2.5 weeks and nothing

So, I've been working at this new lifestyle for almost 3 weeks. I've been using MFP for 10 days, and I've been using EA Sports Active for the Playstation for 2.5 weeks. I have not lost a pound and it's very frustrating! I've been on Weight Watchers in the past and usually in the first couple weeks you lose around 5 pounds. I'm doing more exercise now than I ever did on WW. I'm doing more exercise now than I have in a long time! I have a mostly sedentary lifestyle during the week, so the workouts are really kicking my butt. I work out 4 times a week at the moment.

So what do I need to do? Lower my calories? Workout more? Currently, MFP tells me to have 1370 cals. as a base a day. I eat back some of the exercise cals, but usually not all of them. Am I eating too much or too little?


  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    try doing your measurements.
    I tend to see the scale as evil.....

    are you getting your water in. that is a key need to lose weight as it flushes the body
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I would pick up a measuring tape and start measuring your body. I have been at this website for almost two months and haven't lost a pound, but I have lost 6 inches.

    that is what I suggest

    Plus the only way to lose fat is through your breath and your pee. make sure you are drinking enough water.
  • Mollywater
    Mollywater Posts: 42 Member
    What type of food are you eating? Lots of veggies, lean protein and fruits? Lots of water? If so, then I would look at keeping your calorie intake the same and lowering the amount you eat back from workouts and see if that helps.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Maybe make your diary public and we can take a look at your foods etc?
  • goatstew
    Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, and you're probably building lots of muscle going from sedentary to active. Keep doing what you're doing, and drink tons of water, do measurements, and the weight will start coming off too. Good work!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You have to give your body time to adjust to the change. It's a shock on the system. You can even lose weight without exercise as long as you have a deficiency. Make sure to stay above the 1200 NET baseline and try to hit that 1370. 1200 is a general number for starvation mode. Some may have higher and some may be a little lower. (My "comatose" BMR is only 1188 but I wore my HRM for 24 hours as an experiment - they're not meant to be used that way. I figure is a rough number but I burned 2300 calories on a lazy day. I'm only 5'2" and 123lbs.

    How's your sodium? How's your water? too much sodium and too little water can cause retention and water is heavy.

    I can't see your diary so I don't know as far as calories.

    check out the post in my signature (links you want to read again and again). There is also a sticky for Newbies at the top of the General Diet and Weight Loss Help Message Board. Maybe there's some info in there that might help you.
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Definitely check measurements. But I would say 'up the annie' a little bit...eat a little bit less calories and make your workouts a little more intense. Couldn't hurt!! AND ALWAYS REMEMBER WATER!!! It helps!!!
  • bootoou
    I feel your pain, frustrated too... how can people on the biggest looser loose 10 lbs in a week. I am kicking my *kitten* doing kickboxing 3x per week then resistance bands 3x per week and eating clean and it is coming off in inches but I want that scale to move too.....
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    after seeing the measurements posts I have to give you this:


    I still weigh everyday but have stopped worrying about the numbers on the scale. They don't tell you a whole lot. And we have daily fluctuation of 3-5 pounds.

    I've learned that my weight goes up on the weekends and during the week it drops back down to my 'true' weight by Wednesday. If I have weight loss I will usually see it on Thursday or Friday. And I put on about 3-4 pounds right before my TOM.
  • TigerRus
    TigerRus Posts: 5 Member
    Okay, I just made my diary public. Sorry about that.

    I do drink a lot of water, though I often forget to record it.

    I know I don't eat enough veggies and fruits, but I'm working on that. All my favorite foods are carbs!
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    that happened to me too, but i just kept taking my measurements. Also, be sure that u weigh urself once a week. try for the same day and time everyweek. Morning is usually the best time (b4 u eat) and if ur wearing clothes, make sure u account for that (rule of thumb = 3lbs for clothes 5lbs for clothes AND shoes) If u have trouble drinking ur water, buy a big water bottle. U r supposed to have 8-10 glasses of water a day (or 64-80 oz) if u buy a huge water bottle, u will only have to drink 3-4 of them and it goes by much quicker!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I wouldn't eat less than what MFP is telling you

    And I would try to eat most of your exercise calories, the more you shock your body, ie eat less calories, the longer it will hold onto that fat, If you adjust your lifestyle slower it will not realize such a great change.

    Remember your body doesn't care what it looks like it just doesn't wanna die. so until it realizes that you aren't killing it, it will try to hold onto that fat.

