ladybarometer Member


  • A friend of mine has lost weight on it. She's been posting her pics and says she's doing nothing different other than taking the "triplex". She's lost about 20 lbs and 6 inches off of her waist so far in a few months. It's pricy though. If you don't need an extra boost or are not interested in probiotics and such, I'd just…
  • I wouldn’t normally suggest cutting food groups either, but in this case I’m battling a bad relationship with food. I’m a binger, and sweets and bread are my big triggers. If I can get ahold of those cravings, I figure maybe I can get ahold of my control over those things. Maybe I CAN have just one piece of cake or maybe I…
  • Love the Supernatural Cosplay - I just watched that episode last night with the auction LOL!
  • I've been having trouble losing either way, but working out changes my body even when the scale isn't moving at all.
  • I do kickboxing and spinning, baggy clothes really get in the way of both of those (I prefer loose clothing, but not when it's not right for the activity or safe) I'm sure no one is looking at me in particular, but it's still frustrating to feel like I'd have to wear something that makes my particular workout more…
  • Folks who slam down weights or people who gather on/around machines just to hang out and talk. Oh! and when the gym is crowded, and someone reserves a machine while they lift. They leave their stuff on the machines, but are not using it, but they plan to EVENTUALLY. I ask if I can use it and they say no. Those are the same…
  • Procrastination!
  • I don't know if anyone actually answered your questions, but an easy way to watch carbs is to cut out sugar and starch. Depending on how low you wanna go, you can cut starchy veggies (corn, potatoes, ect..) and most fruit. Cutting carbs can mean different things. There are lots of "low carb" food lists if you google to go…
  • I really LOVE Kettle Bell workouts, and other strength/toning stuff when I do videos, so I may go shopping later and see what I can find. I do a lot of cardio, maybe this will help up my fat burning?
  • My work place JUST started a fitness challenge, and gave out perdometers to encourage people to get moving. The perdometers were about $2 and if you shake them, it counts that as steps - hopefully no one else figures that out LOL! We're state funded, so anything extra has been a no - I thought maybe we could at least meet…
  • Nah, the mall isn't very close. I mall walk after work when it's raining though - we have an abandoned mall near our home that's just used for a call center basically.
  • Yes. I actually use my fitbit in there sometimes and walk for about half an hour around the perimeter. It's always tempting to purchase something, and the employees gave me looks when I was in there for a few days in a row so I stopped.
  • I wish I had the money for a standing desk - I tried to prop my computer up on boxes one time, and was told to take it down, and that it looked ridiculous (I had a very RUDE boss in the last position I was in). I don't mind sweat, but the heat just takes the sweaty smell to another level! :s I think I'll give dry shampoo a…
  • Baby wipes are a great idea, and of course the dry shampoo. I'm limited on body sprays, because my office neighbor HATES them (gives her a headache). I don't mind getting a little sweaty ;) My office building is actually pretty small; one story, small loop of a hallway that makes it look silly if I'm walking in circles to…
  • 28!
  • I was going to try it, but the price turned me away from it (over $100 for entire program) I think it may be better to just watch my portions, workout, and save the money. You can buy container sets at any store that will say on the box how much they hold and use those if you need portion control. Also try some of the…
  • Was so tempted to binge on leftover popcorn that I threw the popcorn in the trash and sprayed air freshener on it! Furthermore, I was still tempted to binge on SOMETHING so I had to leave the house! The urges are strong sometimes :(
  • Nutella ;) It makes everything better.
  • I hate (75% of) the MFP community - it's the worst! Innocent people ask for your experience on a specific program, and here come the trolls with zero experience with the program, who apparently know it all. This leaves the innocent folks with their simple questions having to sift through the BS to find real answers from…
  • I like working out in the morning, because I don't have to worry about it after work that way. It does require me to get to the gym at 5:30am, but once I'm finished I feel good and energetic for the day. I don't always feel like working out after work, and a lot of times things will pop up that prevent me from doing so.
  • Like others said, go see a doctor. Even is starvation mode was a real thing that kept us from losing at all on very low cal diets, I don't think you suddenly went into it and gained the weight. You shouldn't be gaining at all on 750 calories a day. If it isn't medical, than I believe you are underestimating your calories.…
  • It's a place with steak burgers, and a big variety of milk shake flavors. It's really good. They have other things of course - I rarely get a burger. I love their grilled chicken melt and the hot dogs.
  • I tried to watch it. Not only was it scary to me, but I feel like it would be an easy place to get to if you didn't get things under control as soon as you admitted that you have a problem with addiction to food. From what I've seen, those folks are surrounded with unsupportive family and friends, and deep psychological…
  • Some people say a fasted workout is better, and that usually happens in the morning. Even if I workout in the morning (my morning is 6am) I'm going to eat SOMETHING, or I'll pass out. I love doing spin class in the morning, so I can't just do that on an empty stomach.
  • Sandwich bags are my best friend. I count out carrots, pretzels, cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, ect... and put them in baggies for my snacks at work. I dip everything in hummus! Mmmmm.... I'm not a breakfast person so the snacks do until I have lunch. I either make a sandwich on wheat or measure out salad greens (a lot…
  • When I first started really getting back in the gym a few years ago, my in law accused me of losing weight for attention. Her son/my ex was not a good person, abusive, and was always lying to me and everyone around him. Because he didn't want me away for too long, he would tell lies about where I was and even say I kept my…
  • ALL Milkshakes! I love them, but man!! Most nuts are not worth the calories too me. Snack cakes or other pre-packaged baked goods. Most dinner rolls (I can find other things on a menu to spend my calories on) Ice cream, which I love but totally not worth it based on the tiny serving size. Sugary sodas Peanut butter (even…
  • First thing I'd check - Are you logging cooking oils, butter, and other things like that? When I stop losing, I look at that (I normally don't log cooking oil, but that's it) Secondly - are you eating back your exerise calories? There was a MFP article a while back that our regular 30-60 minute workouts are great, but the…