In search of support!!!

I have been Yo Yoing with this Diet/Lifestyle change all year! I need to surround myself with people who share the same goals, struggles, etc., overall like minded people working to support one another!:happy: I hope I've come to the right place! :happy:


  • grumpy2032
    grumpy2032 Posts: 92 Member
    you are in the right place best support group ever !!!
  • goatstew
    goatstew Posts: 50
    I have loved my time here. The supportive crowd has been the best part! I've lost almost 17 lbs in less than three months, and I weigh in tomorrow so hopefully that number will go up. This has been my favorite diet plan, and I feel like it's the one that had been most beneficial to me in wanting to live a healthier lifestyle overall and take responsibility/control over my weight. Good luck! You can do it! One baby step at a time!
  • MrsWendyQ
    MrsWendyQ Posts: 125 Member
    Yes, yes you have! Best of luck on your change of lifestyle! You can do this!:smile:
  • msjai923
    msjai923 Posts: 8
    I've only been apart of the community for less than an hour and I'm already LOVING the support!!! Thanks so much for reaching out guys!
  • travelprincess
    travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
    Add me as a friend if you would like. There is great support here and so many women understand the difficulties other women face. Some of us it isnt so easy.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I have been here two weeks and the support ,tips, advice, motivation is beyond anything I imagined. Good luck to you and feel free to add me we can help each other on our journey:)
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    You're definitely in the right place! Good luck!