    The more drastic your calorie intake is, the longer it will do this. Do NOT eat less than 1200 calories, and lots of people would recommend eating ATLEAST your BMI worth of calories, because that is the fewest calories your body needs to survive in a comatose state.

    Dont lower your calories, that will only prevent progress longer. EAT all your calories, and keep at it. It will move here soon. Dont get discouraged.
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    Ah, I think the previous poster means 'up the ante'... which is to say - step it up. I suggest getting a workout dvd with high intense cardio/strength training circuit combos. (ie: Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, Training with Jackie etc)

    I don't recommend eating less, but I do recommend breaking up your meals into many small meals throughout the day (if you haven't already.)

    It's frustrating when the scale doesn't budge - but like others mentioned it could very well be an even exchange of fat for muscle. Which is why it's a good idea to get a measuring tape and take measurements of your natural waist, around your bellybutton, your hips, your upper thigh, your calf at it's widest point, your upper arms at widest point and even your neck. Then take them again in a week or two and I would be almost anything that you will see a loss of inches.
  • reginarb
    I am working out with the EA Sports Active 2 for the Wii and I agree it is a workout. I notice that it takes more of a workout to burn calories on there because it has alot of strength training. I added more cardio to my workout by walking or running on the treadmill, and that really takes off the calories quick. The strength training is def a great thing! Keep it up! Anyone can feel free to ad me as a friend. We all need the support.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I feel your pain, frustrated too... how can people on the biggest looser loose 10 lbs in a week. I am kicking my *kitten* doing kickboxing 3x per week then resistance bands 3x per week and eating clean and it is coming off in inches but I want that scale to move too.....

    they have professional dietiticians and personal trainers, they work out at the very least 3 hours EVERY day.

    If we all had that too you bet we would be super skinny too.

    although 10 lbs a week isn't the most healthiest way to do it.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I know I don't eat enough veggies and fruits, but I'm working on that. All my favorite foods are carbs!

    You've answered your own question! You appear to be eating a lot of processed foods and not much fresh fruits or veggies. I'm not sure what's in your "salad" so I could be wrong. I recommend you add sugar and sodium to your diary and track those as well. Processed foods can be high in both and that can derail weight loss.

    Although you're staying close to your calorie goal, much of your food isn't very nutrient-dense. In other words, you aren't getting much bang for your caloric buck and you may be a bit malnourished.

    How are you measuring your exercise calories? If you're using readouts on the console, cardio machine, or from the MFP database, they tend to be wildly inaccurate for a lot of folks. A heart rate monitor is the most accurate way to make sure you're not over-estimating your exercise calories. Just a thought.

    Trying eating a little cleaner for a few weeks and see how that goes. Good luck!
  • TigerRus
    TigerRus Posts: 5 Member
    The EA Sports Active 2 program has a heart rate monitor that you wear, so that should be pretty good. My salads are a variety of lettuces, tomatoes, and carrots, mostly. I try to use something other than iceburg lettuce.

    I'll try to eat less carbs. I have trouble because there aren't many veggies that I like.
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    When I started working out (last time), I gained five pounds in the first three weeks, So discouraging! But I kept pushing and went on to lose 60pds in five months! I gained alot of muscle the first few weels which increased my weight, but then it burned more fat in the long run.
    My suggestions, more fruit and vegis, more water, start walking, start taking measurements. Measurements can encourage you when the scale isn't!!! And keep going it'll happen! You are well on you way! Best wishes next weight in!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    The EA Sports Active 2 program has a heart rate monitor that you wear, so that should be pretty good. My salads are a variety of lettuces, tomatoes, and carrots, mostly. I try to use something other than iceburg lettuce.

    I'll try to eat less carbs. I have trouble because there aren't many veggies that I like.

    the cool thing about veggies and fruit, is that you can eat TONS of them and they aren't very high in calorie. And it may be one of those things you just learn to like, considering it is apart of being healthy.

    I would also suggest a Juicer.. you can juice an emense amount of veggies and then throw in an apple or two and it sweetens it right up. Cant taste those nasty veggies at all.

    as far as veggies go, the greener the better. but all veggies are a plus as far a nutrition goes. =)
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Wow yeah I would say watch your sugar – a lot of the stuff in your diary looks like it could be very sugary. Finding alternatives could mean you make better choices anyway – learn from the numbers. Oatmeal instead of cereal, etc. I've found the less sugar I eat, the less I crave it.