The Things No One Tells You About Weight Loss



  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Bones, and vanes in hands and feet being visible.

    I'd loose more inches than pounds

    My bra size was all over the place and I had to be refitted about ever 6 months or so. I started as 40D, then was 38DD, followed by 36DD, then 34 DDD, then my bust finally started shrinking to 34D, and currently 34C.

    I'd get looks from good looking guys instead of the weird looking ones. lol

    I dropped 2 shoe sizes

    I no longer have to worry about ripping the *kitten* or crotch of my pants. Seriously I've had to call my husband more than once to bring me a new pair of pants to work, because they ripped while bending over or something. So embarrassing!

    I'm much more flexible, which my husband takes advantage of in the bedroom.

    My rings and bracelets just fall off my now, and necklaces hang lower around my slender neck.

    I've literally had to replace my entire wardrobe including underwear and socks! I also have a bunch of plus size lingerie, that I can't wear either, and its not exactly something I feel comfortable donating to goodwill!

    My tattoos would shrink or become deformed. My midnight tattoo (my pet cat for 16 years, I call her my 1st born child RIP) doesn't look like a cat anymore, just a black blob :-(

    No more back fat or cottage cheese thighs! My thigh are still fat, but at least they smooth now, and my back is nice and smooth too :-) yay!

    This list could go on forever, but I think I'll stop here.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    Here's my 2 cents. only around 28 down so far, but this is what I've got...
    This would be current me talking to beginner me, years back when I tried all those stupid... things that restricted and never worked.

    -People aren't going to notice. You're not going to notice. You won't magically start shrinking and see it happen and have other people see it happen.

    -You probably won't be happy with it. At least not for a very long time.

    -You're never gonna feel like you're doing enough, or doing it right.

    -You DO have collarbones. Yep, you do. Yes, I'm sure that there isn't just empty space there. You also have hipbones.

    -You're gonna have excess skin. You won't become magically pretty and toned and without stretch marks after you lose those 100lbs... Yeah, it sucks, I know.

    -You see those stairs? The ones you've been having a hard time climbing, and you think they're gonna be a breeze once you get fit? The ones that are looking at you as you're looking at them, and you could almost hear their evil laugh because you can't climb 'em? Yeah, they're still gonna be your #1 enemy, even after you start working out.

    -Guess what? You've got muscles you never even knew you had. And you're gonna learn that through pain.

    -Following up the previous one, workout pain can actually feel so good.

    -It actually takes longer than 6 months to lose 100 lbs! Go figure.

    -Lifting weights! Yeah, I know all you ever heard was to take walks and go run, and that's fine. But you know what's finer than fine? Lifting weights.

    -You're gonna want to run. You hate it right now, but you're gonna like it. You still won't be able to run to save your life though

    That's about it for me right now. I've a long way to go so I still probably have many more things to learn.

    I love this... all of them except the running one... I'm never going to *want* to run. Not going to happen...

    but I do have one more -- actual arm PITS are a lot harder to shave now that I actually have arm pits now...

    I love reading these...
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    My tattoos would shrink or become deformed. My midnight tattoo (my pet cat for 16 years, I call her my 1st born child RIP) doesn't look like a cat anymore, just a black blob :-(
    Nooooo! I am hoping my tattoos are in places that won't be too affected by weight loss (upper arms and upper legs). Well, I shouldn't get ahead of myself.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    My tattoos would shrink or become deformed. My midnight tattoo (my pet cat for 16 years, I call her my 1st born child RIP) doesn't look like a cat anymore, just a black blob :-(
    Nooooo! I am hoping my tattoos are in places that won't be too affected by weight loss (upper arms and upper legs). Well, I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

    My cat it on my outer right leg just above ankle, so my legs shrank and so did she :-( I'll get her fixed someday, moneys tight right now so can't afford a trip to the tattoo parlor yet.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    My tattoos would shrink or become deformed. My midnight tattoo (my pet cat for 16 years, I call her my 1st born child RIP) doesn't look like a cat anymore, just a black blob :-(
    Nooooo! I am hoping my tattoos are in places that won't be too affected by weight loss (upper arms and upper legs). Well, I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

    Unfortunately, unless your tattoo is on your nose, substantial weight loss WILL cause changes :(
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    I love this... all of them except the running one... I'm never going to *want* to run. Not going to happen...

