uglycrying Member


  • Interesting challenge. It's fun to see how creative one can be. Might want to check out Simply Quinoa for some recipe ideas if you haven't already!
  • I put mine in a side-braid, secured at the nape and bottom of braid. Not super tight. Works for me. I get bad headaches too from a lot of styles, it's the worst.
  • Peanut Butter has been my favorite so far and I'm not even a PB fiend. S'mores is probably my other favorite. I find that the vanilla, pistachio, birthday cake, and cookie dough are all kind of indistinguishable from one other... same vanillaish flavor. I like vanillaish though. Chocolate Almond Crunch was the worst.
  • I've quit before (started again though and about to quit again -_-) while losing weight. I quit for eight months cold turkey. I continued to calorie track and I did gain a little bit... maybe 3-5 lb. But quitting coincided with a lot of summer holidays/birthdays so I don't even necessarily blame quitting for the weight…
  • Good for you, OP. I feel lucky when those kinds of food aversions happen to me, however short-lived they are. I swear I'd be at my goal weight by now if it wasn't for this one local pizza place. It's so good that it's hard not to have it every week. The rest of the pizza places close to me are not as good. I'd probably…
  • Dave's Killer Bread Thin Sliced (particularly Good Seed) is my favorite bread. It's 70 cals a slice. It's so good, and now when I have regular sized slices of bread, they feel like too much. I tried a lot of lower calorie breads, but none that tasted good until Dave's Bread. Egg whites. I like to use 1-2 eggs for a…
  • Start cutting back gradually. Try flavored/sparkling water. You could also cut back on calories, for instance, by pouring a half cup of a juice and filling the rest of the glass with sparkling water or club soda, etc. I did that for awhile. Make sure you are logging your food and drinks so you can actually see and…
  • Try to adjust your coffee gradually, e.g. use 2 teaspoon of sugar instead of 3 and gradually cut down. When I first started tracking, I was astounded to see about 200-400 calories was from coffee alone (I drank too much coffee & took mine with a lot of half & half). I gradually cut down to less h&h, used the fat-free…
  • Canned tuna maybe? No cooking there. Perhaps meal prep some meat for the week so you only have to deal with cooking it once a week? What do you dislike about cooking meat?
  • I started making these recently, using this recipe . I modify it to my own tastes. I leave out the coconut since I hate it, sub in more oats and put in some white chocolate chips along with chocolate. I also found I can get away with using less honey. I've tried them with peanut butter and almond butter so far, both tasty.…
  • I don't eat at 1350 cals often. But I do have some days like that and can imagine how I'd do it. It's hard to give advice without seeing your diary or knowing what kinds of food you like to eat. Ideally while losing weight, you'd continue to eat foods you like but find ways to make them lighter on calories. I don't waste…
  • I take mine with some banana chopped up on top and a tablespoon of almond butter. Other times I add a 2-3 teaspoons of brown sugar. Strawberries and banana are another good combination of toppings to me. For whatever reason I was disappointed in blueberries on oatmeal, though I love them. Perhaps it will grow on you. There…
  • Have you tried frozen yogurt? It's healthier and lower calorie than ice cream. Personally I have become so accustomed to frozen yogurt that I prefer it over ice cream now, and ice cream tastes way too rich to me. I try to eat fairly balanced and controlled during the week, then indulge a little on the weekend. Knowing that…
  • I am in about the same place. At a healthy weight but can (and will) lose more, mostly vanity weight (nothing wrong with that). The reactions of "Are you on drugs" " Have you been starving yourself" and absurd and unfounded fears of developing an eating disorder have begun to roll in for me. I am at pretty average weight…
  • I felt that way at the start of my weight loss too. I had gained weight a couple years ago, lost it, then gained it back plus more. I couldn't believe my old 'fat' weight was now a goal of mine that I had to work toward. It was overwhelming to think about how much I had to lose, but feeling overwhelmed and regretful of…
  • I weigh myself every morning. When I notice a new lower number, I will wait to see if it shows up again the following couple days and then log it if it does. I feel better doing it that way and like I can trust it's not just dehydration, an irregularity or my eyes deceiving me (hah).
  • Congrats on your sobriety! Feel free to add me. I'm also 28, female and a recovering alcoholic. What are the odds... Closing in on 11 months sober here :)
  • My SO does this occasionally... gets up from bed or from a nap and immediately eats something, then goes back to sleep. It is usually a food he ordinarily likes though; once it was something pretty unappetizing like food that had been sitting out for quite a few hours and was in the process of going bad. It just happened…
  • So next time move it for him, to the trash. That will (probably) get him to stop offering.
  • I lost most of the weight that I have while eating something sweet nearly everyday-- I just looked for lower cal treats usually and allotted calories for those, about 100-400 cals depending on what I wanted. I had an ice cream phase recently and got those Skinnycow brand ice cream sandwiches, not bad, and only 150 cal.…
  • 30 Day Shred got me in shape to do Ripped in 30! I rotate a lot of Jillian's videos currently-- 6 week 6 pack, Ripped in 30, Killer Buns & Thighs, No More Trouble Zones, and Yoga Meltdown. No More Trouble Zones is nice for a change of pace, there's lots of strength exercises and not much cardio, but it's longer than her…
  • Oh man, I forgot about this one. Such an awesome feeling!
  • Hey, congrats!!! Don't see many people mention that here and I've been a little nervous about mentioning it first. I'm a few days shy of 9 months myself! :) What changed for me: -I feel better being in public, I was really ashamed and embarrassed to go out before, felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. Wasn't used to…
  • Yep. The concept of bending over backwards trying to find an excuse to eat something is strange to me. If I want something, I'll typically have it while being realistic about the consequences. I usually set aside some calories for something sweet. There are some days, not just period days, where I eat at maintenance and I…
  • Welcome Denise. That doesn't sound like responsible or knowledgeable advice from a doctor... I question it. I feel like one mistaken concept people have is that weight loss needs to be miserable and punishing, or that the way you eat to lose weight has to be radically different from how you'd normally eat. It just isn't…
  • Not sure if you have a Trader Joes near you, but if you do they sell a "reduced guilt" guacamole in their deli section that uses greek yogurt. It's light on cals and tastes great. I've used it in tuna sandwiches before. I've also used those Starkist (I think?) sandwich-ready tuna salad packets which run about 90 cals-- not…
  • This has been my experience as well. 1. Patience is key-- if you've been treating your body well and doing the things recommended for (healthy) weight loss, the scale may not immediately move but it eventually does... 2. People will treat you different/better once you lose weight and this can feel weird and at times, super…
  • That's great that you've maintained some healthy changes! It's also great that you posted here. You are by no means a failure. You need to stop beating yourself up, which I'm sure you know. I wish I could give more advice on that but it's something I struggle with too (depression here). Perhaps look into cognitive…