Peoples' Reactions To Your Weight Loss



  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    Well done on your loss.

    I too get those comments, and I just say I'm just a few pounds away, I think as previous posters say, it's because they are used to us being bigger and it can take some a while to get used too. I get so many lovely comments every day, tonight at aerobics, a lady came up and told me she had been meaning to say for ages that I looked fabulous and that over the last few months, she's seen me shrink. At work today, a ex colleague said he couldn't believe how well I looked,I said thanks, and he said, I'm not just saying it, I can't believe how good you look. So I think the lovely outweigh the critical by miles.
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    Typically I get... "You've lost a lot of weight, what are you doing?"

    People tend to be surprised when I state that I'm only counting calories and exercising a little, and not following any particular diet or program.
  • kbkeats
    kbkeats Posts: 103 Member
    Congrats on your loss!
    I'm 20lb down since March, and most of the feedback I've received is positive. My closest friends say they're disappointed I no longer have quite the bust I used to, but I'm sure they'll get used to it haha!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    If possible, try to consider the source. Could be jealousy/envy talking - or a legitimate concern. (Though the concern may be unfounded.) For those who come from a negative place, just smile and tell them thanks for expressing an opinion. For family and such, who speak out of love/concern - give them assurance that your goals are based on your health & well-being.

    My personal 'issue' right now is Hubby. He was all set to get back on track and got hurt. Has another 2 weeks or so of taking it easy. (Bruised ribs.) So when I take time to get on the treadmill or something it annoys him because he can't.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    I mostly get positive comments. One person at work jokes that if I lose any more I will blow away. I always say I'm not done yet, cause I'm still technically overweight. Of course I can't use that anymore because since this morning my BMI is under 25.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Well done on your loss.

    I too get those comments, and I just say I'm just a few pounds away, I think as previous posters say, it's because they are used to us being bigger and it can take some a while to get used too. I get so many lovely comments every day, tonight at aerobics, a lady came up and told me she had been meaning to say for ages that I looked fabulous and that over the last few months, she's seen me shrink. At work today, a ex colleague said he couldn't believe how well I looked,I said thanks, and he said, I'm not just saying it, I can't believe how good you look. So I think the lovely outweigh the critical by miles.

    This is me too. I've had some colleagues say lovely things, really heart-felt things that showed me how much they care (even though getting 50 people saying it within the first 40 mins of a business conference was OTT and made me pretty fed up with them).

    The only "negative" comment has come from DH, who I suspect was just concerned about my lack of boobage now. There was one weird comment from a colleague asking, with a curled lip, if I was "vegan or one of those" (whatever "those" are..), which I actually found quite offensive, because I felt it made light of vegans and their beliefs.

    It's up to me where I stop. I'm totally in control of my weight for the first time in my life. Target right now is 120-ish lbs, but may go below that to shift a bit more lard and then focus on getting a load of hot muscles.

    Mind you, I'm the sort of person to ignores the physical part of people anyway (seriously, I don't even notice if people are pregnant or color their hair..), never makes personal comments and I'm always forgetting that I look completely different to everyone else. Oh, and I'm pigheaded and would ignore others' "helpful" advice anyway.
  • 1971MLJ
    1971MLJ Posts: 137 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss. I've been really lucky and my family and friends have been nothing but supportive. Colleagues however, are another story. In general it's the backhanded compliments like "You look great - but you don't need to lose any more weight" or "You'll blow away in a strong wind" and they all seem to be mainly from women. The guys tend to just say "Well done, you look great" or something similar.
    It used to really stress me out when I first started out and my poor PT got the brunt of my neurosis over it. The first thing he asked me was the gender of the people making the remarks and pretty much said it was jealousy because I was doing something about my weight instead of just talking about doing something. I've learned to just ignore it now but it did take some doing. I've been maintaining since March this year and am still being told I don't need to lose any more weight. I always get a look of disbelief when I tell whoever it is that I haven't lost any weight in several months.
    Keep doing what you're doing until you get to where you want to be. :happy:
  • uglycrying
    uglycrying Posts: 28 Member
    I am in about the same place. At a healthy weight but can (and will) lose more, mostly vanity weight (nothing wrong with that).

    The reactions of "Are you on drugs" " Have you been starving yourself" and absurd and unfounded fears of developing an eating disorder have begun to roll in for me. I am at pretty average weight for my height: 133lb, 5'4. I have lost it the healthy way.

    People's reactions have way more to do with themselves, typically. The common thread in all of the people who've reacted negatively to my loss is that they struggle with their weight themselves or don't like themselves.

    I have always been a pretty average weight (apart from when I was overweight), like between 135lb-145lb most my life and right now I have the opportunity to go lower. I think partially it's weird for the people around me because they've never seen me lower than 135 and maybe they find that possibility threatening or whatever. I don't know. I feel pretty average right now, I don't really have a body people would be jealous over. I still have a lot of trouble areas. Maybe that provides an odd sense of comfort for the people around me, Idk. Like, "as long as she doesn't look super good..."