    Hmmm I used to say that too. :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • Maqneta
    Maqneta Posts: 388 Member
    Always weigh yourself in the morning, when I first started I always weighed after my largest meal... (Dinner)
    Also that breakfast should be your largest meal, not dinner xD
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Also that breakfast should be your largest meal, not dinner xD

    Personal preference, this.
  • Illusion1993
    Illusion1993 Posts: 2 Member
    A lot of people have mentioned shoes... But that's mine: my feet got skinny! I knew I had gone up a shoe size in the past, but I figured I was still growing... After losing a lot of weight, I realised my feet had just gotten fat before!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    That people who you thought were there for you are not really always there for you....

    And kinda on the flip side, but not really: Not everyone knows how to handle their emotions. Sometimes concern can come out in really nasty/demotivating ways. You need to remember that this is about YOU and not them.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    - That people are really quick to try and slow down your process or think you're "taking it too far"

    - How quick people are to tell you that you "don't need to lose weight" if you're relatively close to a healthy BMI

    - How frustrating it is to need new jeans but know that they probably won't fit in a few months
  • msnucerity
    msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
    That if you are seen eating sensible portions of healthy food people will tell you that you have an eating disorder.

    On the flip-side, if you are seen indulging in a treat people tell you how fat it will make you.
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    -I can't guess how my weight loss goes its no pounds for three weeks than 3 all at once and then a pound a week then 2 pounds a week! Nothing makes sense but thats ok its just my body.

    -Your hands look huge and your feet get smaller.

    -People will ask if you got a haircut, they are actually asking if you lost weight.

    -You'll want a softer mattress to accommodate new bony shoulders and hips.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Years ago I got tired of being fat and looking like crap in my photos ...... so I started eating better and taking an occasional walk ....... because of my previous "failures" I decided not to talk about it, not even to my husband.

    When I'd lost 20 lbs a coworker noticed my jeans were baggy ...... she was supportive & kept it quiet, like I asked ........ then when I'd lost a few more pounds, another coworker noticed & got mad & in my face about not letting her know, so that "we could do it together" ...... then she gave me the cold shoulder !

    WTF ?????

    No one told me that people can be such asswipes :grumble:

    Shortly after that I found a much better job ...... I still continue to eat healthy & even go to the gym ....... I've been at this job for awhile now ........ two of my coworkers have changed eating & exercise habits & lost a lot of weight ...... now my boss is trying to lose weight ....... can I just say, this is an AWESOME work environment !

    BTW, my husband never did notice my weight loss, until the day I said "hey, hon ..... want to see a magic trick ? I can get out of these shorts without unbuttoning them" ...... oh, yeah ...... he noticed then :laugh:
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    That I don't have to be a cardio bunny.

    That I don't have to eat my lettuce and be sad.

    That there is no magical formula of no carbs and micro greens that I have to eat.

    That pills are all a scam. So is "diet food" and 100 cal. packs.

    That I can move my body around doing things I enjoy, and eat all the foods I love, and lose weight. All I had to do was move more (and more often) and eat to live, instead of overstuffing myself like I was trying to win a contest.
  • byahbee
    byahbee Posts: 19
    I never knew how much I would look forward to my evening snack of fruit!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    That one day you will be sitting and randomly cross your legs.. WAIT! That's possible now?
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member

    but I do have one more -- actual arm PITS are a lot harder to shave now that I actually have arm pits now...

    I love reading these...

    I thought that it was just me! Holy crap!

    -That some people make health a competition and can't be happy that you lost weight, they have to try and one up you.

    -That people will tell you that you're taking it too far because "that's my size! You should stop now!" :huh:

    - That how much you eat will change dramatically and that it really does become a lifestyle instead of a diet.

