HSokol Member


  • My wedding date is November 28, 2014. I've been working out and tracking since April becasue i figured It'll be easier for me the earlier i start. Plus when i finally go gown shopping i can actually order the smaller dress and not worry so much about alterations. My final goal weight is 145, but if I can beat that I''ll be…
  • I am! I dont know if I'll make it, but i will sure as hell try.
  • I have been trying to go the gym 3-4 times a week. Recently I have been getting bored with just being on the elliptical so I have been switching it up and have been going to classes the past two weeks. I've noticed (small, but they are there) changes in my body since i started going to the classes and i feel great. My…
  • Oh my gosh these boht sound AMAZING!!! I am definitely going to be looking up this page on facebook; thanks for the info!!!!
  • I log several times a day; anyone is free to add me.
  • I'm on everyday, several times a day. Anyone is free to add me; I'm always up for new friends.
  • Mine is always in the red also. Honestly i dont really pay attention to it bc as long as it's lean protein that you're eating (which you are) i don't see it as a problem. I would rather have more protein in my diet since i am going to the gym several times a week working out doing cardio and weights.
  • Personally i don't think it's worth the money or the ffort to take diet pills. Plain old diet and exercise has worked the best for me. If you read the labels and the fine print on those pill bottles they explain that are recorded over a 90 day period, so its all bull**** that the commercials advertise and say that you can…
  • I think this is the best advice ever.
  • Honestly I think mariage counseling would better help your marriage than a tat. Plus a tatoo is something that YOU should want to get for and on yourself, not motivated by anotherperson and an ultimatum.
  • I'm actually 5'7" and i started at 176 and my goal right now is to get down to 145. i may change that as time goes on and i get closer depending on what I actually look like.
  • IF my FH worked out on a regular basis I would hate to work out with him. I use that time to be by myself and have me time. He needs to stay out of my workout time (especially when sometimes i using that time to decompress from him!!).
  • I've been noticing this with quite a few people lately. I'm 27 and started usin the app about 3 months ago and have been obsessed. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • Drinking in general is a problem for me. I love wine, beer and hard cider. I recently started incorporating it into my diet again (bc i didint drink for about a month and a half), but it is becoming a problem. I have so many functions coming up over the next month i am defintitely going to have to pick and choose which…
  • I absolutely LOVE cheese. I have (not intentionally) decreased it from my diet since i started using MFP and tracking my food. My only suggestion is if you do want to contiunue eating the cheese, do it. In my experience the only thing thats happened to me from depriving myself of something is that i've then binged on it. I…
  • You most definitely will. I am a cancer survivor myself; although my story/ diagnosis was not as involved/serious as yours is i understand the fear, nervousness and helplessness you are feeling. I had been diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma in Septmeber of 2011 after dealing with Lymes disease for a year. I was…
  • Oh hunny, a hamburger? if you think you can eat that within the next week, good luck and more power to you. When i had my wisdom teeth pulled, i couldnt eat solid/ hard foods for two and a half weeks. I lived on yogurt, soups, smoothies and pasta. The hardest stuff i got in at about two weeks was scrambled eggs. To go for…
  • we have fairly similar goals. im 5"7' and i started at 175 and want to be at 145. Im down ten right now. You (and anyone else on here) are free to add me.
  • Hi, I'm Heather. I'm 27 and am getting married. I decided to join MFP to get healthy (after two years of medical stuff) and to look amazing in my gown. I am always up for new friends also to provide motivation/ inspiration. Welcome to MFP! I also want to let anyone else on here know that i they need friends/ would like to…
    in New to mfp Comment by HSokol June 2013
  • Omg this happened to me the other day and i got so annoyed!!! I finished up qucik on my elliptical and when straight to weight lifting. haha
  • 1) the people that go on one weight machine for like 20 minutes with like a solid 3 minutes in between each pull they do. It's like hunny you just sitting there on the machine does not mean you're exercising 2) the teeny weeny little girls who go on the elliptical/ treadmill for like 10 minutes at like resistance level 20…
  • This may be a silly question but i am assuming that is per pancake. IT sounds awesome and i want to try it.
  • After a while of drinking just plain water (during some medical related issues) i had the same issue where it was just too much and i would feel nauseous. So i started putting a little bit of fruit juice (1/4 of a cup in a liter bottle) just so i could get more flavor. I also like to drink bottled flavored seltzers which…
  • I wish there was a like button for posts because i couldnt agree with you more.
  • I'm so sorry that this is something you are going through. Obviously you have told him how his words (which frankly he is being just plain mean to his WIFE) hurt you and he jsut doesnt care which is frankly verbal and emotional abuse. By him berating you and then trying to have you withold information from those that are…
  • I'm currently using the Nuvaring and am absolutely in love with it. The only things i need to remember is to take it out and put a new one in so i have my calendar marked; it truly has been the best decision ever for me. I used Yasmin for a looong time and loved it but when the reports about the blood clots came out, my…
  • I've done the diet thing in the past but haven't been successful until now. I've been on MFP for about two months now and i'm down about ten pounds. With wokring two jobs it has been a bit difficult to get to the gym to really sweat but luckily my part time job is a PCA position and the individual I"ve been wokring for…
  • Hi, Im Heather. I jsut sent a friend request to you. I'm kinda new here myself and always looking for new friends on MFP
    in New Here Comment by HSokol June 2013
  • Im not trying to lose as much as you but i do know that i sometimes easliy lose motivation. Thanks for the add! I'm on here so many times a day i will deifnitely keep in touch as a weight loss buddy : )
  • I'm aways up for new friends. Having motivational/ inspirational people around. I've lost a few pounds and am trying to lose more. I think it's great to have as many people around as support as this journey can really be difficult/ discouraging at times. Anyone feel free to add me!