working out my confidence

Hi my name is Denise. I started dieting for 3 weeks so far. Recently added some workout. Is being hard counting that i went from eating whatever i felt like eating to 500-700 calories a day counting that im a chef. I starting to see some changes since i already lost 18lbs. Im the type of person who doesnt follow up with my goal. I quit when i get tired so this is starting to be huge challenge for me since i want to prove my friends that weightloss surgery isnt the answer to weightloss.


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    you aren't eating enough! you're going to get hangry!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    And you're gonna keep quitting if you keep starving yourself like that. What are you eating so little for?
  • dranthy
    dranthy Posts: 6
    Im following a diet plan from a doctor. I get pretty full i have to admit. Chew my food a thousand times literaly and drink 16 oz of water right after. At first it was hard.
  • miss_phat_booty
    500-700 calories a day?!?! And a real doctor "prescribed" this to you? That's not good at all.
  • uglycrying
    uglycrying Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome Denise. That doesn't sound like responsible or knowledgeable advice from a doctor... I question it.

    I feel like one mistaken concept people have is that weight loss needs to be miserable and punishing, or that the way you eat to lose weight has to be radically different from how you'd normally eat. It just isn't true. What you are doing sounds miserable and punishing to me. I'm not quite sure where that concept comes from; my first impression of 'diets' was around 12 years old, trying to follow a diet (I think) the National Enquirer recommended that my mom was following at the time... involved lots of grapefruit and black coffee. Pretty funny to look back on, 12 year old trying to get down cups of black of coffee. I digress... anyway, I have been able to lose a significant amount of weight eating in a range of calories, usually 1200-1500 (as a shorter woman) depending on what exercise I've done that day, and I have some maintenance and cheat days as well. Many people here will report similar findings.

    I think everyone has to find their own way. I started out stricter on myself than I had to be initially as well. That changed in time. You shouldn't be going lower than 1200; even 1200 is discouraged here as it's hard to get the proper nutrients and sustenance your body needs from so few calories (that's my understanding)-- especially if you're exercising too.

    Best of luck to you and welcome again. Your current plan may get some criticism but it's well-meaning, nobody here wants to see anyone unnecessarily starve themselves-- I hope you do not find any criticism discouraging. I admire your motivation but I think/hope in time you'll realize that this isn't quite the way and adjust to better provide for your body.