I just need to vent! Bad influences...

A few months ago I started doing crossfit (and before I get any crossfit haters...I just need something structured so I don't slack off) and I was eating VERY healthy! I got rid of all my belly bloat and was looking good! Then I started having to work 6 days a week for a project at work. I managed to maintain my healthy eating with a few cheats here and there.

The Project has extended and I am now working 7 days a week (just at 70 hours a week) and mix in a move on top of that. I haven't worked out in over 2 weeks and when the project extended food was catered pretty often and because I was too tired to cook at home I ate it.

Now I'm trying to get healthy again and get back to the gym, the project ends in a week. HOWEVER I have a co-worker who is a bad influence. He sets candybars and cupcakes and stuff on my desk after I SPECIFICALLY say I DO NOT WANT ONE! I don't have very good self control when it comes to sweets.

Currently there is a chocolate cupcake with buttercream frosting sitting on the panel that seperates my desk from his and I told him I don't want it but he won't move it! I just don't understand why people won't respect others that are trying to be healthy!

Thanks for the vent....I havent been on here in a long long time and have fallen way off the wagon :(


  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Unless your coworker puts a gun to your head and makes you eat the cupcake or forces it down your throat, you don't have to eat it. I mean, I get wanting to vet, but your self control is your own issue. (It has the word SELF right there in the title!) At the end of the day you're the only one responsible for what goes in your mouth.
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Go put it with the other food. Or log it and eat it if you can fit it into your meal plan. One treat a day shouldn't hurt.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If you don't want it and he says he doesn't want it, throw it away. Maybe then he'll get the hint. He most likely wants you to eat this stuff so he won't feel guilty for eating it himself.

    That said, if it fits your overall calorie/macro target for the day, enjoy an occasional treat...but also know when to put your foot down and don't eat just because you feel pressured.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    If you continue to accept it, he will continue as he's doing. It's a game to him, or possibly even flirting(?)

    You have to take ownership of your actions. You only have as much or as little control as you grant yourself.

    So either eat it and log it, or take it to his workspace, trash it and make it clear that you do not appreciate his game.
  • HellyFaye
    HellyFaye Posts: 202 Member
    Remember what he puts into his body is his businesses, what you put into your body is your business. Your co-worker has no respect for boundaries. Personally, I have to turn down baked goods often because of a gluten allergy. When people do things like insist on placing those "goodie" items on my desk after I've refused...well I discreetly throw them away. If the co-worker asks I just smile and thank them. It's all about your personal choices. He's trying to get someone to be bad with him to excuse or justify his bad eating behavior.

    Stay strong. :)
  • bidimus
    bidimus Posts: 95 Member
    I'll bet he's doing it because of your reaction. Instead thank him for the food then toss it immediately into the garbage bin while he's watching. Once he realizes he won't get a reaction and you won't play the game, he'll stop.
  • Doesntplaynice82
    Doesntplaynice82 Posts: 119 Member
    Unless your coworker puts a gun to your head and makes you eat the cupcake or forces it down your throat, you don't have to eat it. I mean, I get wanting to vet, but your self control is your own issue. (It has the word SELF right there in the title!) At the end of the day you're the only one responsible for what goes in your mouth.

    I know I lack self control...I even said that in my post. I mostly DON'T eat the crap but i'm tired of the disrespect. Its just annoying.

    To everyone else...thank you for your support. Like I said I just need to vent....1 more week of this project then I don't have to work around these people anymore and can get back to where I was!
  • SynDiet13
    SynDiet13 Posts: 10
    At this point I would just tell him to bring you a plain fancy coffee or water see if he is just trying to flirt or something!!! Maybe try some minty mints if he does tempt you w/ sweets.........
  • uglycrying
    uglycrying Posts: 28 Member
    So next time move it for him, to the trash. That will (probably) get him to stop offering.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'm sorry you have a coworker who is inconsiderate of your boundaries.

    That cupcake? Since he refused to move it, pick it up and throw it in the trash can. Do that enough and I guarantee you he won't bring you that stuff anymore.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    yep throw it away....

    in his trash can
  • icanm
    icanm Posts: 33 Member
    Throw! throw! throw!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    If someone put junk on my desk and I were in a nice mood, I would put it in the trash can immediately.
    If I were in a bad mood, I would wait for the right opportunity and throw it at their head.
  • LunaGreen
    LunaGreen Posts: 118 Member
    kick him, hard in the shin... If you really feel disrespected and have gone the "grown up" route of being polite and asking him to stop I would seriously start bringing him healthy, portioned snacks and setting them on his desk all the while blabbing on and on about everything you have learned about eating healthy. He WILL stop fast and you won't have to endure throwing a poor delicious cupcake in the trash. (and it will only cost you a few ounces of carrots or an hard boiled egg, if he tries to play it cool and act as though he's thankful and appreciative bring straight raw kale lol) Also, if he won't eat the snacks you bring it gives you all the more reason not to eat his! Best of luck!
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Find out what food he doesn't like and start bringing it to him and act all offended when he rejects it. That or just toss the cupcake, although I'd hate to waste a perfectly good cupcake with buttercream icing. Yum!
  • cokefloat1
    cokefloat1 Posts: 86 Member
    A lot of people may think that they're just being friendly just like the toddler offering to share their half eaten crisp with you (yuck!)

    Keep politely declining and leave it behind. You don't have to eat the cake! In our office people bring in cakes and other confectionary for birthdays. I find it a personal achievement when I avoid it. Maybe start looking at it from that perspective?
  • Doesntplaynice82
    Doesntplaynice82 Posts: 119 Member
    A lot of people may think that they're just being friendly just like the toddler offering to share their half eaten crisp with you (yuck!)

    Keep politely declining and leave it behind. You don't have to eat the cake! In our office people bring in cakes and other confectionary for birthdays. I find it a personal achievement when I avoid it. Maybe start looking at it from that perspective?

    He isn't being friendly LOL he is doing it to taunt me. I know this for a fact.

    I got rid of it....I just keep thinking only 1 more week until I'm out of this place!!!
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    It's all about freedom of choice
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    1. Collect all the sweets
    2. Sell or trade them
    3. ????????
    4. Profit