    -That your extra skin will hang out

    -And finally, that you still won't recognze your body as different. I'm almost 70 lbs down now and I still don't see a difference in my body :embarassed:
  • uglycrying
    uglycrying Posts: 28 Member
    -I can't guess how my weight loss goes its no pounds for three weeks than 3 all at once and then a pound a week then 2 pounds a week! Nothing makes sense but thats ok its just my body.
    This has been my experience as well.

    1. Patience is key-- if you've been treating your body well and doing the things recommended for (healthy) weight loss, the scale may not immediately move but it eventually does...
    2. People will treat you different/better once you lose weight and this can feel weird and at times, super crappy
    3. Don't buy expensive clothes while you are losing... I have a few nice items I bought along the way that look terrible on me now as I am swimming in them...
    4. If you suffer from low self-esteem or lack body confidence, losing weight won't solve all your problems. It's possible to lose a lot of weight but still feel ****ty about yourself... there is mental work to be done along with the physical.
    5. I can eat the foods I love and still lose weight
    6. The foods you love may change along the way as you make healthier choices
    7. Eating with people who haven't seen you since you started losing can be awkward... this one is probably just me, but there are friends and even family (often people who are still stuck in the "Wah I'm fat but not ready to change" stage) who will pressure you to eat crap you don't want to simply because it makes them feel better to eat it... or they may make negative comments if you decline something ("what, are you not eating now? is that how you lost weight?" accusations of having an eating disorder, etc) or try to make healthier choices etc...
    8. This one may be kind of depressing, but: the body you want isn't always achievable and you may need to adjust your expectations. For awhile, it kind of bummed me out to look at before/after photos as I don't see my body type represented a lot and I realized along the way I may never get that perfectly-in-proportion look or thin thighs, etc that other women can achieve. I'm pear-shaped and a certain amount of weight will always allocate on my thighs/butt before it goes anywhere else. This can be positive though as it lead to me accepting my body shape, as well as seeking out fit body role models who do have my body shape and look great.
    9. You may inspire others to make changes for themselves!
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    Once you reset your eating habits, you come to realize that 1500 cals can be a lot to eat. at 1800 calories I feel like I feast daily

    Oh, so much this! I'm currently eating 2000-2300 per day (after exercise) which is still at least 500 below my maintenance number. I look at all the food I eat each day, notice how satisfied I feel, and wonder how I got fat in the first place?! Well, I KNOW- entire bags of Doritos and $4 worth of Little Debbies at a time.

    You'll discover that you don't even really like some of your "favorites". The first time I had Doritos after abstaining for about 2 months, I almost cried. They were gross, too salty and waaay to much cheesy powder. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy certain junk foods, but not some of the ones that used to be my go-to.

    Working out can make you feel invincible. Having the tiny little ladies in my fitness classes tell me I'm crazy for taking 5 classes per week (they can't handle more than 2!) feels amazing.

    You can be fit, and still be fat.

    Being fit means you can't make excuses anymore! I can't get away with calling for the guys at work to come do the heavy lifting for me anymore!

    There will be times when there just AREN'T any clothes that fit you. One size it baggy and falling off, and the next size down is still uncomfortably tight. You'll learn to live with way too baggy clothes. You'll probably want to do this anyway, as buying new clothes every month gets pricey, even shopping used. You can get an outfit at Goodwill for $10, but you need at least 5 for the work week, unless you're lucky and have onsite laundry. And don't mind doing laundry every couple of days.

    You will have nothing "nice" to wear. I went through my closet this morning and tried on every. single. thing I own. In the pile of things that fit are: work clothes, gym clothes (TONS of these!) two pairs of jeans and approximately 20 hoodies and sweaters. That'll be helpful in June, I'm sure! I just went clothes shopping last week, but guess what I bought? Gym clothes :)

    These may all seem negative, but they're great things! You'll also feel much better. Not only physically (I have TONS more energy, and even though I'm lazy by nature, I CRAVE my workouts), but mentally. I know I still have a long way to go, and I'm still not remotely happy with my body, but it's miles ahead of where I was a even a month ago :)