

  • I'm sorry you have to go through all of this, but so proud of you for reaching for the positive instead of the negative and doing something that will help your health. I have struggle with depression in the past, and it's a horrible place to be in. I also have over 100 lbs to lose. If you want to encourage each other on…
  • These sound fabulous, and pretty! I'm going to have to try these!
  • I love before and afters! Good job! Way to work hard and stay dedicated! You should be very, very proud of your accomplishment.
  • I've done EVERYTHING guys. Seriously, cabbage soup (and other crazies,) slim fast, Curves, atkins, weight watchers, LA weight loss, I even had lap band surgery (I've seen a lot of family members do HCG, they lose a lot fast, but gain it back.) The thing is, you can lose on all of these, it's whether or not you can keep it…
  • I love hearing, and seeing, success stories! Helps me feel motivated! Thanks for sharing, and good work!
  • My dad gave me a target gift card for my birthday and I'm hoping to buy one with it as well. They have a new balance on on the website that's a little cheaper than the Polar ones with good reviews. Is it better to save some money or just go for the Polar?
  • I'm in the same boat. I lost 22 and then summer began, with lots of traveling, moving, etc., and I failed myself. I know it works, I've seen it work for me before. And you know what, it felt GOOD being in control of my weight. I was happier and more energetic when I was counting calories and exercising. I was more…
  • Great work! You've done an amazing job and it shows! Your dedication is paying off.
  • No way. That's way too much pressure. I try to make Wednesday's my weigh in day, and that's worked out pretty well. I'd suggest picking a day and only weighing in on that morning, early, before you eat.
  • Good for you starting out on this journey! I've lost 18 since starting this site. I've loved it, especially the supportive crowd. I am trying to lose a total of 109 pounds, so I'm right there with you lady! Good luck, and if you want another person to help motivate you, go ahead and add me. You can do this! Always remember…
  • www.theformerlyfrumpymama.blogspot.com oops. I'm still working on the actual website.
  • Good for you ladies! I recently started a similar challenge on my own. Actually, today was officially halfway through my shred challenge and halfway through level two, which is killer, by the way. Anyway, good luck, you'll be amazing! If you want to read about my experience I've been blogging all along about it,…
  • You could always check the database for what menu items are listed and plan it in, or go to the website for the company and look at the nutritional info and add it in yourself if it's not there. I always like to do this before eating out, then I know exactly what I'm having and how it will work into my day. Good luck!
    in HELP!!!!! Comment by goatstew April 2011
  • I really like doing Just Dance 2. It's a fun way to get exercise in. I've never tried Zumba on the Wii, but in person, or even with the videos, it's also really fun. I think I'd suggest Just Dance 2 first though, and then your next reward could be either the Zumba DVDs or game. Also, maybe try going to a Zumba class before…
  • I have loved my time here. The supportive crowd has been the best part! I've lost almost 17 lbs in less than three months, and I weigh in tomorrow so hopefully that number will go up. This has been my favorite diet plan, and I feel like it's the one that had been most beneficial to me in wanting to live a healthier…
  • Other exercises that elevate your HR and don't stress your knees might be good for a day or two. Like boxing or swimming. I would talk to a doctor if the pain persists though.
  • I started out on here for the very same reason. I'm still breastfeeding, my sweet girl is almost 6 months. I've been using MFP for 60 days today, and I've lost 15.5 pounds. To add in extra calories for breastfeeding, just act like you're going to add a food to your diary, and type "generic breastfeeding mother" into the…
  • Sodium is such a hard spot for me. It's amazing to realize how much we consume that we shouldn't, and it's so hard to keep it as low as I should. I have found a sodium substitute by Morton that helps some. If you're a salt person and having a hard time with cutting it out, you could try the substitute to help. Good luck!
  • I hope you all love this site like I have. I've been on for a couple of months, and I've had great success. I'm breastfeeding, so I'm taking it slow, but I've lost 14 pounds already and I love the support and positivity I get from others on here. It's great to have people to share in the journey with. If you log all your…
  • I was having a really hard time last night, and it got me thinking. All I wanted to do was to eat and eat and eat, not just to comfort myself, but also because at that moment I didn't like myself. It wasn't just for comfort, but a punishment. In that moment of self-loathing I wanted to eat for a temporary happy feeling and…
  • I bought the Sketcher's Shape-Ups at Costco for a good price. They have a range of toning shoes, the most intense ones are pretty weird looking, but the ones I got are extended fitness, designed for all day, all around wear. So I don't feel self conscious wearing them to the store, or around town. In fact, they're kind of…
  • You are doing awesome over all. Do not let yourself worry to much. It should be a happy, healthy lifestyle change, not a really stressful one. I think as long as you're staying below the calories MFP gives you, you should be fine. And, I would steer clear of the scale for a while. It's not always the best judge of how…
  • A Zumba instructor told me that you burn app. 500 calories in an hour of Zumba. I'm always worried about how to log it as well. I'm saving up for a heart rate monitor so I can log my exercise more correctly.
    in zumba Comment by goatstew March 2011
  • Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, and you're probably building lots of muscle going from sedentary to active. Keep doing what you're doing, and drink tons of water, do measurements, and the weight will start coming off too. Good work!
  • Emotional eating is a very real thing and like the woman before me said, there are so many others in the same boat. You are not alone. I too am trying to overcome this. This site is a great place to look to for motivation and support. I'm going to try drinking lots of water whenever I want to eat and I know I don't need…
  • Great job! It's awesome that you stayed dedicated and are reaching your goal at such an amazing pace! Keep going!
  • I've known friends who had this problem, especially when losing very large amounts of weight, like more than 100 pounds. It's like after I had babies, extra nasty skin. I've heard that working out and toning muscle while you lose helps with it, but I don't know if anything eliminates the problem. Sorry. You will be…
  • Ten pounds is nothing small, it's a great accomplishment! Keep going! You're doing awesome!
  • Welcome! I have 104 left to lose, I started at 109 to lose. I have two little girls, and it's hard raising them with my husband! You are so strong to be doing it alone, and I know that if you can do that, you can definitely reach your weight loss goals by drawing on that strength! This is a great place to go for support.…
  • Yeah, I totally don't want people to think that I think the band is an ineffective tool. It is an absolutely effective tool if it is used correctly (not beat.) My husband and his dad will eat and "burp" things down, pretty much forcing down what the band wants to keep out. I've also heard of people blending up all their…