brutalrage Member


  • The idea of a myfitnesspal meetup time does sound interesting.
  • I was a member of World Health for the longest time sill I suspended my membership because of lack of time to go to the gym. I was too busy with work and school at night. Truthfully I haven’t been to any other gym beside World health and the local pools.
  • I have to keep track of what I eat specially while unemployed. I don’t get out or able to pay for a gym membership any more. If I don’t keep track of what I eat I will begin to rapidly gain weight again and may end up not being able to walk. With logging I keep track of what I eat, I use fitbit to keep track of my steps…
  • I first gain weight through depression, being friend that encourage bad eating habits and having a job that I am sitting at desk for eight hours. My friend’s usual activity was playing video games, drinking beer and eating pizza. It encourage a lot of bad habits and caused me to go well beyond 400 lbs and 75% body fat.
  • I totally understand about depression and trying to find comfort in eating the pain away. I have suffered from mild to severe depression for most of my life and gain considerable weight at my worse. I've always bounced back and forth with the gym and cleaning up my diet as well and at time it can seem over whelming. I have…
  • I am a member of World Healthy and usually going to the one's on 137ave depending on the time and day I go. I also hit the city pools to.
  • It count on how many calories you need to basically function and than how many calories you need to support any exercise your doing as well as your goal for it. If you want to loose some weight and on the smaller size that might be all you need. For a larger size person as myself I need more than 2000 calories a day and…
  • I never had it but am considering some form of it if I don't loose enough weight in the next five years.
  • In the same boat as you. Need help to stay motivated too. Add me if you want maybe we can help each other.
  • I am aiming for just over a 100 lbs to loose and I am half way there already. This site has help a lot with that. Your more then welcome to add me if you want. Need more people to keep my honest and driven to keep the goal.
  • I beleive your body process whey protien better the soy bars. Also another desiding factor to meal reaplacment bar protien and the moral meal bars is the level or sodium in them. More sodium the more your body will retain water. I am not sure but I think if you take in to much protien at one time your body can react…
  • It appears they do have free shipping to Canada according to what I have searched on the web. is what I found on their twitter feed. If I still have my job after my contract renewal I plan on ordering one.
  • I have so far been lucky enough to dodge the diabetic bullet so far which is surprising with my family history. My mother is diabetic and my uncles both have become diabetic because of their obesity, it surprises both me and my doctor that I have yet to become it though it still a good possibility that I may get it if I…
  • Another way to become aware when your emotionally eating it log every time you eat, not just what your eating but how your feeling at that moment and at what times your eating. You get to see you emotional cycles and better understand what you eat, when you eat and when you get depressed and do something about it. I use…
  • This happens a lot with working out late. I don’t get to my evening workout till 7:00-7:30pm and usually don’t get out of the gym till about 10:00pm and all I want to do is go to sleep since like most people I have to get up in the morning for work. What you could do is break down you meals during the day to 5 meals,…
  • During weight lost your weight may jump back and forth a little and most body fat test are not super accurate to begin with and can be affected by your hydration level. The best way to test for body fat levels is via a body scanner or a dunk test which both are expensive as hell. Just keep to your cal limits and keep being…
  • I have back problem myself, at my heaviest I just couldn't walk long time or stand up for long. I would suggest doing cardio on the Recline Bike to do cadio and for weight you can use the machine since most of them you can sit at. When I started to loose the weight I know that helped me.
  • As long as you don’t drop below 1500 Calories a day with all you’re exercising than you really don’t need to eat back your calories you burn through exercising. You body needs about 1500 Calories a day to maintain daily functions but beside that most people don’t need more than that. Dropping below that approximate 1500…
  • Some wise words there. Never do something for someone else do it for yourself.
  • Awesome job so far keep it up.
  • That is an insane amount of difference there and you should be damn proud of it. Such stories keep me modivated to keep at this weight lost.
  • Weekend tempations are always hard specially when Saturday is my weekly gaming day with the guys and we always order food in. I also have a hard time taking in enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day on the weekend. It is strange it is easier to stay on a diet while I am at work than when I am at home/weekends…
  • You've done an aweseome job in the last year. You should be damn proud of what you have accomplished in the past year. I hope to loose 50lbs this year and your pics are a great modivation to do that.
  • That sound like a great idea and a great way to stay modivated I have no issues with adding you as a buddy and keeping you modivated. By doing that it is also a great way to keep myself modivated as well.
  • I have already lost about 15lbs in the last month but would like to be under 350lbs by the end of the summer and hopefully weight about 300lbs by the end of the year if I am lucky. I have only reccetly got back on the weight lost wagon at the beginining of last month. Hopefully by joining this group I will have additional…
    in Welcome! Comment by brutalrage June 2012
  • People mistake water weight lost as actual weight lost all the time. Those are usually the people you see constantly weight them selves through out the day wondering why they gain 5lbs and not eating all day. It is true that a higher body temperature can result in more calories burned but it is only a marginal differences…
  • For me it is mainly water or skim milk. Water when I use it after a workout and and skim milk when I plan to use it as part of my meal.
  • I know how it feels. I am experiencing the same thing right now. For the last two months I feel off the wagon and it has been hard to get back but I am slowly getting back to it. It just take one step at a time to get back there. Just remember your not the only one that gets like that and your not alone.
  • Congratulation the first ten pound is a great milestone to celebrate. I know I was happy when I finally hit the 10 pound mark last week.
  • I find it that you get better support from people that have gone through or who are going through the weight lost journey. Those that have never been over weight themselves never truly understand what it is like to be over weight and the stigma that comes with it. I don't bother connecting my status updates through face…