads at restaurants, and when I have them, I don't use dressing. Although, I love making salads at home, and only use Catalina/French dressing.
    Edit: I also don't like onions, and will pick them out, but I like the taste of onion powder and such in my meals.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    Dipping my popcorn in mustard or ranch.
  • rachelamber_x
    rachelamber_x Posts: 104 Member
    I can't stand visible fat on meat, I have to remove every last visible bit, especially bacon.

    And I only like the tiny little crispy fries that nobody else seems to want. I just love it when they are hollow with no potato-y bit.

    Oh and cold baked beans, straight from the tin. YUM!! Seriously, I could eat a whole can.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    * I have developed a thing against crisps when I heard it used as a two word argument on the radio about why the English are not capable of cuisine: "Flavoured Crisps". Flavoured crisps are just so wrong to me now as it was said it with such disdain that's all I think of when I hear it.
    * I can't eat with a large spoon, I like to use a tea spoon or ideally a sundae spoon as it feels nicer to use.
    * I get cross if I don't have porridge as an option for breakfast.
    * I go mad once a month and devour a cheese board...

    errrm, all crisps are flavoured!

    And what's wrong with English cuisine? How rude!

    can someone please tell me what "crisps" are? im from the south and we dont call anythings crisps?

    crisps are the English term for chips.. what they call chips are our fries.

    as to what's wrong with English cuisine, voltaire already summed it up : only 2 sauces
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    Food can't touch.
    Pineapple cannot be served warm, Hawaiian pizza, I'm talking to you.
    Cheese is better room temperature
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    I'll eat all of one foud at a time, then start on another one, which I'll then eat all of before moving on to another food - if there is one.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    chicken liver... LOVE THAT

    You might just be living in the wrong area. Chicken livers are pretty much a staple for most people where I live.
  • AlexB422
    AlexB422 Posts: 111
    I don't have that many! The only ones I can think of is

    When I'm at home, I like to eat standing up. I will prepare my food and just eat it on the kitchen counter.

    I live eating Jelly sandwiches. No PB required. Which brings me to the next thing, 99% I only eat PB with a spoon out of the jar. It just taste better that way!

    I eat full meals without ever drinking anything.

    My taste buds tend to jump all over the place and I tend to eat weird combinations. Like the other night I ate Tilapia with a side of apple spice oatmeal. Even though they do not go together, I wanted tilapia and oatmeal so that's what I ate.

    And finally when eating Twix bars, I eat the caramel top, then the cookie separate.