    When people get down on me for losing more, I will just remind them that I am at a healthy weight for my height and otherwise try to ignore their comments. I can still drop about 20lb and still be considered healthy, so I will point that out.
  • Wow- lots of inspiring stories on this thread! Thanks to those of you sharing your experiences.
    I struggle with people's reactions too, and my changes are much less dramatic.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    My response:

    I know, it's a big change already! But my doctor and I have decided that it's appropriate for me to aim for the high end of the healthy BMI that's my goal."

    I got this A LOT when I also had about 20 still left to lose. Now that I'm actually at my goal weight, no one has ever said I'm too skinny. Like you said, I think people just lose track of what a healthy weight is AND when you've already lost a lot, you look so startlingly different that they cannot imagine you being even smaller.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    So far, the only responses/notice I've gotten have been from my ex's parents, who have been complimentary.
    Well, and my doctors, but it's kinda their job to notice & be encouraging.

    I think I'd use some combination of these to deal with someone being critical (if it ever happens; I'm about 60 lb from my goal):

    "Thanks for your concern."
    "My doctor is happy with my progress so far, & where I plan to end up."
    "I'm planning to be near the top end of a healthy BMI range for my height, and I'm not quite there yet."
  • mandybear014
    mandybear014 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi! Congratulations on your weight loss! You have come quite a long way. Kudos to you on all the hard work. :drinker:
    For my weight loss experience so far, most of my friends and family have been supported. Most.

    Occassionally I will hear a remark from a family member or two about my eating habits that are negative.
    I'm 6'0 tall and weight 182. The majority of my family members are same height as me but weight well into the 300-400 pounds because they like to eat big. I love them (even when they are being a-holes) but they have significant health issues because of their eating habits. So maybe they are jealous or something that I decided I didn't want to be like that. I don't care what the "haters" will say, it's my body and its my life. :smile:

    Overall I had a lot of people tell me I look great and I agree. I feel great too. Just last week, I had a big event at work and had to really dress up and all the comments I got were "WOW" and "you look good". My final weight goal is 173 and then I am going to stop because I have already won the battle with the medical conditions I had when I was heavier (at 221 pounds, started MFP at 215).
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Congrats to all of you on your success !! Nicely done

    I find the comments very strange. I can't tell if it is jealousy, resentment , or they are just skeptical it will last. Maybe it's just a guy thing that we tend to bust each others chops over stuff. Either way i take compliments and say thanks and to the naysayers I just give a chuckle.

    When I do get questioned about either my current or goal weight I always respond with a BF%. That usually ends the questions as very few people have a clue. The ones who do I can have an engaged conversation about health, nutrition, fat loss or any aspect of the journey.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    People are horrified when I tell them I want to lose 30 more lbs...and they LEGITIMATELY seem concerned that it's too thin for me. That isn't even the low end of normal; it's still 20 lbs from low, and I think they cannot get past how I 'used' to appear. I am not skinny now, I'm just 'skinnier'..and their eyes can't see that.

    Some people claim it's jealousy, I just think that in the US, people are used to people...well,,, FATTER!
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Congratz on your weight loss, first and foremost.

    It's tough. I started at 170 lbs. Had been about 150 lbs for about 6 years so people got used to that "me". When I got to around 130 lbs, the comments starting turning from "You look great." To "Okay. You can stop now." and my father went as far as to call me his anorexic little girl. It totally derailed me. As a priority, my health was number one. My strength gains in lifting came second. To hear people voice concern when I wasn't suffering and to treat me like I had no idea what I was doing was heartbreaking. I hit 115 lbs before I reversed calories to bulk. I ignored them. I am not, by any means, sickly or deprived. I eat 2400 calories of mostly nutrient dense whole foods, my strength gains are improving, I feel the best I ever have. I don't even have a goal weight, as my number one goal is measurements and strength gains.

    I think it comes from a place of genuine concern and love from individuals who know very little about health and fitness. They see you change so drastically and their mind is pulled back to the old you. Time will help. Everyone around me has since stopped. I get the occasional "Stop being so skinny. " from sister in laws and stuff but water off my back. You know, deep down, what your goals are and as long as those are healthy and attainable, don't let anyone stop you
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    People are horrified when I tell them I want to lose 30 more lbs...and they LEGITIMATELY seem concerned that it's too thin for me. That isn't even the low end of normal; it's still 20 lbs from low, and I think they cannot get past how I 'used' to appear. I am not skinny now, I'm just 'skinnier'..and their eyes can't see that.

    Some people claim it's jealousy, I just think that in the US, people are used to people...well,,, FATTER!

    You don't tell them how much you plan to lose.
  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    When I lost my 70 lbs they noticed my face then NEW SMILE and body it was amazing.. I loved it lol still do.
  • alissaminten
    alissaminten Posts: 3 Member
    Not sure what to tell you regarding others, but can I just take a moment to say "WOW"?!?! Many, MANY congratulations to you! Keep doing what's right to keep yourself healthy. This is so great to hear. You just helped me NOT eat the lemon poppyseed cupcake I don't have any calories left over for today. Thanks for the inspiration!!
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for writing your thoughts and suggestions. And also for the nice encouraging words. It has been a great thread and really helpful to hear how others are managing this part of weight loss. I really do think that it will just take time for people to adjust to the way I look. As soon as I learn more about BF% I love the idea of switching to that metric as opposed to just a weight goal.

    Congrats to everyone on your successful weight loss and willpower!